Retinal disease - angiopathy

Angiopathy of the retina is a change in the blood vessels and capillaries caused by a disorder of the nervous regulation of vascular tone, difficulty in outflow and blood flow in the lumen of the vessels.

This pathological condition is the result of diseases affecting the vessels in all parts of the body, as well as the vessels of the retina, which the ophthalmologist can see by direct examination of the fundus( ophthalmoscopy).

It is for this reason that the term "angiopathy" is used to describe pathological changes in the vessels of the fundus.

The disease can be accompanied by the development of glitches in the functioning of the eyes, as well as in their nutrition - this leads to the appearance or further progression of retinal dystrophy, nearsightedness, causes symptoms such as blurred vision or lightning in the eyes.

    • 1. Causes of
    • 2. Types of retinal angiopathy
    • 3. Symptoms of
    • 4. Diagnosis of
    • 5. Treatment of
    • 6. Prophylactic measures of
    • 7. Conclusion of
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Causes of

Angiopathy of the retina can develop under the influence of a large number of factors, both the external environment, and in violation of the internal organs. The main reasons for this are:

  • traumatic injuries;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • smoking;
  • increased index of intracranial pressure;
  • blood disease;
  • disturbance of the nervous regulation of the vascular wall tone;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • work on harmful production
  • hypertension;
  • old age;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • systemic vasculitis which is of an autoimmune nature;
  • congenital features of the structure of the walls of blood vessels( eg, telangiectasia).

Types of angiopathy of the retina

Angiopathy of the retina is a vascular pathology, as a result of which the blood circulation and nutrition of the tissues of the eyeball deteriorates. It can be caused by various reasons. For the purpose of treatment, it is necessary to find out what caused it. The most common types of retinal angiopathy:

  • hypertensive,
  • diabetic,
  • angiopathy of prematurity,
  • youthful,
  • traumatic,
  • in pregnancy.

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The cause of hypertensive angiopathy is arterial hypertension. For this type of disease is characterized by uneven narrowing of the arteries in the eye fundus, widening of the veins, pinpoint hemorrhages in various parts of the eyeball, branching of the eye canal. If this type of angiopathy is in the advanced stage, the tissues of the retina are modified. When this disease is eliminated, the fundus of the patients again acquires a healthy appearance( in the presence of an initial stage).

In the absence of timely therapy for diabetes mellitus, diabetic angiopathy of the eye may occur.

There are two types of this pathological condition: microangiopathy and microangiopathy.

The first type is the thinning of the capillary walls, which leads to a hemorrhage in the tissues that are near, and also to a violation of the indicators of the general circulation of blood.

In macroangiopathy, the vessels of the eyes of a larger caliber are affected. The development of diabetic angiopathy is accompanied by a thickening of the basal membranes, clogging of the walls of the vessels with mucopolysaccharides, as a result of their lumen narrowing and eventually clogging up completely.

Similar pathological changes significantly worsen blood microcirculation, resulting in tissue hypoxia( lack of oxygen).In extremely neglected cases, multiple hemorrhages are noted, which lead to a significant decrease in visual function.

With hypotonic angiopathy , there is a pulsation of veins, a significant expansion of the arteries. The crimps of blood vessels are characteristic.

The cause of traumatic angiopathy of the eye is a sudden squeezing of the chest, trauma to the cervical spine, as well as to the brain. This can be associated with the damage of the vessels directly in the cervical spine, an increase in the index of intracranial pressure, etc.

Symptoms of

The main symptoms are:

  • blurred or blurred vision;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • loss of vision;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • progression of myopia;
  • lightning in the eyes.

Diagnostics of

In order to diagnose angiopathy, it is usually sufficient to have a routine examination with an ophthalmologist, however, an ophthalmoscopy is necessary to identify the cause and severity of the disease and to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

This procedure can be direct and carried out using a lens, a special tool and light, or indirect, giving a clearer picture. The changes that occur with angiopathy are the tortuosity of the vessels, a decrease in their diameter and the clearness, hemorrhages and accumulations of exudate in the tissues, a disorderly proliferation of defective capillaries.

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Diagnosis and treatment of angiopathy should only be handled by a qualified ophthalmologist. In this case, the doctor prescribes pharmacological drugs that help improve blood microcirculation in the vessels of the eyeball: Trental, Emoxipine, Mildronate, Solcoseryl, etc.

In the course of angiopathy treatment of diabetic nature, in addition to medicines, the doctor prescribes to the patient a special diet that excludes from the diet all foods high in carbohydrates. Patients with a similar diagnosis are recommended moderate exercise that promote the consumption of sugars with muscle tissue and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In the treatment of hypertensive angiopathy, the central role is played by normalization of the blood pressure index, normalization of cholesterol level. Therapy is usually performed by a cardiologist or therapist.

To improve the condition of patients with retinal angiopathy, you can use special methods of physiotherapy( acupuncture, laser irradiation, magnetotherapy).

Based on this, it can be said that not only ophthalmologists, but also doctors of related specialties take part in the treatment of this disease.

Ophthalmologists can recommend patients with vascular drugs in the form of drops( Emoxipine, Taufon), tableted vitamins for the eyes( Anthocyan Forte, Lutein Complex) to improve microcirculatory properties in the vessels of the eye, and maintain normal vision in patients. It is also important physiotherapeutic effect.

The most effective physical instruments for treating this pathological condition, which the patient can use at home to improve visual function and eye condition, are Sidorenko's glasses, combining phonophoresis, pneumomassage, color therapy and infrasound. All this makes it possible to achieve maximum positive results in a short time.

Preventative measures

In order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to observe several simple rules:

  • to observe adequate hygiene,
  • to try to eat properly and lead a healthy lifestyle,
  • avoid overloads - both physical and moral,
  • undergo preventive examinations to detectpathologies in the first stage.


Thus, angiopathy of the retina is not an independent disease, but it arises in the presence of certain pathological conditions( arterial hypertension, diabetes, traumatic lesions, etc.).

Among its clinical manifestations can be noted deterioration of visual function, progression of myopia, nasal bleeding, dystrophic processes. To eliminate such a disease, it is important to diagnose it in a timely manner, since the effectiveness of treatment of neglected cases is minimized .

Therapy of retinal angiopathy is not only the ophthalmologist, but also the doctors of related specialties( therapist, cardiologist).For treatment, pharmacological preparations are used to improve microcirculation in the retina, as well as physiotherapy( phonophoresis, massage, acupuncture).

Despite the fact that most often the causes of angiopathy are obvious, there are cases of its occurrence for no apparent reason. Therefore, even for those who do not doubt the health of their eyes, regular inspections can not be neglected. The initiated angiopathy, left untreated, often leads to a sharp drop in vision, up to blindness.

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