When receiving contraceptives "Dimiya" there is no monthly - the norm or an excuse for panic attacks?1

Dimiya is one of the last contraceptive drugs intended for women with signs of hyperandrogenemia. This is an analog of Yarina with a reduced concentration of estrogens in each tablet. Dimia is a monophasic oral contraceptive, which means that the content of hormones in each serving is the same, with the exception of dummies( placebo).

But the functioning of the reproductive system of a woman occurs according to cyclic regimes. That's why often with the use of tablets there are violations of the cycle. What should I do if there are no monthly ones when taking Dimia, when should I see a doctor?


  • 1 Reasons for not having menstruation
    • 1.1 In the first month of taking
    • 1.2 No dummy tablets taken
    • 1.3 The cycle
    • 1.4 was lost The complete withdrawal of the drug
    • 1.5 No monthly on taking placebo
    • 1.6 Ovarian depletion
    • 1.7 Pregnancy
  • 2 Why can bleeding start
  • 3 What to do

Causes of absence of menstruation

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Ideally, when taking birth control pills, no problems and questions the girl should not arise. But in practice it is necessary to face the opposite: often there are various cycle failures, ranging from an ointment and to the absence of menstruation for several months.

In the first month of taking

, Dimia, like most popular contraceptive pills, is a monophasic contraceptive. This has its pros and cons. Advantages are that due to the low concentration of hormones in each pill, the incidence of side effects is lower. But the body of a woman from the moment of puberty functions cyclically, it is thanks to these processes that the growth and maturation of the follicles, the release of the egg, occurs. At each minute, the level of hormones fluctuates in one direction or another. Therefore, it is so difficult to treat any violations of their output.

Taking Dimiya, the woman's body gets into new conditions, when the same dose of the hormone comes in daily. This inhibits the ovarian function. And for some time, getting used to the new regime. At someone it flows without a trace, while others note that when taking Dimia there are no monthly ones.

Such a pattern can develop in two cases:

Do not take pills-pacifiers

Often girls want to change the length of their menstrual cycle. This can be done if you do not drink all the placebo pills or even skip them. In this case, menstruation also will not occur until a placebo is taken.

The cycle

has lost. It should be noted that menstruation-like bleeding occurs only for the abolition of the drug. But some girls noticed that, against the background of the use of Dimia, menstruation started earlier than all active pills were finished. This is allowed.

It also happens that women for some reason do not finish part of the package, after which they begin to smear. The beginning of such selections should be considered the first day of a new cycle. Not knowing this, the girls are waiting for the next monthly on the "old" schedule, and worry when they are not.

Menstrual cycle OK

After complete withdrawal of the drug

Completing the packaging and deciding not to drink hormonal pills anymore, many think that the cycle will continue to be regular. However, this does not always happen. Own hormonal background is restored within 2 - 4 months, sometimes up to half a year. During this time, various malfunctions may occur.

Often after the abolition of Dimia, there are no monthly ones for several months. This happens in the following cases:

  • If the woman has irregular menstruation before the appointment of hormonal drugs. After taking the pill, the effect is fixed only for the period of treatment, maximum for a month or two after the drug is discontinued. Then your own hormonal background is restored with the same impairments that were before.
  • If a woman takes birth control for several years. The longer this method of contraception is used, the more difficult it is for the ovaries to restore their function. The same applies to age: in young girls, the cycle normalizes faster. You can meet with the fact that there are no monthly ones for 3-6 months, sometimes longer. In such situations, it is always necessary to contact the gynecologist and be observed with it until menstruation is restored. Sometimes you have to prescribe an additional treatment.

No monthly treatment with placebo

Some girls think that as soon as the active tablets in the package are finished and the placebo is started, they should go on a monthly basis. And when they do not have a day or two or even three, they begin to worry. It is assumed that menstruation will go for a week after the last active tablet. In this case, you should not worry, and after taking a placebo, you should immediately go to the new package. Each girl should know the basic situation on the background of taking Dimia, when the monthly should begin to be normal. So you can avoid unnecessary anxiety.

