Halyazion: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Halidium is an inflammatory disease of the upper or lower eyelid, which is a tumor-like benign neoplasm with clear boundaries.

It is formed due to the clogging of the meibomian gland and the accumulation of fluid in it.

There are 70 such sebaceous glands in the century, they are immediately after the eyelashes within the century.

Their primary function is to prevent the eye from drying out due to the lack of tears in it.

Halyazion is visually determined from both the external and internal sides of the eyelid. Usually it is painless, but if it becomes larger, it can cause pain to its owner.

    • 1. Description of the disease
    • 2. Causes of diseases
    • 3. Symptoms of the disease
    • 4. Treatment
    • 5. Halyazion and child
    • 6. Prevention of halalion

Description of the disease

This disease has no particular effect on the visual apparatus, but in case of its increase it can press on the eyeball and, thereby, cause blurred vision.

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Very often this disease is confused with barley. They have the same initial symptoms, but unlike barley, which has accumulated pus, breaks through and passes by itself, haljazion forms a dense capsule and hardens.

Halyazion is quite common and makes up 7.4% of the total volume of eye diseases. It affects all age groups without exception, but is most common in people aged 30-50 years.

Causes of

Cholazion can occur for a variety of reasons, namely:

  • as a consequence of untreated barley;
  • with increased for some reasons fat release( increased fat content of the skin, hormonal changes)
  • as a consequence of diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, chronic blepharitis, rosacea, diabetes mellitus;
  • for dysfunction of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract;
  • for frequently recurring stressful situations;
  • with hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infection, weakening of immunity;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene( infection in the eyes with dirty hands, inaccurate use of lenses).

Symptoms of the disease

The initial symptoms of haljazion are similar to the appearance of barley on the eyes: first there is swelling, moderate soreness and irritation. Then after a few days these signs disappear, but there is a swollen patch gradually increasing in size. It, in the future, turns into a clearly defined dense pea, which is easily palpated.

A gray or red spot may appear on the back of the eyelid. With this disease, sometimes there is tearing and itching. Halyazion can appear on both the upper and lower eyelids, and sometimes on both at once.

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Treatment of

Treatment of this disease initially depends on the stage of the occurrence of haljazion and can consist both in conservative treatment and in the surgical. To conduct correct and effective treatment it is recommended, first of all, to turn to a good specialist - an ophthalmologist.

If haljazion is still in the initial stage of the disease, it does not have a dense structure, its dimensions are insignificant, then various physiotherapy, resorption and anti-inflammatory therapy will be prescribed for treatment.

Specific drugs in this case are selected individually for each patient.

Folk remedies

Used to treat problems and home procedures. For example, warm compresses on the eyes and eyelid massage.

For this, a moist cloth is applied to closed eyelids for about 15 minutes. Then, for 5 minutes, circular movements of the fingertips are gently massaged using a baby shampoo.

Upon completion, the eyes are washed with plenty of water. This is done to improve blood flow, remove irritation, otkuporki sebaceous gland. This procedure should be carried out up to 5 times a day.

The main thing is that all procedures are carried out under the supervision of a doctor, so that self-treatment does not lead to a relapse of the disease. Under no circumstances should you damage or scratch the halachion.

In case the halyazion has already turned into a tight knot, the most likely procedure for its treatment is corticosteroid therapy. It is an injection of a steroid drug in the middle of the tumor. This procedure is painless and leaves no traces. Sometimes it is carried out under local anesthesia.

Surgical removal of chalazion

In the next stage, when halal has reached 5 mm or more, only surgical intervention is used. This operation usually lasts 10-20 minutes and is a cut of the nodule and curettage of the contents( curettage).It leaves no significant external changes on the face, since it is carried out on the inner part of the century.

After completion of the procedure, a tight bandage is applied to the eyes in order to reduce the risk of hematoma. In the future, antibacterial ointment or anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed to exclude the development of relapses.

Recently, the most topical procedure was the operation with a laser.

This is considered the most effective way of removing halazion due to the very rare occurrence of relapses, the procedure is anemic, allows to reduce the postoperative period.

It should be taken into account that when removing halyazione in adults, its part is necessarily sent for histology in order to exclude a malignant neoplasm in the patient.

In exceptional cases and in the early stages, haljazion can resolve itself or break out from the side of the conjunctiva, thus allocating a white paste-like mass.

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What are the causes of scleral disease - episcleritis? Prerequisites for the emergence of chalazion in a child may become:

  • weakened immunity
  • frequent colds
  • diabetes
  • dysbacteriosis
  • farsightedness

At the first sign of a halazion in a child, parents shouldurgently seek medical help, since self-medication in this case can only hurt. At the initial stage of the disease, medics usually prescribe hydrocortisone ointment and a special massage that promotes better resorption of haljazion. In the case of secondary infection, ointments and drops with an antibiotic content are usually used.

If the inflammation grows rapidly, doctors prescribe injections of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in which dexamethasone, kenalog and diprospan are most often used. Injections should be performed only by a medical professional, since there is a high risk of damage to the eyeball.

Prevention of halidion

In order to exclude the development of this disease, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Strictly observe the rules of hygiene, be sure to wash for the night, use contact lenses carefully, so that the infection does not get into eyes.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, often get enough sleep, use vitamins and immunostimulating drugs.
  3. It is necessary to eat fully.
  4. Avoid as much stress as possible.
  5. Carry out timely treatment of diseases such as seborrhea and rosacea with the help of a dermatologist;
  6. Promptly treat teeth, eye diseases( especially barley), skin, eliminate allergens.
  7. With these simple rules you can save your health not only from the advent of halazion, but also from a number of other diseases.
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