Eye Virolex Eye Ointment

You need to take care of your eyes from the very childhood. At the slightest deviation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In this article we will look at ophthalmic ointment, which is often prescribed for the treatment of eye viral diseases.

Virollex is an anti-viral agent for a wide range of uses, which is produced in a variety of formats, such as tablets, drops, creams, ointments.

For the treatment of eye diseases, a variant in the form of an ointment is used. Let us examine the medicine in more detail later.

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. Instruction
    • 2. Contra-indications and side effects
    • 3. Storage conditions
    • 4. Price and analogs
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Results
    • 7. Video


Composition and form of

Issued inform of ointment, which is a semi-transparent homogeneous mass without a pronounced odor. It is packed in aluminum tubes having a volume of 4.5 grams.

Thanks to the white petrolatum, it is possible to softly apply the ointment to the tissues, and the main medicamentous effect is the substance Acyclovir, which is contained in the amount of 30 mg per gram of ointment.

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Indications for use

Herpessimplex, or herpes simplex, is a common viral disease that can affect the ocular corneal tissue in patients with advanced treatment or relapse.

Such a lesion is called herpetic keratitis and it is in the fight against it that virolex has the greatest effectiveness.

Acyclovir is built into the synthesis of the DNA of the virus, disrupting it and leading to cell death, while it does not harm the healthy cells of the body, since their permeability to the active substance is many times less. Available without a prescription.

Interaction with other drugs

If you use immunostimulants, the effect of the drug will be strengthened. Also, the increase in its effect will occur if, together with the use of the ointment, use other formats of virolex( tablets).

Virolex enhances the nephrotoxic effect of other drugs that have a negative effect on the kidneys.


The preparation should be pawned for the lower eyelid, gently pulling it by hand. After that the patient should blink an eye and massage a eyelid a finger that the ointment was distributed in regular intervals.

But you can not allow direct contact between the fingers and the eye. The procedure should be conducted 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 7-14 days, if after this desired effect does not occur, you should consult a doctor to clarify the therapy programs.

Thus it is not necessary to stop procedures right after visible improvement of a status of eyes, it is necessary to fix effect, applying means still two-three days.

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Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication is allergic reactions to Vaseline or acyclovir. With caution it is necessary to apply it to pregnant women, only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In experimental studies it was found that acyclovir can penetrate into breast milk, for the lactation period, the use of virolex is prohibited.

Virollex can negatively affect the kidneys( as it is excreted from the body through them), therefore it is contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency.

The most common side effect is soreness and burning in the place of application. Vulvitis and superficial keratopathy can develop.

The ointment can also dry out the mucous membrane, so it is not recommended to use it in short intervals with other ointments. There were no other serious side effects of the drug.

If the patient has an immunodeficiency( for example, with AIDS), the effect of the drug may not be sufficient to kill the virus.

It should be noted that virolex does not eliminate the herpes virus from the body as a whole, it only survives it from the eyeball area. Therefore, the patient should continue to observe precautionary measures for patients with herpes.

Storage conditions

In closed form, the ointment can be stored for no more than five years, after opening the package, the contents of the tube should be used within one month.

Price and analogues

Analogues include drugs similar in their viral effect to virolexes. It is, first and foremost, acyclovir, which is almost identical in composition and effect. Among other analogues, one can distinguish zovirax and acic ophthalmic.

The cost of Virolex

In Russia The average cost of the drug is 100-200 rubles
In Ukraine The facility costs much more - about 100-120 hryvnia, which in terms of rubles will give a three times higher amount


Users mark the acceptable price of the facility,only slightly surpassing analogs, as well as the availability of drugs in each pharmacy. A reliable action of the agent against viral conjunctivitis and complications of herpes simplex was noted.

However, there have been complaints about the presence of side effects, such as red eyes, itching, lacrimation, sensation of a foreign object .But they were not expressed so much to discomfort.

The users' complaints were not caused by the most convenient form-factor of the delivery of the product - the tube was easily damaged, which led to the leakage of the medicine, and also it flowed out if its lid did not tighten tightly.

It is noted that it is important to complete the course of treatment to the end, without stopping the application of the ointment after the disappearance of visible signs of disease.

If you have used the virolex and want to express your impression about this, then leave your feedback after this article.


Virolex in the form of an ointment, unlike tablets and essences for dissolution, is much less toxic to the body, has no significant side effects, practically does not harm the kidneys, it is suitable for children.

This does not mean that it is completely safe - there are side effects to it. But they are not expressed so brightly and do not lead to harmful effects on the body.

However, with topical application, the virolex ointment reliably removes herpes and all traces of its presence in the eye and skin around them.


How to take care of your eyes?

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