Pain in lower back with monthly

Menstruation is supplemented by a multitude of symptoms, not just secretions. Some of them women can not explain to themselves. What, for example, should one think if the lumbar region hurts during menstruation? And for someone, the sensations are strong enough, they are noted before the critical days and at their conclusion.

Contents of

  • 1 Why does the pain in the back disturb the menstruation
    • 1.1 Misfortune as the cause of premenstrual pain in the area of ​​the sacrum
  • 2 Lumbar pain in critical days
    • 2.1 Diagnosis leading to low back pain when menstruating
    • 2.2 Pain at delay
  • 3 How to get rid of pain

Why does the pain in the back disturb

before menstruation? Some people notice deterioration of well-being before the menstrual period. Obviously, this is evident in young girls who have recently experienced that such a regular update of the mucous uterus. More often they are wondering if the lumbar can hurt before the menstrual period.

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This manifestation can be caused by natural causes and pathological. The main for the occurrence of pain in this area before the critical days is the composition of hormones. In the second phase of the cycle, progesterone predominates in the body, which does not allow the production of sufficient substances to reduce it. And if the lumbar pains before monthly, the reasons of a natural nature can consist in the following:

  • Puffiness. A change in the water-salt balance leads to an excess of fluid in the tissues, their swelling, stretching in size and mutual pressure of the organs. The uterus with appendages, the bladder, and consequently, the lower part of the back, suffer more;
  • Preparation of the body for the renewal of the mucous membrane. The uterus begins to shrink a little, tuning in to release from its old layer. The musculature of the organ is then compressed, then stretched, which occurs with the participation of nerve endings. Therefore, before the menstrual back pain, but these sensations are rather weak. However, they may depend on the ability to carry them. At a low pain threshold, a woman suffers a noticeable discomfort;
  • The presence of a spiral in the uterus. This is the optimal method for many people not to allow pregnancy, but the IUD is a foreign object. And even when it is set correctly, before the menstruation can remind of the presence of pain;
  • The effect of progesterone on the intestines. In many before menstruation in the number of manifestations of PMS there is increased gas formation, diarrhea. As a result, after repeated visits to the toilet, the rectum may hurt. And the sensations will manifest in the lower back and coccyx.

Misfortune as a cause of premenstrual pain in the area of ​​the sacrum

Sometimes it is necessary to explain why the lumbar pain hurts before the menstrual period. It is worthwhile to guard oneself with those who had not seen this before, but suddenly the syndrome appeared. Call it can gynecological pathologies, diseases of the bladder, kidney. In the premenstrual period, immunity decreases, so do not be surprised at the exacerbation or debut:

  • Inflammations or infections. The abnormal chemical reactions in the uterus irritate the nerve parts, which in combination with the aforementioned signs of PMS can cause pain in the lower back;
  • Hormonal disorder. Imbalance of substances affects the condition of the genital organs, provoking disturbances in cellular metabolism, malfunctioning of the CNS.It responds on the nerve endings, they "wake up".The most common cause for sensation is thyroid disease;
  • Tumors of the reproductive organs. Excessive growth of tissues in this part of the body leads to their mutual squeezing;
  • Ectopic pregnancy. When a week before menstrual lumbar pains, do not give rest general malaise, nausea, there is reason to suspect that some time ago the fetal egg was fixed not where it should be.

Lumbar pain in critical days

Even more issues can occur when the described problem occurs directly in critical days. Why during the menstrual lumbar pain, can also be explained in different ways:

  • Special location of the uterus. Some have a slightly curved back, which provides a more active effect on the nerve roots;
  • Uterine contractions. Sex hormones that keep the body at rest, at this stage of the cycle, remain at a low level. Seeking to cleanse itself of the obsolete layer of the mucosa, the uterus contracts, irritating the nerve endings;
  • Violation of the water-salt balance. It provokes an increase in body weight. And although the increase is not more than 1-2 kg, the lower back is able to respond to it by the appearance of the syndrome. Because the pressure on this part of the spine and muscle has become greater.

Diagnosis leading to low back pain when menstruating

When the lumbar region hurts with menstruation, the reasons are sometimes more serious than the usual change in the composition of hormones:

  • Venereal infections, inflammations of different origin. They let know about themselves not only with pain in the lower back, a strange smell of secretion is possible;
  • Endometriosis. Abnormal proliferation of cells of the uterine mucosa often leads to their localization on its outer shell, rectum. Naturally, it will be found out how the lumbar region is painfully strong with the menstrual period, and the amount of secretions will increase;
  • Adhesions in the uterine cavity. They arise after organ diseases, prevent the excretion of excreta, which provokes the syndrome.

Pains at a delay

Even greater alarm is caused by the fact that the delay of the monthly is combined, the loin hurts. The most pleasant reason may be pregnancy. When the pain is pulling, weak, it bothers periodically, most likely the fetus develops in the uterus, and everything goes right. It will be necessary to check the presence of pregnancy several times.

Another thing, if there is a delay in menstruation, the test is negative, the loin hurts. Here, probably finding one of the pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the ovary. It manifests itself against the background of a hormonal disorder that provokes a delay. And pain is a reaction to the pathological process. He may show up in the side, but the lumbar region will respond;Polycystic ovary. The disease causes hormonal disorder, that is, the delay of menstruation with it is quite possible. Cysts create an abnormally increased volume of tissues, which increases the pressure in this zone, hence the pain syndrome;
  • Endometritis. If the abdomen and lower back ache, but there are no menstruation, the inflammation of the mucous coating of the uterus is probably guilty. In acute form, these symptoms are worried;
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tube. With it, the pain will be at the bottom of the back because of the location of the affected organ;
  • of Vaginitis. Inflammation of the vagina, especially its posterior wall, leads not only to pain, but also to changes, accompanied by burning sensations.

Any of the pathological conditions described here, as well as the ovarian cyst, the reproductive tumor, cervicitis and vulvitis lead to a lower abdomen and lower back after months. Signs that are in full health should stop, remain.

Listening to yourself and thinking about what they are caused by, it is important to pay attention not only to the period in which everything happens, but also the intensity of the symptom. If the sensations are weak, most likely, they are caused by natural causes. But when the back is badly hurt, it is worth exploring, and not guessing that this has served. Many of the syndrome-provoking pathologies are better treated at an early stage.

We recommend reading an article about abdominal pain during menstruation. You will learn about the causes of discomfort and illness of its causing, ways to eliminate painful sensations.

How to get rid of pain

For those who have a lumbar period with menstruation, what to do is the most important problem. It is clear that the first measures are aimed at eliminating the cause.

If this is a malaise, it is worth to get rid of it or at least to remove the acute condition, the sensations are normalized.

When they are guilty of PMS or the natural level of hormones, you can cope as follows:

  • Reduce the amount of salt used before menstruation and then;
  • Lie in a comfortable pose, providing comfort and warmth to the back;
  • Take an antispasmodic( for this purpose, fit No-Shpa, Papaverin, Baralgin).
When the lumbar pains especially at monthly, the culprits of this are many, including those unrelated to the reproductive system. The period exacerbates other pathologies: osteochondrosis, radiculitis.

Very often women do not shy from lifting the weight in the "red" days, for which the body takes revenge on pain. But upon their completion it is worth to go to the doctor to make sure of your own health.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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