Conjunctivitis - inflammation and redness, located on the outside of the eye, the mucous membrane( conjunctiva).Normally, it is transparent, covers the inner surface of the eyelid and sclera.
There are many reasons for the occurrence and, correspondingly, of the types of disease.
But they are quite easily distinguished by their characteristics and diagnosed.
Treatment is determined by the cause of the disease, is directed at its elimination and enhancement of the protective properties of the body.
- 1. Types of
- 2. Reasons for
- 3. Symptoms of
- 4. Diagnosis of
- 5. Treatment of
- 6. Prognosis for treatment of
- 7. Prevention of
- 8. Conclusion
Types of
Conjunctivitis in the course of the recovery process is divided into chronicand sharp. If the chronic affects both eyes and the disease is lethargic, then acute is characterized by sudden onset, swelling on the eyelids, the presence of excretions.
- Viral. Develops against other viral infections. Often occurs in people who are sick with ARI or ARVI.Eyes turn red, irritated, out of them flow tears and "moisture" for no reason.
- Bacterial. Its sources are staphylo-, pneumo-, gono- or streptococci. Allocations purulent, there is edema.
- Allergic. In the eyes itching, pain, burning. It is accompanied by an allergic rhinitis or asthma.
- Herpetic. Subtype of viral conjunctivitis.
- Medicinal. Appears in people who take too many medicines. Occurs 6-7 hours after the use of the medicine. It develops quickly. It is accompanied by itching, bleeding, mucous discharge.
- Fungal. Formed with pathogenic effects on the microflora. Fungi( yeast, mold, acycinomycetes) get into the eyes through dirty hands, unwashed food.
- Adenoviral. Appears before the development of diseases of the trachea, bronchi. Tears flow, eyes and eyes blush. There are swelling. It can start on one eye, but it easily passes on to the other.
- Chemical / Toxic. Occurs when harmful substances on the mucosa penetrate the mucosa.
- Koha-Wicks. Acute epidemic form. Dispatched through dirty hands, objects. Often occurs in children.
Reasons for
In children:
Bacterial conjunctivitis develops after exposure to the mucous membranes of bacteria and viruses that cause ARI, measles, and sore throat. Conjunctivitis can accompany a cold and go along with it. Easily transferred from the child to the child during epidemics of catarrhal diseases in kindergartens and schools.
Gonococcal and chlamydial conjunctivitis is transmitted to the child from an infected mother during passage of the birth canal.
The allergic appearance in a child can arise as a reaction to cigarette smoke, house dust, cosmetics. Often a child has a feeling that something is stuck in the eye, he rubs his eyes, cries, again rubs his eyes, this intensifies the symptoms.
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In adults:
Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis develops when microbes enter the mucous membranes of the eye from dirty hands, clothes or airborne droplets.
Allergic appears as a reaction to cosmetics, pollen of plants, wool and epidermal cells of animals.
Chronic conjunctivitis is the most complex and dangerous form. It occurs as a reaction to the long-term effects of irritants: smoke, dust, chlorine, solvent, paint and other aggressive chemicals. But sometimes it is very difficult to identify an irritating factor, if there are no facts of obvious contact with allergens.
Conjunctivitis may develop on a background of low immunity, low hemoglobin, vitamin deficiency. With violations of the operation of tear ducts, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.
Symptoms of
Each kind of conjunctivitis has its own pronounced symptoms.
Viral is shown:
- with abundant lacrimation;
- by eye irritation;
- with reddening sclera;
- with inflammation and reddening of the inner part of the eyelids;
- defeat, starting with one eye, goes to the second.
Bacterial is manifested:
- purulent secretions, which are especially frequent in the morning, they cause clotting of the eyelids, have an unpleasant odor;
- with reddening eyes;
- edema of the conjunctiva;
- with moderate lacrimation;
- by eye irritation;
- inflammation, starting with one eye, gradually shifts to the other.
It is the presence of pus that makes it possible to distinguish bacterial conjunctivitis from the rest of its species!
Manifestations of an allergic conjunctivitis:
- begin on both eyes at once;
- severe itching;
- redness and edema of the eyelids;
- copious lacrimation.
Because of obvious symptoms, it is not difficult to diagnose conjunctivitis to a doctor. To do this, he examines the eye on the slit lamp. In order to establish the type of the disease, in some cases it is required to take a smear or scrap of the conjunctiva. The material of scraping allows to determine the type of microorganism-pathogen and the type of its cellular reaction that will allow us to designate the most effective antibiotic.
In particularly difficult cases, the material taken is sown in culture media in order to grow bacteria in a full cycle and as accurately as possible identify them.