Ovarian depletion

Sometimes, when hormonal drugs are taken, complete suppression of the ovaries' own function occurs, and their depletion is noted. The risk of similar increases with the following points:

  • with prolonged continuous intake of hormonal tablets;
  • if the woman is more than 35 years old;
  • in the case when previously performed operations on the ovaries;
  • if it's a multi-robed woman.
With these risk factors, special attention should be given to restoring menstruation. And if this does not happen within two months after discontinuation of the drug, you need to see a doctor in the near future.


Hormonal contraceptives are one of the most effective methods of preventing pregnancy. However, to achieve this effect, you must strictly follow the rules for taking tablets. If you miss even one, the probability of an unplanned conception increases. Therefore, in all situations, when against the background of taking oral contraceptives there is no monthly term, pregnancy should be excluded. You can do this using a normal urinary test. But it is better and more reliable - blood test for HCG, which shows a real 100% result already from 10 days after fertilization, if it occurred.

In case, when the use of Dimia monthly does not stop, also first of all it is necessary to exclude pregnancy, especially if the schedule of taking tablets is violated.

Look at the video about hormonal contraception:

Why bleeding can begin

Monthly for Dimia tablets in most cases regular, uninvigorated, almost painless. They can even get a smearing character. But it happens that there are breakthrough bleeding or very profuse menstruation. What is the reason for this? There are several reasons for this:

  • After the abolition of Dimia, strong menstrual periods can be in the second or third month, when the body is completely restored from synthetic hormones. This is especially true if a woman was disturbed by heavy menstruation prior to the tablets.
  • If a girl passes pacifier tablets several times in a row to remove critical days, then at any time she may have a breakthrough bleeding. This is due to the fact that the endometrium is constantly growing under the influence of estrogens and gestagens, but is not rejected - for this it is necessary to sharply reduce their level, for example, stop drinking or replace with a placebo. In the end, it is so wide that it happens to be removed by itself, manifested by heavy bleeding. And even a single pass of placebo increases the risk of smearing and even copious excretions in addition to critical days.
  • In the case when Dimiya is not appointed according to the indications, and the woman may lack the dose of the hormone. In this case, the bleeding will be uncritical.
  • If the girl missed more than two tablets, then the risk of developing abundant secretions in her for the next five days increases dramatically. This is menstrual bleeding. In such a situation it is better to stop taking the old pack and start the next one after a four-day break.
  • In the first month of admission, if the use of tablets is initiated after childbirth or abortion at any time, breakthrough bleeding also occurs. As a rule, all violations take place on the second or third month of admission.

What to do

What to do if the monthly after receiving Dimia did not come on time? The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • For reliability and reliability, a urine test for pregnancy should be made first. But even better to pass a blood test for HCG, it shows a reliable result already from the 10th day after fertilization, if it occurred. If all signs indicate pregnancy, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor.
  • If there are no menses for a couple of days after active pills, you should not worry, most likely they will go in a few days. Allowed up to a week.
  • In the event that menstruation did not come in a month, especially at the beginning of admission, and there are no signs of pregnancy, it is most likely an adaptation of the body to synthetic sex hormones. Continue reception strictly according to the instructions. The absence of bloody discharge for more than 2 - 3 cycles is an important reason for contacting a doctor. Most likely, hormone drugs will have to be canceled for a while to restore the function of the ovaries.
  • If menstruation does not come with the passage of tablets-placebo, it should be. But when, after the complete cancellation of Dimia, the delay of the menstrual period is more than three months, especially in women after 35 years of age, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is a possibility that the stock of ovaries is depleted. In such situations, you sometimes have to take hormone replacement therapy before the age of menopause.

We recommend reading the article on menstruation when you receive Jess. From it you will learn about the effect of the drug and the features of its administration, the effect of tablets on the monthly, the probability of becoming pregnant with the use of Jess.

Dimiya is one of the most popular and modern contraceptives, an analog of Yarin. With its help it is possible to carry out not only protection from pregnancy, but also treatment - it possesses antiandrogenic and mineralocorticoid effect. Against the background of taking the drug, there may be various violations of the menstrual cycle, especially if there were errors in the application.

It happens that after Dimiya there are no more than one month's cycles, or there are various types of smearing, and sometimes abundant spotting. When any disorders occur, only a specialist can establish the true cause and prescribe an effective and safe treatment for a woman.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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