Zovirax - a drug for the treatment of herpesvirus infections

Eye problems often cause discomfort, since they can affect vision, worsen it, or cause other problems.

In this article, we will review the Zovirax preparation, which is used not only to treat eye problems, but also to other areas of the body.

Zovirax is a drug that is a very convenient immunostimulant.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a remedy in several forms, accordingly - the medicine is taken orally and externally( topically applied).

    • 1. How to use
    • 2. Indications and contraindications
    • 3. Storage
    • 4. Price for eye ointment
    • 5. Analogues
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusion

Instruction for use

When applicable

Itsaction Zoviraks is fighting with viruses, popularity has won for the effective treatment of such unpleasant diseases as herpes, cytomegalovirus, chicken pox.

The list of diseases in which a drug helps is supplemented with the following diseases:

  • chickenpox( both in children and adults),
  • AIDS( used to treat the disease),
  • herpetic infection in newborn infants.
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Ophthalmologists are considering this drug mainly for the treatment of keratitis, which was caused by the herpes simplex virus.

Forms of release

The drug is produced worldwide by several manufacturers from Great Britain and Canada in the following forms:

  1. White tablets , on the one hand - letters GXCL3, in the package - 25 pieces.
  2. Cream 5% .Produced in aluminum tubes for 2, 5, 10 grams.homogeneous mass of white color. Eye Ointment 3% .Packed in aluminum tubes of 4.5 grams.
  3. Lyophilizate Zovirax - ampoules of 250 mg in injections. The package contains 5 ampoules.

Composition of the drug

Active substance of the presented dosage forms is substance acyclovir , which has antiviral activity. Its concentration is as follows:

  • the concentration of acyclovir in the cream is 5%( 50 mg per 1 g),
  • ophthalmic ointment - 3%( 30 mg per 1 g),
  • in the lyophilizate - 250 mg in 1 vial.

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In the article( here) analogs of eye drops Taurine.

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In addition to acyclovir, each dosage form of this drug has its own distinctive chemical compounds. These compounds are capable of causing allergic reactions, so it is recommended to take the medicine carefully to people prone to allergies.

Consider the basic substances of dosage forms of Zovirax, which can be potential allergens:

  1. In cream: paraffin, alcohols, dimethicone substances and sodium lauryl sulfate.
  2. In tablets: lactose, povidone 30K, starch.
  3. In the Ointment ointment, one component is white petrolatum.
  4. In lyophilizate : sodium hydrochloride.

Therapeutic effect and action of

Medication Zovirax has the ability to kill viruses of chicken pox, herpes, Epstein-Barr, and cytomegalovirus. The therapeutic effect of tablets, ointments, and injections is due to the incoming component of acyclovir, the drug of any form acts similarly to each other, only the scale of therapy differs.

For example :

  • oral tablet formulation has an antiviral systemic effect - it destroys the pathogenic microorganism in the cells of systems and organs.
  • for local use( for treatment of skin reactions with chickenpox or in the eyes) Zovirax kills viruses exclusively on the skin surface or mucous membranes, almost without penetrating into the bloodstream. In a word - the antiviral effect will be subject only to the treated area.

The mechanism of action of the drug is absolutely the same for any method of administration and use of the drug: getting into the virus-infected cells of the body, the enzyme of the virus conducts a number of chemical transformations, as a result of which the viruses are unable to reproduce and die after the end of their life.

The drug has a high degree of selectivity and is able to act only on those cells that are infected with viruses, while not affecting the healthy and normal. Obviously, it is completely safe for healthy cells and this makes it low toxicity.

The use of this medication with long-term courses can form the resistance of viruses to it, after which it practically loses its effectiveness in treatment.

How to apply?

The dosage and duration of treatment time when using different forms of Zovirax are different, so consider the use of each form separately.

Tablets. Drink clean water( 1 glass), the reception is not dependent on the reception of food. In special cases( bone marrow transplantation), dosing is increased 2 times( 5 times a day for 2 tablets).Children from 2 years with herpesvirus infections take an adult dose, younger than this age - a half dose. When an infection is detected, Zovirax begins to be taken as early as possible to kill the multiplication of viruses.

In the treatment of more serious diseases - chicken pox or shingles - the drug is administered in blockade mode, increasing the dose to 4 tablets. Under such circumstances, children are recommended to use 2 pieces 5 times a day.