For accurate diagnosis in children, information about the onset and possible causes of the disease, received from the parents, is important. For example, the transfer of colds, contacts with allergens, trauma to the shells of the eye and others.
The complex of treatment measures and the selection of the main drug depend on the type of conjunctivitis.
Viral , especially if it is accompanied by tonsillitis, runny nose, nasopharyngeal edema, is treated with antiviral drugs, nose drops and eyes based on interferon. Because this disease is contagious, one should limit contact with healthy people. In order to reduce the burden on the eyes from light drops and temperature, one should adhere to bed rest.
Bacterial is treated with tetracycline-based ointments or based on broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Allergic is treatable by removing the source of allergy from the environment of a person who is sensitive to it. For small manifestations, cold water compresses and artificial tears are prescribed to reduce discomfort.
In more complex cases, prescribed antihistamine drops and tablets, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
In very severe cases, steroidal anti-inflammatory drops and ointments are prescribed.
Herpetic is treatable with drops and medications containing acyclovir and Ophthalmoferon.
Thorough treatment removes the causes of the disease, and not only removes symptoms. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive, competently combining: properly selected antibiotics, antiviral / antifungal drugs, immunotherapy.
In more complex cases, treatment of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, which cause or exacerbate conjunctivitis, is required.
Folk remedies
Treatment with folk remedies for conjunctivitis may be ineffective or exacerbate painful and unpleasant symptoms, especially in cases of an allergic-type disease. Against viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, they are also not always effective. Judge for yourself, not every virus and bacterium quickly suppress modern antibiotics, especially - folk remedies.
Relying on treatment only folk remedies is not necessary, but to supplement them with the therapy prescribed by a doctor, you can and even need to.
- To rinse the eyes of purulent secretions with bacterial conjunctivitis, you can use strong brewing of black tea, cooled to room temperature. But notice that a napkin, which you took from the eye to immerse in the solution can not, you should use a clean cloth.
- To reduce the swelling of the eyelids, you can use compresses with warm water or decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark, cooked according to the instructions on the package. However, take care that the eye is not supercooled.
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Prognosis of treatment
With a mild form of conjunctivitis, the treatment prognosis is favorable. And if the cornea is already affected, it is possible to reduce visual acuity. Correct diagnosis of the disease increases the chances of a positive prognosis and complete recovery. Therefore it is important to consult a doctor, and not be treated independently and at home.
Conjunctivitis is treated quickly in the early stages. In most cases, the length of the course depends on when the patient began to take measures for recovery. If the treatment started at the very beginning of the onset of the disease, then you can recover in 2-4 days.
The prognosis of treatment is, in the main, favorable;there is no irreversible change. Complications can be if the treatment is delayed for a long time( more than 3-7 days).In such a situation, the inflammatory process in the cornea may begin.
Even if external factors contribute to the development of conjunctivitis, you can protect yourself from the onset of the disease. Just regularly strengthen the body: eat right, get enough sleep, go in for sports, run or swim.
If a person has powerful immunity, then illnesses will be bypassed, or the healing process will take only a couple of days.
Do you already have conjunctivitis? Do not worry: medication and a desire to recover will help you. A competent care for the eyes will preserve and strengthen health.
Due to the fact that some types of conjunctivitis are contagious, you should carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially when a sick person appears in your environment.
- Avoid hugging and shaking hands with a sick person.
- Do not use his utensils or personal belongings.
- Wash your hands often, do not touch your eyes or face.
- Use disposable wipes, not handkerchiefs.
- Do not swim in dirty ponds, swimming pools or water parks.
For children, good skills include: do not rub your eyes with your hands, wash your hands after they are contaminated with something, eat only after washing your hands.
Please note that viral and bacterial conjunctivitis indicate a reduced ability of the body to resist external aggressive factors. Therefore, as a prophylaxis and addition to therapy, be sure to use:
- Immunomodulating drugs: Viruter, Panavir, Interferon.
- Foods that help to strengthen protective forces: ginger, figs, raisins, sea kale, beans, asparagus.
- Dairy products enriched with lactic acid bacteria: bio-kefir, bio-yoghurts, bio-cottage cheese.
- Tinctures and teas of ginseng, thyme, broth of dogrose, cranberries, nettles, clover.
Be careful to yourself, protect yourself from possible sources of infection, temper your body, then no illness can not hurt you!
Conjunctivitis may occur in a person of any age. Timely treatment will protect against side effects and complications. Therefore, it is important to examine the eyes of yourself and children daily, observe the rules of hygiene, fully eat, strengthen the immune system, take care of your health. Then no eye diseases will be your threat.
There was discomfort in the eyes? As soon as possible, consult an oculist. So you can quickly understand the cause of the inconvenience and cure the disease without harm to the body.