Use of erythromycin ointment for eye treatment

Conjunctivitis in most cases is caused by various bacteria, viruses, fungi. The disease is characterized by a very unpleasant symptomatology, and without treatment leads to various negative consequences for the eyesight.

To stop the multiplication of pathogens and remove them from the conjunctiva is possible only through the use of antibacterial drugs - drops or ointments.

One of the most effective medicines in the treatment of eye inflammation is considered in ophthalmologists Erythromycin ointment is a time-tested product with a pronounced curative effect.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Useful properties
    • 3. Contraindications
    • 4. Analogues
    • 5. Price
    • 6. Reviews

In order for the use of this ointment to bring undoubted benefits you need to know the basic rules of its use,indications and therapy.

Instruction for use

The mechanism of action of Erythromycin ointment is based on the bacteriostatic effect of the antibiotic entering into the drug from the group of macrolides.

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The drug has antibacterial action against most gram-negative bacteria, chlamydia, fungi and viruses of different groups. When used on the eyes, Erythromycin blocks the synthesis of proteins of microorganisms, thereby disrupting their growth and reproduction and completely freeing them from infection.

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The components of the ointment penetrate well into the cornea and tear fluid, but they do not enter the total bloodstream, which excludes toxic effects on the entire body and internal organs. Antibiotic Erythromycin is better tolerated by man than penicillin, therefore this ointment can be prescribed with intolerance of drugs from the penicillin group.

Erythromycin ointment has also revealed a significant drawback - it is the rapid adaptation of bacteria to the components of the drug. Avoiding the development of resistance will help to adhere to the treatment regimen, for different categories of patients it is compiled individually.

Erythromycin ointment is prescribed for patients with ophthalmology in the development of:

  • Conjunctivitis of a bacterial or viral origin origin.
  • Blepharitis.
  • Keratites, barley.
  • Ophthalmia of newborns.
  • Fucked.

Erythromycin ointment in the treatment of the eye is laid behind the eyelid, it is first necessary to remove the entire accumulated purulent secret from the conjunctiva with antiseptic or herbal decoctions. With conjunctivitis, a single dose is about 0.3 grams, use the medication three times a day.

When trachoma, the number of ointments is increased to 5. Treatment of uncomplicated conjunctivitis continues for this scheme up to two weeks. In severe eye infections and trachomes, the entire course can go up to 16 weeks.

Useful properties

When using Erythromycin ointment in the treatment of bacterial diseases, the development of pathogens stops.

Drug components disrupt the bacterial cycle, which results in the following effects on the body:

  • Itching stops.
  • Lacrimation is reduced.
  • After two to three days of use, redness of the sclera is eliminated.

The therapeutic effect can manifest itself after several times using erythromycin, but this does not mean that therapy can be stopped. In case of any bacterial disease, the microorganism continues to function even after the reduction of all symptoms, but completely it will be eliminated from the body only after a certain time of exposure to antibacterial drugs. Therefore, the prescribed course of treatment with Erythromycin ointment must be carried out to the end.

Non-compliance with this condition leads to an exacerbation of infectious inflammation of the eyes in a few days. When fixing this condition, an ophthalmologist will be forced to select another remedy, since resistance to erythromycin is already developing in the causative agents of the disease.

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Erythromycin ointment is one of the antibacterial drugs used in the treatment of newborns. It is proved that there is no toxic effect on the crumbs organism with the correct use of the preparation. Erythromycin ointment is recommended for use in a newborn child for the prevention of conjunctivitis with an identified risk of developing the disease.

Ophthalmia in a baby of the first weeks of life can develop when infected from the mother by gonorrhea, chlamydia or in staphylococcus maternity hospitals. The use of ointment avoids the appearance of inflammation in the eyes.

With the first pawning behind the eyelid, burning and local irritation are possible, usually these phenomena pass through with further therapy. If the condition of the eyes worsens, then probably there is an allergy to Erythromycin, in these cases the ophthalmologist selects another drug.


Erythromycin ointment, like any other pharmaceutical product, can not be administered to all categories of patients without exception.

The drug has its contraindications to use and the doctor must necessarily in detail before prescribing the medicine to collect anamnesis, this will help to avoid undesirable consequences and will increase the effectiveness of the chosen therapy regimen.

Erythromycin ointment is not prescribed for severe liver damage and hypersensitivity to the antibiotic Erythromycin. During pregnancy and during lactation, the drug is not prescribed unless absolutely necessary, it is changed to safer analogs.

It should be noted that Erythromycin reduces the effectiveness of cephalosporins and penicillins and enhances the action of corticosteroids, theophylline, cyclosporine. With prolonged and excessive use, resistance to bacteria develops and a secondary infection occurs, requiring the administration of drugs from a different range of antibiotics.

There have been no cases of erythromycin overdose in mortem for eyelid. If the drug has caused the development of an allergic reaction, then it must be removed and rinsed irritated eyes thoroughly with cool water.


Erythromycin intolerance, lack of effect or contraindication, force the physician to select analogues of the drug that have the required efficacy against pathogens. A similar mechanism of action in relation to conjunctivitis has Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment, used a certain period.

This drug is also used to treat blepharitis in newborns. Itching and swelling with conjunctivitis effectively removes Hydrocortisone ointment, but when using it, it is necessary to take into account indications and contraindications, since the main active substance of the drug is the hormone. Antibacterial action is provided by Maxitrol ointment, but it is not used for viral and fungal lesions.

Effective analogues Erythromycin ointment is able to choose only a doctor based on the type of disease, the severity of the symptoms, the main contraindications. Determination of the pathogen of inflammation with the help of laboratory diagnosis allows you to correctly select the drug after which the conjunctivitis passes in a few days.


A ten-gram tube with Erythromycin Ointment at pharmacies in Russia starts at about 40 rubles. The increased price depends on cheating pharmacies and delivery conditions, in remote areas the price of a tube with erythromycin approaches 90 rudders. One package of medicine is sufficient for a two-week course of treatment.

In Ukraine, the drug costs within 20 hryvnia. The budgetary price of the drug allows you to conduct the entire course recommended by the ophthalmologist without special financial costs.


After the application of Erythromycin to eliminate conjunctivitis, many ophthalmologist patients leave positive comments. Erythromycin ointment attracts not only a low price, but also a pronounced antibacterial effect, ease of use and rapid elimination of the main symptoms - itching and lacrimation.

There are also negative responses, they arise, as a rule, when used improperly or when the causative agent is not correctly established. Detailed reviews can be read at the end of this article, they are collected from real patients of ophthalmologist who are undergoing treatment with Erythromycin ointment.

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