False myopia - this is the name of the spasm of accommodation. In the common people, this pathology is called the "tired eye syndrome".As a rule, it occurs in adolescents of preschool and school age.
Caused due to heavy eye strain: knitting, sewing, jewelry work, spending a lot of time behind the monitor.
Externally, the disease is very similar to myopia, the eyes become very tired, the farsightedness worsens, and the painful syndromes of the eye area can be accompanied.
Why does this happen? If we consider the work of the eye, then it can be compared with the work of binoculars, where the role of the wheel on the focusing of the image is played by the lens, which moves with the help of a muscle and selects the correct distance and focusing for viewing.
If the object is at a distance, the muscle, it is called, ciliary, relaxes, allowing the lens to take a flat shape. When looking at objects at close range, the muscle contracts, and the lens takes a convex shape.
If such a stress lasts for a long time, then vision deteriorates, this is explained by the "fatigue" of the ciliary muscle. Therefore, the eye is deprived of the ability to respond to a change in focus.
Spasm of accommodation is a decrease in vision, as a result of prolonged overstrain or fatigue. A person develops a false short-sightedness, which has the opportunity to move to the present, and as a consequence - myopia.
- 1. Causes of
- 2. Symptoms and Diagnostic Techniques
- 3. Treatment of
- 4. Prevention of
- 5. Conclusion of
- 6. Video of
Reasons for
There are three types of accommodation spasm:
- Physiological.
- Artificial.
- Pathological.
Physiological appearance occurs with astigmatism of the ocular end. Acts as a compensation mechanism for improving vision and eye adaptation.
To create an artificial spasm prescribe special medicines that are used for ophthalmic procedures.
The spasm of the spasm can be caused by some reasons:
- The reloading associated with a lot of time spent at the computer, the TV, not enough illumination of the working equipment.
- Lack of fresh air, lack of sleep associated with improper mode, lack of charging for the eyes.
- Not convenient workplace equipment. The table and chair may not be the child's height.
- Non-observance of the rules of reading literature( 30 cm before the book - the correct distance).
- Weak muscles of back and neck.
- Wrong blood supply to the cervical spine.
- Incorrect or inferior menu, or hypovitaminosis.
False myopia can provoke osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, hormonal abnormalities, neuralgia( migraine, vegetative-vascular diseases), violation of intracranial pressure and blood circulation, head and eye injuries.
Symptoms and Diagnostic Techniques
Symptoms are as follows:
- During the work from a close distance, the eye quickly becomes tired.
- Sensation of rubbing, pain, dryness, up to the redness of the eye.
- Perception of objects at close range becomes vague, and on the distant may have a bifurcated shape.
- Children quickly exhausted in class, concentration drops.
- Frequent headaches.
Sometimes spasm accompanied by high irritability, tremor of hands and even fainting.
If you give statistics, then every seventh student is prone to false myopia, the fault of which is the wrong furniture in the classrooms, insufficient illumination, as a result of incorrect posture and a great pastime at the computer.
To identify the causes of false myopia, a number of diagnostics are necessary. They include a survey, a general examination to identify comorbidities, such as osteochondrosis, infectious, neuralgia, etc.
When diagnosing the eye for spasm, the presence of astigmatism is determined, if any, the duration of tension of the ciliary muscle, convergence and sharpness, clearness of vision.
Treatment of
To eliminate the disease, the doctor prescribes ophthalmologist drops that dilate the pupil and relax the ciliary muscle( Midratsil, Tropicamide and others).Treatment can last about a month. After the treatment, the spasm can return to the previous level or increase several times.
To cure this, it is necessary to carry out cumulative treatment:
- A set of procedures and exercises for the eyes.
- Moving sports, cycling, swimming.
- Back and cervical massage, straightening of the spine.
- Vitamin complex for the eyes( Lutein Children's complex)
The doctor can prescribe a number of exercises for training the optic nerve and strengthening it:
- Close your eyes firmly and after a few seconds open them. Running about 20 times in a row.
- Pencil or pen in your hand alternately that we distract, then we approach to the eyes, without taking our eyes off.
- Rotation of eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat one way 8 times, the same in the other.
- Rapid blinking followed by a massage with the fingers of the eyelids.
To restore the tone of the muscles of the eyes will help special images. Here's one of them, can you make out what's pictured?
Treatment can also be performed surgically using hardware medicine. When using an laser beam an incision is made on the retina of the eye, which leads to normalization of the lens reflection work.
These procedures do not take a long time and can be performed either alternately for each eye or for both eyes at once.
The variant of operative intervention is possible, when the spasm of accommodation has passed to the neglected stage( cataract, blurred pupil).In this case, an eyeball is made into the eyeball, and the neoplasms are completely cleaned, returning to the eye the opportunity to see.
The operation itself is long and requires qualification, becauseAny deviation can be detrimental to future vision.
Folk remedies
Before the advent of modern scientific developments, false myopia was treated with herbs, minerals and even stones, which caused some perplexity and even sarcasm from modern medical luminaries.
Stones topaz, jade, emerald had to be worn on the body with a mandatory touch to the skin.
But herbal recipes are relevant now:
Everyone knows that this berry is famous for its useful properties that favorably act on the retina of the eye. You can select several useful recipes, which includes blueberries.
- Freshly squeezed berries juice is diluted 1 to 2 with water and drops 5 drops into each eye for a week. The effect does not make you wait.
- Within 5 weeks, 1.5 liters of blueberry jam is distributed as follows: 1 day 1 tablespoon of jam on a glass of water is consumed a few minutes before eating, then break for two weeks, then the procedure is repeated.
- 2 tablespoons of bilberries every morning to eat on an empty stomach every day.
Collect needle needles or ate five tablespoons pour boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes. Leave to cool at night and insist. Then strain and take after each meal.
Calendula is combined with the root of the ayr 1: 1, poured half a liter of vodka and left for 12 days in the dark. Further filtered, adds another half a liter of vodka and takes 30 minutes before eating 15 drops. For the year must pass four courses with a break of 30 days.
Prevention of treatment is always better than the treatment itself. Therefore, it is always necessary to monitor the correct posture, to be more outdoors, to include foods rich in vitamin C, carotene, and to temper the organism.
Options and preventive eye gymnastics are possible:
A bright circle at a distance of 1 meter is fastened in front of the window. Focusing then the right, then the left eye for 30 seconds. Trains alternately both eyes. Then the distance increases, and the exercise repeats. Three times a week is enough to do this for 5 minutes.
In order for your child not to spoil his sight, look at how correctly the body should be located when working at the computer:
In conclusion, it can be said that false myopia may not knock at your door if it correctly refers to some factors of your lifeand health:
- Proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air.
- Correctly equipped workplace: illumination, convenient furniture arrangement.
- Rational work at the computer and minimal TV viewing.
- Use protective drops to work with small items and remove tension in time.
- Daily preventive gymnastics for the eyes.
Here are the most necessary moments, which you should pay attention to, that your vision is always on the level and served you for many more years.
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