Sjogren's syndrome - how to avoid deteriorating quality of life?

Sjogren's syndrome is one of the most common autoimmune disorders that affects the external glands of secretion.

Suffer from salivary and tearful, to a lesser extent glandular mucosa.

With this disease, they cease to function fully and do not secrete a secret in the required amount.

Completely cure it is not possible, therefore therapy is limited to withdrawal of symptoms. Sjogren's syndrome, also known as "dry syndrome," is usually combined with systemic immune-inflammatory diseases.

Contents of
    • 1. What it is
    • 2. Causes of
    • 3. Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 4. Treatment of
    • 5. Prevention of
    • 6. Prognosis and complications of
    • 7. Conclusion of
    • 8. Video of

What is this

Who?first diagnosed?

The disease was named after the ophthalmologist, who discovered and studied it, Heinrich Sjogren( whose surname in Russian is written and pronounced as Sjogren).Studies began in 1929, when he was caught by a patient with a complex of characteristic symptoms.

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Prior to this, they were not considered as signs of a systemic disease. The French ophthalmologist Henry Gougerot helped in the study of the syndrome to a Swedish doctor.

Who is most affected by the disease?

Sjogren's syndrome is a widespread disease throughout the world. As a result of monitoring patients suffering from it, scientists could not find the reasons leading to its development, except that this may be a consequence of genetic predisposition.

Pushing to the onset of the disease can serve as stress, fatigue and transferred viral infections. Sjogren's syndrome is often found in combination with lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Age and gender of a person

Despite the fact that representatives of any race, age and sex are affected by the disease, women older than 40-50 years are most affected. Men get sick much less often - they account for one out of ten cases of Sjogren's syndrome, and children are very rarely affected by them.

Reasons for

Today, the exact cause of the development of Sjögren's syndrome is not known. But carrying out multiple observations and studies makes it possible to make an assumption that the disease appears in connection with the genetic predisposition. The patients are found antigens HLADW2, DW3, B8.

To provoking factors of the development of "dry syndrome" include viral infections, overwork, hypothermia, the transferred neuropsychic overstrain .

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The most common manifestations of Sjogren's syndrome are the following:

  • xerostomia with normal or enlarged salivary glands;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis with normal or enlarged lacrimal gland;
  • presence of systemic connective tissue diseases.

The majority of doctors consider it sufficient for the statement of this diagnosis of two manifestations of the three. The combination of "dry syndrome" with connective tissue disease, as a rule, is considered as a secondary syndrome, and the presence of only xerostomia or dry keratoconjunctivitis - as primary.

Eye symptoms in Sjogren's syndrome are manifested as a result of a decrease in the secretion of tear fluid. Patients complain of burning, a feeling of sand and scratching in the eyes. Some patients also experience reddening of the eyelids and itching, decreased visual acuity, narrowing of the eye-slits, a cluster of viscous secretions in the corners of the eyes.

With this disease, the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye become inflamed - dry keratoconjunctivitis develops. Also, in the case of Sjogren's syndrome, the salivary glands are enlarged.

In some patients the oval of the face changes in connection with the increase in parotid glands - in the literature this phenomenon was called the "hamster's face".

Typical symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome are dryness of the oral mucosa and lips, seizures, stomatitis, multiple dental caries. While in the early stages of the disease, the dryness of the mucous membranes is observed only with physical exertion or with excitement, in a pronounced period this feeling is constantly observed. Mucous membranes acquire a bright pink color, they easily get injured on contact, the tongue becomes dry.

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The examination reveals a small amount of free saliva, it has a viscous or foamy nature. Against this background, the emergence of a secondary infection( bacterial, viral, fungal) leads to the development of stomatitis.

The late stage of Sjogren's syndrome is characterized by a sharp dryness of the oral cavity, which leads to speech and swallowing disorders, lip cracks, folded tongue, keratinization of the oral mucosa, lack of free saliva.

Also observed is the hypofunction of other endocrine glands, dryness of the nasopharynx, skin, vagina, development of bronchitis, tracheitis, esophagitis, atrophic gastritis and other diseases. In addition, articular syndromes like polyarthritis or polyarthralgia, facial nerve and trigeminal nerve neuropathy, violation of the sensitivity of the hands and feet, fever, hepato- and splenomegaly, hemorrhagic rashes on the trunk and extremities can be noted.

