Correlegel - effective treatment of eye diseases

Correleregel is an ophthalmic( eye) drug for topical application, which has a pronounced restorative effect.

The preparation contains dexpanthenol, the metabolism of which forms active components that accelerate the activity of pantothenic acid.

Correlegel actively participates in various metabolic processes, accelerating the regeneration of mucosal tissues.

    • 1. General information about corneregel
    • 2. Indications for use of the drug corneregel
    • 3. Instructions for use and dose of
    • 4. Side effects of
    • 5. Interaction with
    • medicines 6. Specific instructions
    • 7. Pricesfor the preparation
    • 8. Analogues of the drug
    • 9. Feedback on the application of the corneal gel

Korneregel is widely and actively used in ophthalmic practice: they successfully treat common erosions and apply complex treatment of different forms of keratitis, eye burns andtheir injuries.

General information on corneeregel

Active substance of this drug is dexpanthenol, the active elements of which have the action of pantothenic acid. Also in the preparation contains a small amount of vitamins needed for the eye. Korneregel very well involved in the healing processes of mucous eyes and skin tissues.

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Has a pronounced regenerating and mild anti-inflammatory property. This ophthalmic gel has a high viscosity, which allows long-term contact of dexpanthenol with the mucous membrane of the eye.

Correnegel does not penetrate into the soft tissues of the eyeball due to high molecular weight and does not enter the total blood flow.

The main goal of the drug is to stimulate the processes of cornea regeneration, preventing the formation of scarring on the cornea and forming a normal fibroblast structure.

Korneregel has established itself as an effective medicine that reduces signs of eye irritation after surgery.

Confirmed clinical data indicate that the medicine perfectly restores the eye tissue when treating their burns. It is able to restore the transparency of the eye cornea and epithelial tissue, significantly diminishing turbidity and perforation. Thanks to this action, this drug is considered a universal preventive tool for damage to the cornea of ​​the eye of various origins.

Please note - instructions for use for ointment Hydrocortisone. Detailed description of the preparation.

In the article( here) instruction for eye drops Oftakwix.

The instruction and the price for Tobrex! This drug is used to treat patients:

  • with damaged corneal erosion,
  • with keratitis,
  • with dry keratoconjunctivitis,
  • with dystrophic diseases of the cornea. // kapli-dlya-glaz / antibakterialnyj-preparat-tobreks.html


  • having corneal burns of various origins( chemical and thermal),
  • which have infectious corneal lesions.
  • Apply corneregel as a prevention of eye diseases with the constant wearing of contact lenses.

    Instructions for Use and Dose

    Correleregel is intended for direct instillation in a conjunctival sac. Patients who use contact lenses must remove them before instillation.

    Further use of contact lenses is recommended 15 minutes after the use of the drug. The course of treatment, dose and frequency of use will be determined by a specialist doctor individually for each patient.

    The classical purpose of cornregele: 1-2 drops of medication 4-6 times a day. Use gently, avoid touching the tip of the tube against the eye. After each use, the tube is closed tightly. The drug is used for long-term treatment.

    How to directly use the tool? Take a tube with cornregele, heated to normal( room) temperature. Slightly throw back the head and squeeze out one drop of trailing contents into the eye lid and distribute it across the entire eye surface.

    After the procedure, it takes some time to be at rest, but at the same time the position of the body should be horizontal.

    Side effects of

    The drug is usually well tolerated, but there are cases of hyperemia, irritation and severe burning in the eyes, there are isolated cases of an allergic reaction.

    The appearance of temporary fuzzy sight is noted immediately after using the tool.


    The agent is quite effective, but it is not recommended for everyone to apply it.

    There are some contraindications:

    • is hypersensitive to the components included in the preparation,
    • is cautiously prescribed to patients who drive the vehicle or work with mechanisms requiring increased attention,
    • , cautious use in patients with chronic renal failure
    • , the drug may be administered to pregnant women in thatthe exceptional case where the benefit for the mother's organism is somewhat higher than the risk for the baby's future, the
    • before applyingin lactation period necessarily a consultation with a doctor.

    Interaction with drugs

    If it is necessary to use other medicinal ophthalmic preparations together with cornregelem, it is necessary to maintain the interval between doses of about 5 minutes, and the agent in question is used at the last turn.

    Specific instructions

    The drug in its composition contains cetrimide, which, with prolonged use, often causes irritation of the eye shell( characterized by hyperemia, foreign body sensation in the eye area, burning sensation, etc.).

    The prices for the drug

    The cost of the medicine in a 5 g tube and carton pack is:

    • in Russia - 285-464 rubles,
    • in Ukraine - 135-160 hryvnia

    Analogues of the medicine

    The pharmacological industry produces a large number of similar medicinal drugs:

    • Adelone drops,
    • Betamycil ointment,
    • Lacrosse gel,
    • Ophthalm,
    • Quinaks drops,
    • Solcoseryl gel,
    • Emoxibel drops, etc.

    Read more - Tetracycline ointment eye. Instruction and price overview.

    In the news( more details) instructions for eye drops Tropicamide.

    Price for Actovegin gel!http: // glaznye-mazi / aktovegin-dlya-zazhivleniya-ran.html

    Feedback on the use of cornealgel

    Patients who used the drug in the article, leave positive feedback on its effect and effect. However, there are reviews, which describe the side effects of unwanted effects. Below you can get acquainted with the reviews of patients.

    It is strongly recommended that you consult an ophthalmologist before applying cornealgel.

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