Ampoules Zovirax( lyophilizate). Cork powder is dissolved and the drug is administered intravenously and drip. The dose is calculated from the patient's body weight. The introduction rates are determined by the ready-made tables. The volume of the solution is injected intravenously for at least one hour.

Ampoule powder is dissolved in the injection liquid or in a physiological sterile solution, mixed until the powder mass is completely dissolved and a clear solution is obtained.

Eye ointment Zovirax. Ointment is squeezed out from a tube 1 cm long and placed under the lower eyelid, repeat the procedure 5 times a day. Apply the ointment before the complete treatment of keratitis. For the time of treatment, contact lenses are not used.

Cream Zovirax. Skin lesions affected by herpes or chickenpox must be treated with cream 5 times a day for 3-4 days, in severe cases - up to 10 days. The cream spreads over the surface of the skin in a thin layer, grabbing healthy areas around the edges. When treating herpes on the lips should avoid getting into the mouth, and with genital herpes, sexual abstinence is necessary until complete cure.

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Indications and contraindications

Ointment is used to treat herpes infections of the skin and mucous membranes( a common use for herpes on the lips).The ophthalmic preparation is used in the treatment of keratitis, which is caused by herpes viruses.

The use of the drug in the form of tablets and injections has the same indications: they are effectively helped in getting rid of chicken pox, treatment of herpes viruses in newborns.

The main contraindication to the use of Zovirax is sensitivity to acyclovir. With certain kidney diseases, a doctor must be observed.

Storage of

The ointment has a long shelf life up to its opening - 3 years, after opening it is stored for 1 month in the refrigerator or simply in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 25 C.

Price for eye ointment

The price range for Zovirax in the form of ointment varies invalues:

  • in Russia - 180 - 200 rubles ,
  • In Ukraine - 57-62 hryvnia .


Analogues of ointment Zovirax in its ophthalmic orientation are Acyclovir, Virollex.

Ointment Acyclovir is very affordable, contains the same substances as in Zovirax: acyclovir and petroleum jelly. There are no differences between them, except for the manufacturer. Eye Acyclovir ointment is manufactured in Russia, whereas Zovirax is a product of joint manufacture of pharmaceutical companies in Great Britain, Italy and Canada.

Virolex is identical in composition to Zovirax, the producer is Slovenia.

The described drugs are synonymous with Zovirax, since they are absolutely identical in composition.

An analogue that will differ in composition, but the indication is the same: the course of acute superficial keratitis caused by the herpes simplex virus is the eye gel of Zirgan. This drug consists of ganciclovir. Its difference from Zoviraks is that when using a medicine, both men and women need to use contraception, and also three months after the end of the admission.

Florenal eye ointment is also an analog of Zovirax. It is effective against herpes viruses type 1 and type 2.The indication is somewhat wider: keratitis, herpetic and viral keratoconjunctivitis, conjunctivitis.

Bonafton, eye ointment is indicated for the treatment of eye diseases of a viral origin. The difference from Zovirax in the active substance, it is called bromonaphthoquinone.


Reviews about Zovirax are mostly positive. It is good for relapsing conjunctivitis as part of complex treatment, with keratitis. The eyes are focused more clearly on the objects in a few days, the intraocular pressure returns to normal.

There are reviews about the use of ointment against herpes on the lips, it helps with a noticeable result right away, the affected area does not increase in size, dries up, and the herpes goes through 4-6 days. Positively respond about ointments and patients who used Zovirax to get rid of shingles.

Negative reviews are associated mainly with the high cost of the drug. Also, some note the inconvenience of use, immediately after the application, painful sensations arise. From the eye medication it becomes cloudy for a few minutes, and the ointment accumulates in the corners of the eyes, you can get rid of it sometimes only by rinsing your eyes. Another drawback is that Zovirax after autopsy has a short shelf life.


Zovirax is an effective medication that is available in a variety of forms;he copes with diseases of a viral origin. Local application helps actively combat the manifestations of herpes. The tablet form and the solution for intravenous infusion destroy the foreign microorganism.

Ointment has a long shelf life, but only if the tube has not yet been opened. The drug for topical application has more affordable for the price of complete analogues both in composition and in its effect.

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