Receiving OK "Lindinet" with monthly

Many young girls use oral contraceptives for the purpose of protection. It is convenient, reliable, and in addition so also it is possible to treat some pathological conditions. But on any hormonal means the body responds in its own way: there are also delays, spotting, mood changes, and also some other signs.

Lindentet 20 and 30 - one of the first contraceptive drugs, are still actively used for treatment and for the purpose of preventing pregnancy. How to apply the pills correctly, what are the features of the medication? What if, taking LINDINET, with the menstruation continue to harass the old symptoms?


  • 1 Admission rules
    • 1.1 Standard admission scheme
    • 1.2 If Lindineth starts drinking after others OK
    • 1.3 After abortion
    • 1.4 If the time for taking tablets is disrupted
  • 2 Effect on cycle
    • 2.1 Acceptance rate for tablets
    • 2.2 Elongationcycle
    • 2.3 Cycle reduction
    • 2.4 Undesirable cycle changes
  • 3 Can I get pregnant while receiving
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Rules for taking

Lindineth is a combined oral contraceptive,tory contains estrogen and progestin components. The package contains 21 tablets for daily use. This is a monophasic preparation, which means that each capsule contains the same amount of active substances. The most suitable is Lindineth for young active girls who do not have excess body weight and pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

Standard regimen for

administration Under normal conditions, Lindineth should be taken at the time when any spotting from the genital tract appears. At a fixed time, daily take a tablet for 21 days. After that, you need to take a break for seven days. At this time, a woman will have menstrual-like discharge from the genital tract. The first capsule from the next package should be drunk on the 8th day( they coincide with the day of the week of taking the pill from the previous pack).

If Lindineth starts drinking after the other OK

In this case, the first tablet should be drunk from the package as soon as other contraceptive methods are completed. It is possible that the spotting will begin, but they may not be. This must also be done when removing the contraceptive ring, plaster, etc.

If a woman goes to Lindineth-20 or 30 after taking progestin drugs( mini-drank), then you can start using these tablets on any day of the cycle.

After termination of pregnancy

In the case of a medical surgical abortion before 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can start taking Lindineth from the same or the next day. There is no need to wait for the next critical days to come. In this case, taking Lindineth, the meager monthly in the next cycle is the absolute norm.

If termination of pregnancy occurred after 12 weeks, and after childbirth, Lindineth can be used after the 28-day break. And even with proper application, it is necessary to apply the first seven days of additional protection against unwanted pregnancy.

If the intake time of tablets

is disrupted It happens that a woman forgets to drink a tablet at the specified time. It is important, what a break happened.

If more than 12 hours have passed, then you should take the medicine immediately upon detection. The next tablet is on schedule.

If more than 12 hours have passed, then there is no sense in drinking the missed pill, it's just necessary to skip it, and start with the next one on schedule. But in this case the risk of pregnancy increases, therefore it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception within seven days.

If at the time the tablet was missing, 6 - 7 pieces remain in the package, then immediately after the end of this pack it is necessary to start a new one without interruption. Monthly with the reception of Lindineth in this mode will be in 50 - 60 days, but the probability of smearing excretions during the whole time is not excluded.

If a woman misses two tablets, then you should act, as in the previous case. If three, it is better to discard the current packaging, start a new one or stop drinking hormonal preparations altogether. In the first week after such a violation of the schedule, additional methods of protection from pregnancy should be used.

Look at the video on the use of hormonal contraception:

Effect on the

cycle Lindineth refers to combined monophasic contraceptives. This determines its effect on the menstrual cycle. There are two versions of the drug that differ in the dose of the estrogen component - 0.02 and 0.03 mg. This also affects the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Norm when taking tablets

Ideally, a regular reception of Lindineth should normalize a woman's menstrual cycle to a duration of 28 to 30 days. Against the background of using the drug, the amount of monthly lost blood decreases.

The main characteristics of menstruation on the background of taking Lindineth with a successful prescription of the drug:

  • Scant allocation, sometimes of smearing character. If previously there were very abundant periods, then using the tablets significantly reduces the amount of menstrual blood.
  • Pains are rare and short-lived, the use of analgesics is not required.
  • Duration of menstruation is often 2 - 3 days, less often - 4 - 5. Up to 7 days may be disturbed by a minor daub.
  • Cycle is regular, premenstrual symptoms are absent or mild.

