Fighting barley on the eye

Probably, many people at least once in their lives popped barley. We mistakenly believe that the common blame for this common cold. But this is far from the truth.

As a matter of fact, it is an inflammation having a staphylococcal infectious nature.

Children and women, compared to men, suffer from these swollen purulent balls much more often.

This is because children often touch their eyes with dirty hands, and women touch the area around their eyes daily with various brushes and brushes when applying make-up.

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. Reasons for the appearance of
    • 2. Types of barley
    • 3. Symptomatics. How does the disease manifest itself?
    • 4. How to cure barley
    • 5. Conclusion

Reasons for the appearance of

Non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. For the onset of the disease it will be enough to scratch your eyes with dirty hands or wipe your face with a dirty towel, or a small mote will enter your eye. There is an infection of the sebaceous gland, or a hair sac, resulting in barley.

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Catarrhal diseases. Any disease reduces immunity and increases the likelihood of the appearance of barley on the eye. Accordingly, those who have a shortage of vitamins in the body are at risk.

Subcooling. Wet feet, walking in the rain without an umbrella, cold winds in the face and similar factors can affect the development of barley.

Pliers. Often the cause of the appearance of barley is demodex - it is a tick, settling on eyelashes.

Seborrhea, chronic blepharitis, conjunctivitis, diabetes mellitus - often these diseases provoke the appearance of barley.

Use of cosmetics. Make-up from low-quality cosmetics can also cause the appearance of the disease. In addition, the application of various drugs to a person with non-sterile instruments can spread the infection fairly quickly over the face.

If the swelling similar to barley does not go very long and does not break through, it can be haljazion, a sebaceous cyst, often requiring surgical treatment. With a strong edema of the eyelid, fever, deterioration of well-being, there is a possibility of developing a furuncle, which, appearing in the eye socket, can be very dangerous. Therefore, it is doubly possible to neglect the visit to the doctor when the symptoms differ from the usual symptoms of barley.

Barley species

Barley on the eye can be divided into two types, which differ mainly in location.

Outer barley. It is on the century from the outside. It looks first like reddening and a slight swelling, which can cause unpleasant sensations, then a white head with pus appears, after breaking through which barley disappears. Usually it takes 7-10 days to recover. If he does not break through on his own, he is opened in the hospital.

Internal barley. Has the same symptoms and appearance, as well as the outside, but it gives more discomfort due to the fact that it is located on the inside of the century. It appears because of the inflammation of the meibomian glands that surround the conjunctiva.

You can see it if you slightly pull the skin down from the eye. Such barley is more dangerous in view of the fact that pus can get into the eye, therefore at a break it is worth to immediately wash the eye. Duration of the disease is also about a week.

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Symptomatology. How does the disease manifest itself?

Despite the fact that the causes of the appearance of barley on the eye there are many, it always manifests itself in a similar pattern:

  1. The edge of the century is noticeably swollen.
  2. On palpation, pain develops on the swelling.
  3. The area around the tumor becomes inflamed and swells.
  4. Redness of the eye.
  5. Lymph nodes are enlarged.
  6. On the swelling formed a purulent area.
  7. In rare cases, you can observe a general increase in temperature and a headache.
  8. Burning and itching on the eyelids can warn about the appearance of abscess.

It also happens that barley prevents opening the eye completely, violating the functionality of the century.

Usually this occurs in children, because they are characterized by a rapid flow of purulent processes.

Often, when the abscess is opened, eyelids stick together with pus, then the problem of opening the eye arises.

Usually on 3-5 days on a tumescence the small abscess with a yellowish head is shown. When it is removed, the purulent substances are released.

But do not open the pustulous barley itself. This can lead to very serious consequences: meningitis, sepsis, phlegmon thrombosis.

Often, suppuration does not occur, and barley passes by itself, without inflammation.

You should definitely consult a doctor if you have such symptoms:

  • Because of barley, the temperature has increased
  • Barley relapse
  • Swelling worsens vision
  • After five days, the swelling has not passed, or even increased.

How to cure barley

Very few people go to the doctor when barley appears. But in vain. It may happen that a similar formation actually turns out to be a cyst or a cancerous tumor. Therefore, for accurate diagnosis it is necessary to consult a medical professional.

If you have recognized the barley surely, you can provide yourself with first aid on your own. First, you should forget about make-up and self-extrusion of the abscess. All this can spread infection across all blood vessels. The medicine witnessed real cases in which such interventions resulted in infection of blood and meningitis.

If swelling is already present around the swelling, then it is quite dangerous to take thermal procedures. Only at the very beginning of barley ripening is dry heat allowed.

While the abscess on the swelling is not ripe, doctors recommend cauterizing barley with green, iodine or alcohol. This procedure, perhaps, will not allow the inflammation to spread further.

Over the eyelid, you can lay ointment with antibiotics and sulfonamides( tetracycline, erythromycin, or hydrocortisone).In the eyes are usually instilled with levomycetin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, albucid, floxal, or tsipromed.

If you have doubts about barley, then it's better to go to the hospital. As a rule, the doctor appoints UHF-therapy. Such therapy accelerates the process of ripening and opening of barley. If there is an increase in temperature, redness, swelling, an increase in lymph nodes, the doctor applies the therapy more potently, using injections.

In the case of severe forms of medical use surgical intervention. By the way, in the place where barley was treated surgically, more such pustules will not bother you.

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Treatment with folk remedies

Probably the most common folk method from barley is the egg. It is in a cooked, purified form still warmly applied to the swelling.

In principle, egg heating accelerates the maturation and dissection of barley. Equivalent to the egg, a similar effect is provided by warm bags with chamomile or calendula.

Barley and warming compresses are treated, but only in the initial stage of the disease. When the inflammation has already developed, warming up the eye with such a disease becomes dangerous.

I help with barley and grass: burdock( root), plantain, eye, aloe, dill( seed), bird cherry flowers, birch buds, etc.

Folk remedies can reduce swelling, relieve pain, remove redness and accelerate healing. That barley does not disturb you need to observe hygiene, maintain vitamins immunity and try to walk more in the air.


We will highlight the main points concerning such a disease as barley:

  1. The reasons for the appearance can be different: from non-observance of elementary hygiene rules to mites and colds.
  2. Barley may be external or internal.
  3. For puffiness, thermal procedures are prohibited.
  4. If the suppuration has not been done within 1-2 weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor.
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