The drug is a bovine uterus with monthly

The menstrual process is dependent on any intervention. These can be considered not only taken by women drugs, but also drugs based on medicinal plants. The hog queen with the monthly can affect them in different ways. The degree and characteristics of its impact depend on the initial indicators of women's health.


  • 1 What is the borax uterus
  • 2 The role of the plant in the regulation of the cycle
  • 3 How to treat the borage uterus with scanty discharge
  • 4 Abundant menstruation and borrow uterus
    • 4.1 With endometriosis
    • 4.2 With myomas
  • 5 Probable reaction after phytotherapy
  • 6 Borovaja uterka for young girls
  • 7 Forwhat else is needed for the plant

What is the borax uterus

The name of the medicinal herb speaks for itself. Means based on the bovine uterus are successfully used in the therapy of many gynecological ailments, including infertility. Grass has in the composition of undoubtedly useful components, but there are also those in it that can damage health with incorrect or too active application. This difference is determined by how the boron uterus affects the menstrual period. In general, the plant has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antibacterial properties. In addition, it is proved that it actively fights against tumors in the genital area.

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The role of the plant in regulating the cycle

The menstrual cycle is able to shift for various reasons. In any case, it is impossible to leave it as it is, since delays can be manifestations of a disease that progresses without treatment. The hysterectomy causes monthly, due to the available in the composition:

  • Coumarins. These substances significantly reduce the ability of blood to coagulate. Capillaries of the endometrium, which directly participates in menstruation, overflow, burst. This accelerates the arrival of menstruation;
  • Flavonoids. They have antioxidant qualities, prevent inflammation developing in the reproductive system. If it is the cause of the delay, the bovine uterus with irregular monthly help will help them to arrive on time.

The recipe for preparation of the composition on its basis in the circumstances is as follows: 1 tbsp.dried and chopped plants pour 200 ml of boiling water and soak in a water bath for 20 minutes. After removing from the fire, the product is insisted for at least 3 hours. Then the liquid is set and taken 1 tbsp.4 times a day.

Borovaja uterus at a delay of monthly it is necessary to the use about 20 days. If menstruation occurs while taking the medication, you should take a break and continue to drink it after it is finished.

Some women record that their bovine uterus caused early menstruation. Especially often this happens when taking the remedy on the luteinic stage of the cycle. Available in the composition of coumarins and flavonoids accelerate the growth of the female sex cell and endometrium. A woman can first have an anointment from the genital tract, then a normal menstruation.

How to treat a boric uterus with scant allocation

Another symptom of a malfunction in the sexual sphere of a woman is scanty menstruation. The reasons for the small amount of secretions vary from hormonal problems to serious problems with reproductive organs. However, all this is interconnected, one often follows from the other.

The boron uterus with scanty menstruation is effective due to its blood-thinning qualities. The composition on its basis prevents the progression of inflammation, which can be the fault of hypomenorrhea. In most cases, their reception is recommended only on other days of the cycle. But this is precisely the circumstance, when in its beginning a bovine uterus is needed, it can be taken at monthly intervals of 1 tbsp.2 times a day her broth.

The recipe is:

  • 25 g. Dry, finely chopped raw materials;
  • 250 ml.boiling water.

The liquid is held for 4 hours in a thermos or wrapped in a kerchief. Accept after percolation.

Strengthen the allocation of the plant can due to the property to dilute not only the blood, but also the production of the vagina, as well as the cervix. In addition, it increases the contractile capacity of the uterus, which also leads to a normalization of the volume of menstruation. Though it can cause and strengthening of painful sensations.

The uterus during the months can "wake up" the ovaries. Therefore, it is prescribed for their dysfunctions of a different nature. They are in many cases provoke hypomenorrhea.

The scarcity of excreta is just one of the reasons why the hog uterus is used, the application with monthly ones in these circumstances is justified and necessary. But with other characteristics of the secretions in this section of the cycle, the grass should be avoided.

Some people feel that with the use of such a seemingly curative remedy, like a bovine uterus, the months have become painful. This is caused by exacerbation of existing gynecological ailments. If the pain is severe, you should stop taking it or postpone it until the symptoms calmed down. But many who have lowered the dosage of the drug, claim that in the next cycle of such sensations were not. That is, it is possible that the painfulness of menstruation shows the adaptation of the body to the medicine.

Abundant menstruation and borrow uterus

The bumpy womb with is plentiful monthly, however unusual it may seem, also it is used very effectively. Despite the property to enhance the secretion, the herb helps to regulate the work of the parts of the body, on which their number depends.