Application Lindineth reduces or virtually relieves pain syndrome on the eve and during menstruation. This contraceptive, normalizing the hormonal background of a woman, reduces the likelihood of developing functional cysts.

In most cases, menstruation after withdrawal of Lyndyneth acquires previously existing unpleasant symptoms within 3 to 4 cycles.

Lengthening the cycle

Sometimes, for some reason, a woman needs to lengthen the menstrual cycle. This can be achieved with the help of Lindineth. But you need to think about this at least 30 to 40 days. To increase the cycle to 50 - 60 days, do not take a break in the reception between the two packages. Then in one of the cycles of the monthly just will not, they will go after the end of the second pack. Rarely, but still it happens that in the days of the supposed monthly there may be a minor daub.

Shortening the cycle

If you need to move the beginning or end of the next cycle for a few days, you should take a break not seven, but less than 24 hours( exactly how long you want to change).This, accordingly, can be done only a month in advance.

Undesirable changes in the

cycle. Not always everything goes smoothly against the background of taking birth control pills. It happens that after Lindineth, "monthly" starts in the middle of the cycle, or they do not exist at all. Indeed, monophasic drugs are quite hard on the woman's body. After all, the normal level of hormones constantly fluctuates, and in tablets a strictly fixed dose. Within a few months, the body adapts to the new regimen, which sometimes manifests itself in various kinds of secretions and symptoms.

The most frequent violations are as follows:

  • After taking the first tablet, the monthly stop or become unusually meager. This occurs often, as a rule, and in the future, menstruation will not be plentiful or prolonged.
  • Appear spotting irregular spotting from the genital tract. This may continue for a month or even two. In most cases, nothing should be done, the cycle will be established independently through time. But sometimes the dose of a hormone in a preparation, in particular, if the girl accepts Lindinet-20 can not suffice.

In this situation, the transition to 0.03 mg of estrogen will solve the whole problem. Spotting can be associated with a mismatch between the biological rhythms of a woman and the time of taking the tablets. To exclude this factor, you should change the schedule, for example, from morning to evening or vice versa. Often this helps the body to adapt more quickly.

  • The packaging was drunk, and the monthly ones came only on the 5th - 6th day of the break. This is normal phenomenon. It is assumed that menstruation begins on one of the days, not necessarily the first.
  • If you do not come monthly after Lindineth, when after the receipt of the entire package, the next one is started. This also happens, it is not necessary to panic if all the rules of use are observed. Monthly will go in the next cycle, for some reason this month the body has not managed to adapt. But in case when critical days are delayed up to 50 - 60 days from the previous ones, it is necessary to pass a survey with specialists. Perhaps, there will be a need to make some adjustments to the reception.

Can I get pregnant while taking

? Even with contraceptives, everyone is worried about the question whether the method is as reliable as described. Indeed, if there is no monthly period after Lindineth, it is worth thinking about pregnancy, especially in some cases. These include the following:

  • Skipping reception of tablets, especially if the break is more than 12 hours or several pieces at once. Also, the effectiveness of contraceptives is reduced if the instructions for use are broken several times in one cycle.
  • If one of the days of admission a girl had nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, as well as any digestive disorders that could lead to incomplete absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If during taking pills for health reasons the girl took other medicines. Especially it concerns antibiotics( ampicillin, rifampicin and others), some laxatives( senna extract), antifungal( fluconazole, etc.), certain herbal medicines( for example, St. John's wort).Therefore, if necessary, the treatment should carefully examine the interaction of funds and their influence on each other, and even better during the entire therapy and seven days after its completion, use additional contraception.

In order not to get into an uncomfortable position and not to cause harm to one's health, you should carefully study the instruction before starting taking the drug and act according to it in emergency situations. And if you have any incomprehensibility, you should consult a doctor.

We recommend that you read an article about menstruation when taking birth control pills. From it you will learn about the effect of contraception, the use of daily and emergency protection, the characteristics of menstruation in the prevention.

Lindineth is a combined monophasic contraceptive that exists in two variations-0.02 and 0.03 mg of the estrogen component. Suitable for young and active girls. In compliance with the rules of application it helps to achieve almost 100% protection against pregnancy. Happens against the background of taking Lindineth delay in menstruation, spotting discharge, and also some other failures. In most cases, the menstrual cycle is normalized within 2 to 3 months. In case of doubt, contact your doctor.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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