Unpleasant disease of the eyelids - demodicosis

When the eyes are constantly tired, you feel itchy in the eyelids, and after a night's sleep notice sticky crusts or mucus on the eyelids, most likely, you have a demodectic disease. Call his mites Demodex.

Such ticks are conditionally pathogenic organisms, which in small numbers can exist on the body, in particular on the face of a healthy person, without delivering any problems to him.

However, if a person is depressed immunity, the number of mites increases dramatically and demodicosis develops.

    • 1. Causes of the disease
    • 2. Symptoms of the disease
    • 3. Treatment of the disease
    • 4. Prevention
    • 5. Prognosis

Ciliated mites live mainly in sweat and sebaceous glands. They are of microscopic size from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm. In general, mites feed on dead cells and do not pose a threat to the body, but their products are vital allergens.

They can cause rosacea, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis( demodicosis of the eyes), seborrhea. Ticks penetrate into the hair follicles and pores of human skin, live in them and multiply. Males die immediately after fertilization, and females, gnawing through long courses, lay eggs in them. Outside the human body, mites do not multiply.

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Ciliated mites for a long time live in cosmetic creams, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil. Destructive for them are tar, chloroform, ether, carbolic acid, creosol.

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Causes of the disease

Like any parasite, mites with a man are in carrier relations, while their quantity is regulated by the host-human immunity mechanisms. If under the influence of some factors the immunity decreases, then demodecosis appears.

In this case,

  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • diseases of the vascular system,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • disorders in metabolism( for example, diabetes mellitus),
  • of the gastrointestinal tract can influence the decrease of immunity. External factors triggering demodicosis are:
    • sun exposure,
    • adverse external factors( household and professional),
    • eye surgery,
    • exposure to high temperatures( so often demodicosis develops in the spring and summer).

    When the temperature is raised to 30-40 °, the mites are especially active, so that they can be provoked in a hot bath, a prolonged presence in a hot, stuffy room, etc., to provoke their reproduction.

    Sex and age do not affect the development of the disease. Demodecosis can occur in men and women. More than half the people on the face are found ticks Demodex, but the disease does not develop in all. Normally, there may be 1 tick on 6 eyelashes, in case of illness - 3-4 mites.

    Demodicosis can be trapped in many places, not only those who do not care for their hygiene become infected with it. Ticks can live on bed linens in public places( hotels, trains, etc.), on cosmetics of other people, even in beauty salons.

    Therefore, at the slightest excuse to think that you could pick up a mite anywhere, it is worthwhile to see a dermatologist, so that he could detect the presence or absence of demodectic infection.

    There is often a carrier that is hidden until some time, when the carrier, i.e.man, does not suspect that parasites live on him, because he does not notice any symptoms.


    characteristic manifestations demodekoza are:

    • itching, swelling, peeling age,
    • redness edges of the eyelids,
    • loss of eyelashes,
    • presence of secretions and mucus from the eye,
    • dry eye syndrome,
    • fatigue of eyes,
    • inflammation in the eyelids, e.g., barley.

    In order not to provoke the transition of the disease to a chronic form, it is necessary to immediately start treatment of the disease.

    Treatment of the disease

    Diagnosis of demodecosis does not cause complications. Often the doctor determines the disease by the appearance of the eyelids. To confirm the diagnosis directly with the patient, the doctor can conduct a rapid examination of the eyelashes. To do this, take 4 freshly removed cilia from each eyelid, the lower and upper on both eyes, and examine them under a microscope.

    By itself, demodicosis does not pass with time. Its treatment takes a long time, from 4 weeks to 6 months, since the tongs are difficult to remove. For successful treatment it is necessary to comply with all the requirements of the doctor, so that there is no repeated self-infection. Along with medical treatment, it is necessary to disinfect bed linens, personal items, personal hygiene items. It is advisable to get rid of all old makeup. Of food should try to exclude the sharp foods.

    Yellow mercury ointment is used to control mites. This ointment is very toxic, so it is contraindicated for pregnant women, and the period of its application should not exceed 4 weeks.

