There are several deviations in vision, which prevent clearly and in detail from distinguishing objects at close or far distance.
One such is myopia( or myopathy) - this is an eye disease in which a person sees well near, but is bad for long distances.
And, depending on the degree of this ailment, the distance at which the image becomes not clear and blurred is determined.
This disease affects one third of the world's population. How to cope with it and how effective is the prevention of the disease?
- 1. Characteristics of myopia
- 2. Symptoms of
- 3. Treatment measures
- 4. Preventive measures
- 5. Advice and recommendations
Myopia characteristics
About the origin of the disease
For the first time this disease is mentioned in the writings of Aristotle, about 300years BC.e. He noticed that some people began to narrow their eyes in order to clearly consider an object. It was he who proposed the name to this phenomenon, from which the modern "myopia" occurred. In translation, this means "screw up your eyes."
Many scientists subsequently tried to figure out where myopia comes from. The first correct assumptions were found in the records of Leonardo da Vinci. But theories that are close to modern, appeared much later, in the 19th century.
Many scientists of the time believed that myopia appears due to constant visual work at close range. But the experiments carried out at the end of the 19th century showed the infidelity of this theory.
In 1967, the Soviet professor Eduard Avetisov put forward a theory that received worldwide recognition. According to this theory, the determining factor of the refractive power of the optical system of the eye is the length of the eye axis. This parameter depends on heredity, the resistance of the sclera to the pressure inside the eye, the relationship between the load on the visual organs and the ability to clearly see objects that are at different distances from the eye.
The attenuation of accommodation leads to a disruption in the work of vision, the eye adapts to the disturbed process of refractogenesis and the eyeball lengthens. Usually this happens even in childhood, later hereditary or acquired as a result of diseases pathological changes in the sclera.
Classification, Species
The prerequisite for the appearance of myopia is the lengthening of the eyeball. As a result, the parallel streams of light that come into the eyes focus not on the retina, but at the anterior point. Depending on the severity of the vision, several levels of the malfunction are distinguished: the
- is weak( less than 3 diopters), the
- is average( 3-6 diopters), the
- is strong( more than 6 diopters).
In addition, myopia can be of the following types:
- Congenital .
- Spasmodic ( or false), appears due to an increase in the tone of the ciliary muscles, when the tone returns to normal disappears.
- Transient is a kind of false myopia due to other diseases or drug effects.
- Night ( occurs in low light).
- Complicated ( occurs with anatomical changes in the eyes).
- Progressive ( occurs when the posterior eye is stretched).
- Refractive ( appears due to the enhanced refraction of the eye optic system).
Why it develops
The causes of the disease are not exactly established. Risk factors include:
- genetic predisposition,
- weakening in scleral tissues,
- severe eye strain( reading in darkness or transport, hobby for TV or computer),
- overexertion or weakening of the eye muscles,
- trauma( birth or brain),
- lack of microelements in the body, which contribute to the synthesis of sclera( zinc, copper, chromium, etc.).
Symptoms of
The following symptoms indicate nearsightedness:
- fuzziness of distant objects,
- "flies" in front of eyes,
- frequent headaches,
- eye fatigue,
- bifurcation of objects,
- violation of twilight vision( in the evenings myopic people have difficulty controlling the machine and are not oriented on the street),
- errors in color determination.
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Treatment measures
Correction of myopia
Myopia is corrected with:
- glasses,
- contact lenses,
- refractive surgery.
With myopathy, the power of contact lenses and spectacle glasses is expressed in negative numbers. The more they are, the lenses are stronger. This is the answer to the question of many people about the "sign" of myopia. It has a minus sign.
To correct the lenses do not interfere with the training of the eye muscles, the glasses are selected so that the eighth line in the table is discernible.
The specific selection of glasses and lenses is determined by visual acuity of the person and concomitant diseases of the eyes. They can be worn all the time or in certain periods of exacerbation.
The essence of surgical intervention
Refractive surgery can reduce or completely eliminate the dependence of a person on glasses or lenses. Most often, the operation is performed by special excimer lasers.
Photorefractive keratectomy( PRK) is reduced to removal of the thinnest layer of corneal tissue by the laser. This flattens the cornea, allowing the light ray to collect in the eye closer to the retina.
Another type of refractive surgery is LASIK( leucic).First, a flap is cut from the surface layer of the cornea. Under the laser, some corneal tissue is removed. Then the flap is returned to the place.
When correction is not possible
Laser correction of myopia is impossible or impractical to perform with:
- high degree of myopia( over 12 diopters),
- thin cornea,
- turbid lens.
These rare cases require cavitary surgery. Inside the eye, a microscopic incision is made and a soft lens is inserted through it. With its help, the light rays are focused on the retina or to it quite close. This is called implantation of a negative lens. Also, a transparent lens is replaced after removal from the eye of the former.
Treatment of complicated myopia
Very pronounced myopathy is said to be complicated or degenerative. Usually it appears by the age of 12 in people with very much elongated eyeball. This form of myopia is typical for 2% of the population. With increasing age, the eye can stretch, which provokes a permanent loss of vision.
Often complicated myopia of a high degree threatens to lose sight due to an increase in the film consisting of newly formed pathological vessels. This causes an increase in the dying part of the retina.