Treatment of

Today, there is no developed pathogenetic treatment for Sjogren's syndrome. When dry eyes are assigned artificial tears, for the purchase of which does not require a prescription. The drug should be digested four times a day or as needed.

Dryness of the oral cavity is a very unpleasant symptom, which causes severe thirst. Saliva is not only a moisturizing liquid that helps with chewing food and swallowing it, it also protects against the infection of the oral mucosa. In connection with the development of an insufficient amount of saliva, the inflammatory processes of the gums and teeth, as well as caries, develop.

In this regard, it is necessary to ensure the maximum oral cavity clearance - brush your teeth several times a day, regularly rinse your mouth with special antiseptic agents, use chewing gums without sugar.

In addition, timely dental prosthetics and caries treatment are important. It is also necessary to exclude the use of drugs that reduce the separation of saliva - these include antidepressants, antihistamines and anticholinergics.

Sometimes pathogenic microorganisms can be transferred from the oral cavity to the salivary glands, resulting in their infection. This leads to swelling of the salivary glands, accompanied by pain and fever. In the case of development of this condition, antibiotics, sprays and aerosols containing artificial saliva are prescribed.

For the moistening of the overdried mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, the use of special aerosols is prescribed. In addition, during the treatment it is necessary to maintain the normal humidity of the air with a special humidifier or conditioner.

Sometimes, in case of involvement in the process of connective tissue( with damage to internal organs or the development of severe vasculitis), treatment of the disease consists in the appointment of glucocorticoids or cyclophosphamide. With arthralgia, hydroxychloroquine is prescribed.

In case of occurrence of secretory deficiency of the stomach, prolonged substitution therapy with natural gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, pepsidil is prescribed. In the case of pancreatic insufficiency, enzyme therapy is performed: reception of a panzinorm, festal, etc.

Treatment with folk remedies

Sjogren's syndrome is a disease with a whole complex of manifestations and symptoms, so people's methods of treatment can be used only to combat symptoms.

For example, with dry eyes, various solutions with a composition close to tear fluid are used, and for the healing of the oral mucosa, sea buckthorn oil and dog rose oil are used.

To facilitate the course of the disease, and also to help with the basic treatment, traditional medicine recipes can be used:

  • To increase the amount of saliva, it is worth adding to the diet products that have a salivary effect - spices, mustard, lemon and any other fruits.
  • Since Sjogren's syndrome almost always accompanies disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to adhere to certain dietary rules: products to give more gentle treatment, include enough carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins in the diet, and take food 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Reducing the effect of red eyes helps juice of dill or potatoes. To do this, moisten the bandage with freshly prepared juice and apply for 20 minutes to the eyes. After the procedure, do not strain your eyes for several hours. It is recommended to wear dark glasses that will help reduce the discomfort from too bright light.

Before using folk recipes for the treatment of any disease, it is necessary to consult phytotherapists and the attending physician in order to avoid negative consequences.


Patients are subject to follow-up at a rheumatologist, as well as supervision at a dentist, ophthalmologist and gynecologist. It is necessary to prevent the treatment of symptomatic drugs and taking medications to achieve a state of remission.

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Patients are advised to eat rationally, carefully observe personal hygiene rules, avoid neuropsychic overstrain, hypothermia and colds.

Primary prevention of the disease has not been developed to date.

Prognosis and complications

The course of the disease is not life-threatening, but significantly worsens the quality of life. Therapy, appointed in a timely manner, is able to slow the progression of pathological processes and preserve the ability of the patients to work. In cases of lack of treatment, complications often occur that lead to disability.

It should be noted that secondary lesions are often attached to primary lesions with Sjogren's symptom, as a result of which bronchopneumonia, recurrent tracheitis, sinusitis develop. With systemic lesions, the development of circulatory disorders of the spinal and / or brain, renal failure is likely.


Despite the fact that the disease is quite serious and causes great discomfort, it is not fatal, and if you turn to a specialist in time and start treatment - you can live with it without even noticing the problem.

It is worth remembering about a healthy lifestyle, this will not only improve the immune system and will not allow the pathological process to progress quickly, but also at times reduce the risk of other comorbid pathologies.


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