    Every day, the eyelids should be treated with a prescribed ointment. To do this, previously with the help of a cotton swab and alcohol-containing solution, the skin of eyelids and eyelashes is cleaned. And then, after drying the skin, an ointment is applied( Blefarogel, Demazol, etc.).Also treated all the skin areas affected by mites. Perform procedures twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, or just before bed.

    If purulent discharge comes out of the eyes, antibacterial drops( Cyproed, Levomycetin) should be used.

    Auxiliary treatment for demodicosis is the use of artificial tears for dry eyes, eyelid massage for disorders in the muscles of the eyelids, electrophoresis with dimedrol for ages, magnetotherapy, treatment of concomitant diseases( seborrhea, digestive system diseases, hormonal disorders).

    After successful treatment it is recommended to rub the skin of the eyelids with burdock oil for 2-3 months to accelerate the growth of the eyelashes.

    And you knew that the causes of eye rub can indicate many diseases, if they occur, you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

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    Effective treatment of eye pterygium!http: //moezrenie.com/bolezni/ zabolevaniya-konyunktivy / pterigium-glaza.html

    Under demodicosis, in no case should you use hormones. They lower local immunity, thereby provoking an even greater appearance of parasites. Also, sometimes relapses of the disease are possible. Most often this is due to unfinished treatment.

    Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

    Folk remedies never guarantee a hundred percent relief from problems, but some are very helpful. It is always advisable to discuss the treatment with a doctor to avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

    The main and most effective in the treatment of demodectic eyelids is the decoction of wormwood. It completely removes the body from ticks, and also regulates the work of the intestines.

    For decoction you need 2 tablespoons of shredded leaves of wormwood pour 1 liter of water, boil this mixture and boil for a few minutes .

    Then take this decoction, each time freshly prepared, 6 days on a specific schedule: on the first day - 50 ml every hour, on the second day - 50 ml every two hours, on the remaining days - 50 ml every three hours.

    Do not forget to drink broth even at night. To wormwood is not very bitter, you can add a little honey to the broth.

    Yellow clay can also help in the treatment of demodectic infections. You need to dilute it to the consistency of sour cream and put on your face a thick even layer for the whole night, on top of the bandage bandage. In the morning, wash with clean warm water.

    Soap masks are applied on the basis of ordinary household soap. It is necessary, after cleaning your face, a few hours before bedtime, to beat the soap in your hands and apply foam to your face. Allow to dry, and then apply another coat. Do this 4-5 times and leave for the whole night. Do the procedure every day until full recovery.

    Another effective method is the use of compresses from the infusion of black currant.2 tablespoons of dried berries are taken for 2 cups of water. After boiling this mixture, boil it for 10 minutes. Then let it brew for about half an hour. Wet the bandage in this mixture and apply to the affected skin.

    For washing, you can use tar soap or infusion of chamomile and mint.

    In any case, one should not forget about personal hygiene and cure demodicosis, even when it seems that the manifestations are no longer there. It is advisable to undergo a second study, which will show whether a person has gotten rid of cilia mites or not.


    To prevent the spread of mites and improve immunity, patients with eyelid demodectic disease should adhere to a special diet. Their menu should include products such as boiled lean meat and fish, whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits, sour-milk products and cereals.

    From honey, alcohol, citrus fruits, as well as salty, sweet, spicy and smoked dishes during the treatment of demodicosis should be discarded. Such a diet contributes to the normalization of the intestine, resulting in unfavorable conditions for ticks, and this leads to their withering away.

    Prevention of

    The following measures for the prevention of demodicosis of the eyelids:

    • disposal of cosmetic products and things infected with the
    • demodex Compliance with the diet and day regimen
    • Use of an individual towel and bed linen that need to be washed and ironed daily
    • Discontinuation of eye make-up
    • Replacement of downy andfeather products synthetic
    • use of sun protection creams
    • enhance immunity
    • regular cleaning of pet hair


    Ifdemodicosis of the eyelids is diagnosed at an early stage, and the patient does not have any other serious illnesses and follows all the doctor's prescriptions, then after three to four months he can expect a full recovery.

    Self-medication with this disease is completely unacceptable, since the doctor must constantly monitor the effectiveness of the treatment prescribed by him and, if necessary, adjust it.

    If the patient does not adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor, or if the therapeutic course stops before the time, a relapse may occur.

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