To curb the growth of pathological vessels and prevent the loss of central vision, the drug Lucentis is used. It successfully blocks the growth of blood vessels. This agent is injected directly into the eye cavity by a mini surgical procedure.
So through overcoming the hemato-ophthalmic barrier, it falls exactly in the right place. In parallel, the doctor prescribes a vitamin course and preparations to improve the nutrition of the ocular retina.
Using eye drops
Your doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe, for myopia, eye drops that include antibiotics:
- Ujjala. The drug cleans the eye lens, relieves fatigue, redness, clears the vessels. As a result, natural vision improves.
- Emoxipine. It is a synthetic antioxidant. Strengthens the vascular walls, resolves hemorrhage, protects the retina from external negative factors.
- Irifrin. Narrows the vessels, dilates the pupils, improves the outflow of intraocular fluid.
- Taufon. Strengthens metabolic processes, due to which the eye tissues are better supplied with oxygen.
- Vita-Yodourol. Drops activate metabolic processes in the lens, providing it with useful nutrients.
- Quinaks. Dissolves in the lens protein compounds, acts as an antioxidant, improves the secretion of intraocular secretion.
These drugs are an excellent corrective and preventive tool.
Please note - instructions for eye drops Indocollir. Description of the preparation.
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Preventative measures
Early detection of
It is extremely important to detect visual problems in a timely manner. For this from early childhood, examinations are required from the oculist. In case of detection of myopia, the right treatment is important in time.
If you neglect these requirements, your vision will deteriorate at a rapid pace.
Integrated approach to
For the prevention of myopia, a set of measures is used, consisting of:
- activation of blood circulation in the eye tissues,
- strengthening of the sclera,
- general strengthening of the body.
On the advice of an ophthalmologist, a short-sighted person can improve his body:
- swimming,
- contrast shower,
- massage of the collar area.
The rules of vision hygiene are:
- good workplace illumination( without the use of fluorescent lamps),
- literate reading position,
- periodic change of work and rest,
- special eye exercises.
Efficiency of exercises
Myopic people have a habit of not sitting properly, bringing texts to their eyes. For them, a positive effect can be obtained from the exercises:
- At the eye level, make a mark on the window. Then select an item on the street at the same height as the label. Now fix a look at this subject. Then translate it to the label. Then repeat several times. These exercises should be performed twice during the day. First, the training time is 3 minutes, then increase the time to 8 minutes. The general course is two weeks.
- Similar exercise - to translate a sight from a floor on a ceiling. The head is still. Only the eyes move.8-12 times.
- Within a minute, blink frequently. After a short break, repeat.
- Close your eyes very tightly and hold on for 3-5 seconds. Open your eyes and keep open as much. Repeat 6-8 times.
- Look at the end of the finger outstretched arm. Then slowly bring your finger to your eyes, looking at it steadily. Make 6-8 times.
- Use your fingers to press the upper eye lids. Hold for 1-2 seconds, then remove your hands. Repeat 3-4 times.
- Follow the slow circles in different directions 4-6 times.
These exercises preserve and improve vision. But the process is long. Eye gymnastics should be done regularly, without omissions. Only in this way can you achieve meaningful results.
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Interesting facts about myopia
- An interesting fact is that myopia can have a psychological cause, and working with a psychologist can improve vision;
- scientists believe that one of the reasons for myopia is a closed space, when a person does not have the opportunity to look into the distance;
- person's visual acuity reaches 100% by only 7 years;
- myopia most often develops at school age, so when doing homework should take the right posture and not read in the dark;
- more than half the population of Japan and 90% of China's population suffer from myopia, they call it a disease of civilization - a modern schoolchild spends up to 15 hours per week for homework;
- according to research, by the end of 2020 a third of the world's population will be nearsighted;
- , Australian scientists have found out that if children spend more time on the street, they will be able to maintain normal vision, this is due to staying in bright light;
- children's fun mowing the eyes to the nose is in fact a good prophylaxis against myopia, as it develops the eye muscles;
- constantly working at the computer can spoil your eyesight, in order to avoid this, you need to break every hour for several minutes;
- wearing corrective glasses or lenses stops the progression of myopia, this is a proven fact;
- animals are also nearsighted.
And this fact should inspire people with nearsightedness: with age "minus vision" begins to shift to "plus" .And often those who did not have vision problems in their youth become farsighted over the years. Short-sighted people can start to see well without glasses, but this happens after 45 years.
Tips and Tricks
Short-sighted people are contraindicated:
- to lift weights when the body is bent and the head is tilted down,
- to engage in sports that require sharp body shakes( jumps, wrestling, boxing, etc.).
Ignoring these rules threatens detachment of the retina and even blindness.
For each day, you can advise visual training:
- when walking along the street to move your eyes from the point under your feet to distant objects that approach along the way;
- to meet a man you need to look in the face, as if trying to recognize him;
- when traveling in transport to translate the view from the glass to distant objects( except for the case of machine control);
- make attempts to consider the number of the bus or tram still from afar.
People diagnosed with myopia should be systematically examined by an ophthalmologist. This is due to the need to constantly replace lenses and glasses. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medication or surgical correction of vision.
In everyday life, it is very important to be careful about vision and to take preventive measures. This is the guarantee of an effective fight against eye diseases.