With endometriosis

A frequent cause of intensive discharge during menstruation is endometriosis, that is, the appearance of cells of the outer layer of the uterine mucosa in other parts of the reproductive system. On critical days, the amount of mucus increases, as the detached tissues become larger. Uterus borovaya with abundant period, formed with an ailment, reduces the foci of endometriosis, due to which the discharge normalizes. From the grass make a tincture on 90-degree alcohol or vodka. For 0.5 liter.liquids take 60 g of grass, join and keep under cover in a dark room for 14 days. Use 1 tsp.three times a day for 3 cycles. But with such a diagnosis, the bovine uterus in intensive menstruation should be taken with a break for these days. Otherwise, there is a possibility of increased bleeding. In the remaining days on the vessels of the endometrium is beneficially affected by vitamin C, which in the leaves is a significant amount.

With mydoma

Myoma formations in different parts of the uterus also cause an increase in menstrual mucus. They are the culprits of bleeding in the intervals between critical days.

Boron uterus with a strong monthly in this case will help reduce not only the intensity of secretions, but also the associated painful sensations. Thanks to the copper, manganese, zinc and titanium contained in the plant, the activity of the benign tumor cells decreases, but the body's immune defense increases. However, because of the available in the grass arbutin, which is phenol, there is a risk of degeneration of the tumor into a malignant one. Therefore, the period of use of alcohol tincture is limited to 3 cycles of 3 weeks. Each step should be followed by a 7-day break. Daily intake of 30 drops in the morning and evening after eating. The hog queen after monthly for this diagnosis will be more effective, and a mandatory break should come just on critical days.

Probable reaction after herbal medicine

The herb has such strong properties that it continues to show an effect on the body after the end of the intake. Of great importance is the length of the cycle in which the treatment is taking place. If a woman after a month's drank boron, as shown with most of the gynecological ailments, severe consequences it does not threaten.

However, for some, the response may be unpredictable. It's not just about a possible allergy, which is also not excluded. The consequences of taking the herb can be as follows:

  • After the borage, the delay is monthly. This is possible because of its antibacterial effect. The reaction of the reproductive system is similar to what happens after taking antibiotics. The only difference is that this delay is shorter in time, but it can repeat in the next cycle;
  • After the hog uterus, menstruation started earlier. A similar option is also possible. It stimulates the production of sex hormones. This is especially evident in individuals who did not already know the problems with them, but used boron to get rid of diseases of the digestive tract or breast. In the latter case, hormones are already so elevated, and the grass even more stimulates their production;
  • After borovy uterus, scanty menstruation. This is caused by a decrease in the production of female hormones, which can cause the plant. Lack of substances gives a chance to "rest" the endometrium, which in the middle of the cycle when receiving the boron uterus thickens slightly. An additional reason is the presence in the grass of organic acids, which make the walls of the capillaries more elastic. In the secretions, due to this, less inclusions of blood.
  • After taking the hog uterus, there are no monthly ones. If, in addition, there is weakness, mild nausea, it is worth checking to see if there is any pregnancy. Some women succeed in conception at the first stage of plant intake, so qualitatively it restores the hormonal background.

Borovaja uterka for young girls

The hormonal background in the first 12-24 months after the appearance of menstruation is very unstable. This is manifested by rashes on the skin, abrupt changes in mood, and most importantly - delays in critical days or unexpected appearance before the deadline. Correcting this hormonal means, the girl creates the danger of "attaching" to them the reproductive system, after which she refuses to function independently, without them. The smallest evil will be the boron uterus for the regulation of menstruation in adolescents. But also it should be prescribed by a doctor, since in some cases with problems with menstruation you only need to wait and adhere to a normal diet, a combination of rest and work. If it is decided to use the bovine uterus, it is important to observe the dosage and correctly prepare the remedy. For him, take 15 g dry plant and 150 ml.boiling water. Connecting the components, they are kept for 15 minutes in a water bath, then immediately filter. Take such a composition of 1 tbsp.3 times a day.

What else is needed for the

plant? The bovine uterus, whose treatment helps to restore the cycle, is used in therapy:

  • Polycystosis. Composition of 1 tbsp.grass and 1 cup of boiling water, cooked in a 15-minute water bath and soaked for 3 hours, drink 4 times a day. Therapy will give results in a year;
  • Spikes, if they are not running.1 tbsp.alcoholic infusion is dissolved in a doubled volume of water and taken three times a day. Supplement treatment is douching;
  • Inflammation of fallopian tubes. Use alcohol tincture in a volume of 40 drops 3 times a day. It is allowed to drink them with a sip of water;
  • Mastopathy. The most efficient is the hog queen, prepared for alcohol. At one dose, 10 drops of the drug will suffice, and in just one day it will be drunk three times.

The hog queen has long been known as an element of folk medicine. But do not use it without doctor's permission, especially on critical days. It is necessary to know with what medicines it is permissible to combine grass, exclude side reactions and take into account its toxicity.

Before using any medications, you should consult a physician specialist. There are contraindications!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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