Nasopharyngitis, also called rhinopharyngitis, is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. It is a disease of an infectious nature. It affects people of any age. In everyday life this problem is called a cold.
- 1 Description
- 2 How the disease manifests in children and adults
- 3 Therapy features
POMC-10 nasopharyngitis is referred to as respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract. It is caused by several viruses, such as rhinovirus, coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus. But the disease can have not only a viral, but also a bacterial origin.
looks. Nasopharyngitis is acute and chronic. Acute occurs under the influence of the virus, and chronic causes fungi and bacteria. The disease is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy airborne droplet. Therefore, most often nasopharyngitis affects children who infect each other in schools and kindergartens.
When bacteria or virus enter the nasopharynx, they begin to multiply rapidly. This is accompanied by an expansion of the vessels of the nasopharynx and an increase in their permeability.
In the video description of the disease, nasopharyngitis:
Additional factors contribute to the development of the disease:
- Overcooling and overwork
- Unbalanced nutrition, which causes the body to not get enough nutrients.
- Emotional overload.
- Alcohol abuse and smoking.
- Adverse environmental situation.
After the virus enters the body manifestations of the disease can be seen after only 1-2 days. After a week or two, nasopharyngitis passes, but the virus can remain in the body for a long time.
How the disease manifests in children and adults
The clinical picture of nasopharyngitis consists of three stages of development:
- Stage of irritation. It can last for several days. Its main manifestations are a feeling of dryness and burning in the nasopharynx.
- In the second stage, significant serous nasal discharge occurs.
- There are mucopurulent discharge. This stage can occur on the fifth day of the disease. The patient notes that a discharge of gray and yellow-green color appeared from the nose.
Adults tolerate the disease more easily than children. This is due to still fragile immunity. Therefore, the child's nasopharyngitis can be accompanied by fever and deterioration of the general condition of the body.
In children and adults, the disease manifests itself and symptoms such as:
- Moderate increase in body temperature.
- Discharge from the nose and a feeling of stuffiness, sneezing - these sensations can appear in the early days of the disease. These symptoms make breathing difficult.
- Pain and irritation in the throat, hoarseness.
- Headache.
- Redness and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
- Loss of ability to distinguish tastes and smells.
- Unpleasant sensations in the ears and hearing impairment.
- General weakness, anxiety and irritability.
Depending on the age of the children, nasopharyngitis may appear as follows:
- Newborns suffer the most from an increase in body temperature.
- Older children have a discharge from the nose.
- A school-age child has a cough, runny nose and stuffiness in the nose.
In newborns, nasopharyngitis most often develops because of the parents' lack of support for the cleanliness and humidity of the room. When there are discharge and stuffy nose in children at this age, it is very important to cleanse the nasal cavity, because the babies can not breathe through the mouth.
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But what to treat a cold sore in the nose, and how it can be done quickly at home, is very detailed in this article.
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Features of
The diagnosis of nasopharyngitis consists in evaluating clinical manifestations of the disease, examining the patient and laboratory tests.
During physical examination, the doctor can note the patient's nose, absence of swelling and redness of the nasal mucosa, a mild increase in the lymph nodes on the neck, while listening to the chest can detect rales.
If these signs do not convince the doctor of having nasopharyngitis, then he can take a swab from the throat and do a general blood test to rule out other infections. This is also necessary for the detection of complications in the form of acute bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis and pneumonia.
On the video - treatment of nasopharyngitis in adults:
The risk of developing nasopharyngitis is increased in people who suffer from chronic lung diseases. It is not always possible to detect the disease in the early stages. Sometimes the diagnosis is made already when other organs were affected.
Treatment of the disease is prescribed depending on the form: acute or chronic. There are some differences between them.
Acute nasopharyngitis is manifested by acute inflammation of the entire nasal mucosa. It can also develop under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. For the disease caused by these bacteria, characteristic manifestations are a persistent rise in temperature for several days, a general intoxication of the body.
Chronic nasopharyngitis occurs when there is no or incorrect treatment of the disease. It can be hypertrophic and atrophic. In the first case swollen mucous nasopharynx, there are discharge from the nose, pershit in the throat. Atrophic nasopharyngitis there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, thinning of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, dryness in the throat.
Treatment of all types of nasopharyngitis is to eliminate symptoms and prevent transmission of infection to another person.
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To eliminate the disease use medicament and folk remedies.
From traditional treatment use:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamines to eliminate nasal congestion.
- Relieve symptoms also with oral pseudoephedrine.
- Reduction in the number of discharges from the nose is carried out with the help of antihistamines of the first generation.
- Small children are treated with cough suppressants, analgesics, antihistamines and decongestants. Treatment must necessarily occur under the supervision of a specialist.
- Zalozhennost and other unpleasant sensations in the nose are eliminated by irrigation of the nasal cavity with saline solution.
- If nasopharyngitis is of bacterial origin and complications develop, then antibacterial drugs( antibiotics) are prescribed.
Patient is recommended bed rest. The room should be ventilated regularly and the air must be moistened. It is also necessary to increase fluid intake. You can drink light tea, compotes, fruit drinks, sour juices it is desirable to exclude, as they can have an irritating effect on the mucous throat.
It is useful to gargle with salt water. Smokers should give up this habit, as this will only exacerbate the course of the disease.
To avoid irritation under the nose, this area can be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream.
To eliminate nasopharyngitis, many people use traditional medicine:
- Rinse throat with water and turmeric and salt.
- The use of funds from echinacea and millennia, Chlorophyllipt. This will help get rid of the sore throat.
- For cold, garlic is widely used. It can be simply used for cooking.
- Chicken broth will help ease the condition.
- Do not forget about the warming procedures, such as mustard plasters, various compresses.
There are a lot of home remedies for eliminating the symptoms of nasopharyngitis. But in order to avoid complications, at the appearance of the first symptoms it is better to consult a specialist, especially if the child is ill.