Inflammation of the eye - various conjunctivitis and keratitis can be caused not only by the ubiquitous large group of bacteria, but also by viruses, especially flu and herpes.
For the treatment of this form of eye inflammation, antibacterial drugs will not work, since they have no effect on viruses, so antiviral drugs should be used.
One of them is oxolin ointment. We are used to the fact that "oxolinic" can lubricate the nasal mucosa to prevent the development of infection in the nasopharynx, but this drug has another effect - a therapeutic one. In order to eliminate viral inflammation of the eyes, it is necessary to know the conditions of use of the drug and the basic scheme of drug use. More about this you will learn from our article.
- 1. Instructions for use
- 2. Contraindications
- 3. Storage
- 4. Prices
- 5. Analogues
- 6. Reviews
- 7. Conclusion
- 8. Useful video
Instructions for use
Oxolin ointment is a syntheticthe main active substance of the preparation is
oxolin .It has antiviral activity and is especially effective against the herpes virus, adenovirus and various strains of influenza. The virucidal action of oxoline has been documented both against human HPV, as well as against molluscum contagiosum.Oxolin components effectively penetrate into tissues, when in contact with the main active substance, the ointment causes the death of viruses. Several types of ointments are produced, differing by the percentage ratio of the main active substance. For application to mucous membranes, only 0.25% ointment is used, therefore only this form is used to treat eye diseases.
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Form and Composition
The drug is manufactured in aluminum tubes, which has a protective inner coating. The volume of the tube is 10 g. Ointment has a dense, thick consistency, which has a whitish-gray tide.
The main substance is dioxotetrahydroxytetrahydronaphthalene( tetraoxolin).It is worth noting that it is this substance that gave the name of the ointment. Auxiliary elements are such components as citric acid, liquid paraffin, and also petroleum jelly.
Manufacturers are Nizhpharm, Russia and DKP Pharmaceutical Factory, Ukraine.
Useful actions
The effectiveness of using oxolin ointment is confirmed by long-term use of the medicine in the territory of Russia.
When using the drug against viral diseases the following necessary effects appear:
- Itching is eliminated.
- The irritation is removed.
- Tearing stops.
- Passes hyperemia.
When applied to the mucous membranes and behind the eyelid, more than half of all the components of the ointment penetrate the eye membranes, which determines its high efficiency. Oxolin does not penetrate into the total bloodstream of the body, therefore there is no toxic effect.
Ointment has practically no contraindications to use and obvious side effects, with the first application it is possible to develop a rapid burning sensation. The drug will have the necessary effect on the eyes, if only the agent of the conjunctivitis virus, therefore, appropriate laboratory diagnosis should be carried out.
Oxolin ointment can be used in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis in pregnant women. In pediatric practice, there is an age limit - children under two years old, but despite this, many years of practice shows that the ointment does not do any harm to infants.
Usage and dosage
The drug is placed behind the eyelid in the amount of to 0.2 grams of , this is approximately the volume with a match head. Use the ointment up to five times a day, and the total course of treatment is at least five days.
With long-term use of symptoms of intoxication or overdose is not observed, oxolin for the prevention of influenza can be used for a month with daily spreading of the nasal mucosa.
The result of treatment depends on the correct use of the drug. Before applying, you need to remove the accumulated secret before your eyes, you can do it with a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs or a pharmacy antiseptic. After applying ointment eyes can not be rubbed - oxolin is absorbed without external influence.
There are no categorical contraindications to the use of oxoline for eye treatment, ointment is used in the treatment of the eyes in adult patients and in pediatrics. With caution apply ointment in children under two years, children of this age dosage, the duration of treatment is selected only by the doctor based on the severity of the symptoms.
Hypersensitivity is determined by a strong non-passing burning, intensifying itching. If these symptoms persist, then it is necessary to wash off the ointment with plenty of water, and replace the drug after consulting a doctor for a similar one.
Store the ointment at a temperature that does not exceed 10 degrees. For this you can use a refrigerator. It is not recommended to give ointment in the hands of young children. With all the recommendations, the drug can be used for two years.
Oxoline ointment is not a deficit, you can buy it in almost any pharmacy chain. The cost of a 10-gram tube of oxoline in Russia starts from 35 rubles , in Ukraine from 10 hryvnia .
The drug in the tube is sufficient for a weekly treatment of viral eye diseases at the usual dosage.
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When oxolin is intolerant, preparations with the same mechanism of action are selected for the treatment of eye diseases with an identified viral etiology of development, these can be both antiviral ointments and drops.
- Tebrofen ointment in ophthalmic practice is used in the form of 0.5% form of release. It has efficacy against adenoviruses, herpes, influenza. Used to apply for the eyelid for at least a week.
- 0,25% Florenceal ointment in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis can be used up to a month and a half.
- Effective against viruses is usual Interferon, the solution of this drug is used for instillation into the eyes.
The effectiveness of the treatment of viral conjunctivitis increases if, together with ophthalmic ointments, use systemic antiviral drugs in the form of tablets or injections. Only the ophthalmologist can make the necessary treatment plan after a complete examination of his patient and laboratory tests.
Opinions about Oxolin Ointment are mixed. One half of the patients vied with each other for the fact that he had the desired therapeutic effect: he removed redness, coped with the disease, took off the irritation of the eyes.
In addition, Oksolinovaya ointment is inexpensive, so even a retiree can afford it.
Another part of the patients doubts the therapeutic effect of the ointment. Patients note that more often the drug does not have any effect on the patient's body, which greatly disappoints them.
Quite often when conjunctivitis pregnant girls are prescribed this ointment. Not finding in the instruction any information on the use of the drug in this period of time, the girls very often ask the question of whether it is possible to apply the ointment during pregnancy.
It is advisable to use this ointment under careful supervision of a doctor.
Oxolin Ointment is an old time-tested drug that is used to treat not only warts, herpes, depriving, flu, but also eye diseases. However, doctors today prefer to prescribe more modern medicines, putting aside the well-known Oxolin ointment.
Useful video
How to lay the ointment for the eyes: