What are the causes and methods of treating pinguecula eyes?

Pingvecula is a benign eye disease in which a yellowish or whitish formation or cone appears on the conjunctiva of the eye. With this vision, this growth does not interfere.

Appears pingvecula most often on the inner side of the eye, closer to the bridge of the nose. If the growth or cones are located on the cornea of ​​the eye and have a pterygoid form, then this disease is called a pterygium( from the Greek "wings").

Pingvecula is not a tumor, it is simply a consequence of a change in the tissue of the eye due to excessive amounts of proteins and fats in the body.

Contents of
    • 1. Causes of
    • 2. Symptoms of
    • disease 3. Diagnosis of
    • disease 4. Treatment of
    • disease 5. Prevention of
    • disease 6. Video of

The disease is quite common, but few people go to the hospital for medical helpSince pingvecula is a fairly innocuous formation;most often does not increase in size over time;vision, life and any human activity does not interfere.

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Causes of the disease

It is believed that pingvecula is a consequence of aging of the conjunctiva;most often the disease manifests in the elderly, and immediately in both eyes.

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The influence of harmful natural factors on the appearance of pingvecula is also often noted. Among them: sunlight, wind, smoke, dust. Also negatively affect the eyes of ultraviolet radiation and dry hot climate. It is noted that the disease occurs at times more often in those who spend a lot of time in the open air than those who spend most of their time indoors.

It is widely believed that frequent wearing of lenses leads to the appearance of pingvecula, but there is no scientific evidence for this.

Symptoms of the disease

Almost always the appearance of pingvecula is not accompanied by any expressed symptoms, except for the build-up on the conjunctiva, but sometimes there is inflammation( pingveculitis), which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • irritation and scratching( in particular, when blinking),
  • sensation of alienof the subject in the eye,
  • dry eye syndrome,
  • redness in the injury site.

If the disease brings discomfort or the slightest inconvenience, it is recommended to consult a doctor-oculist.

Diagnosis of the disease

For the diagnosis of pingvecula experienced ophthalmologist will not need special equipment. To clarify the nature and other details of the appearance of education, a visual acuity check and eye examination with a special microscope( slit lamp) is performed.

Treatment of the disease

In general, because of its benign nature, pingvecula does not need treatment. But if inflammation, dryness or burning in the eyes has begun, it is recommended to see a doctor.

Often, doctors prescribe moisturizers( Artificial Tear or Oxyl) to get rid of dry eyes, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ointments or drops( eg, Diclofenac or Maxitrol) to reduce irritation.

Some patients seek to remove pinguecula with cosmetic purposes if it is very noticeable. They do this with the help of an excimer laser.

Surgical intervention can be dangerous because of impaired functioning of the eye, if the site of inflammation is located close to the cornea. Also, after the surgical operations, the appearance of pinguecula is possible.

The operation itself is very quick and painless( anesthetic preparations are used, for example, Innocaine drops).After the operation, almost immediately the patient goes home. Immediately after removal of the penguccula, redness and a small swelling of the eye are observed, and then all symptoms disappear. For some time it is desirable to wear a protective bandage on the eye to prevent dust, sunlight and other irritants from entering the eye.

Did you know that eye disease caused by their different refraction( refractive power) is called anisometropia? Read further the description of the disease and the methods of its treatment.

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Treatment with folk remedies

Although it is possible to cope with many diseases with the help of folk remedies, in this case only the supporting effect, which is to strengthen the vessels, is possible. This will help to remove the unpleasant symptoms that occur with pinguecula eyes. Due to this supportive therapy, the body is easier to cope with the disease on its own.

Specialists distinguish, as the most effective and harmless means:

  • Blueberries. The berries of this plant are good for various eye disorders and are taken in the form of tablets. The extract of useful substances contained in blueberries is sold in the form of special drops for instillation into the eyes.
  • Seaweed. In order to prepare a medicine, you need to get hold of dry algae.3 tablespoons brew in a glass of boiling water and allow to cool, and then frozen. Use this decoction once a day, rubbing the skin around the eyes in frozen form. This is well removed often accompanying pingvecool pain syndrome. The duration of the course is from 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Clay. Clay has long been known for its medicinal properties, and in the treatment of eye diseases as well. When pingvecule is recommended to make clay compresses( not allowing clay to hit the eyes).
  • Dew. Compresses from dew or washing are healing and can not only remove painful symptoms, but also contribute to the health of the whole organism. The downside is that not everyone has the opportunity to collect the morning dew, and there is only in the summer.

All data means are not expensive and are sold in the pharmacy already in the finished composition. However, one should not get involved in self-medication and use even harmless folk remedies without specialist supervision.

Prevention of

In order to prevent the appearance of pengu-cules, it is recommended to wear sunglasses that completely protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, as well as wide-brimmed hats for protection from the scorching sun.

If irritation occurs at the site of pingvecula formation, it is worth to abandon contact lenses to not further injure the skin of the eye.

Also for the prevention of the appearance of pingvecula, as well as other various eye diseases, it is recommended to consume fresh blueberries, as well as raw beets.


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