Ophthalmologists noted an increase in eye diseases, both allergic and infectious origin.
Many people complaining to specialists complain about dry eye syndrome, fatigue, a feeling of "sand", reddening and edema of the eyelid and other manifestations of discomfort.
They are caused by different reasons: due to work at the computer, air dryness, infection, dust, infection with bacteria and mites.
In modern conditions of life, there are often allergic blepharitis, conjunctivitis, barley, demodectic eyelids and skin. Special gels have been created for treatment, which solve these problems.
Blepharogel is a highly effective drug developed by Geltec-Medic, a team of physicians, biologists and chemists. The drug is used to treat the above ailments, as well as care for the centuries.
- 1. Types of preparation
- 2. Instruction for use
- 3. Storage
- 4. Price
- 5. Analogues: demazole, blepharosolution
- 6. Summary of article
- 7. Video
Types of preparation
Two types are producedBlepharogel - 1 and 2, which differ in the composition and method of application.
Blepharogel 1
Composition of the preparation:
- hyaluronic acid;
- glycerol;
- Aloe Vera juice;
- propylene glycol;
- propyl paraben;
- methyl paraben;
- carbomer;
- deionized water.
A 15 ml product is dispensed in a vial, each package contains 1 vial.
Blefarogel 2
This is an indispensable tool in the treatment of demodectic eyelids and blepharitis. The main difference from the composition of blepharogel 1 - the presence of sulfur preparations, which normalize the secretion of excretory ducts of the glands, clean the edges of the eyelids, eliminate dry eyes, increase the stability of tear film.
Instruction for use
Pharmacological properties of
Hyaluronic acid facilitates the regeneration of cells, moisturizes and cleanses the skin, increases the elasticity of the skin, improves the structure of the skin, removes fine wrinkles.
Antiseptic properties of Aloe Vera juice contribute to the normalization of metabolism in skin cells. Juice nourishes, moisturizes the skin of the eyelids with proteins, vitamins and trace elements that prevent the aging of the skin, contributing to the growth of eyelashes.
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The drug has cosmetic and therapeutic properties.
The use of blepharogel effectively removes redness, relieves irritation, itching, heaviness of eyelids and relieves eyes of fatigue. As a hygienic product cleans the surface of the skin from keratinized scales, greasy secretions and crusts.
The gel is used to treat demodectic, blepharitis and barley. The drug acts quickly, the effect of treatment is preserved for a long time.
Combination with other drugs
No interaction found.
Special instructions
Contact lenses must be removed before applying blepharogel. They can be worn no earlier than 15 minutes after using the drug.
If the gel gets into the eyes, there may be a burning sensation that lasts for a minute.
How to use?
The method of application of Blepharogel 1 or Blepharogel 2 does not differ from each other. The gel is intended for physiotherapy of eyelids and their massage. Preparation of the eyelids is also carried out in the same way, regardless of the forthcoming procedure.
Before applying the massage aid or before a physiotherapy procedure, it is necessary to perform the procedure for eyelid cleansing. First, the skin is cleaned with the usual daily remedy, if decorative cosmetics were used. Then you need to do this procedure with a cotton ball and blepharogel. To do this, a few drops squeeze out onto the disc and cleanse the eyelid from dust, skin scales and fat discharge, and grab the line of eyelash growth.
Blepharogel for eyelid massage
After clearing the eyelids, squeeze a few drops of gel from the bottle and use a special glass rod or fingertips to make a therapeutic massage with neat circular motions. If the massage is performed with your fingers, then the hands before the procedure should be thoroughly washed, wiped dry and warmed with palms rubbing against each other. Massage is performed for 1-2 minutes twice a day in the morning and in the evening.
Blepharogel for physiotherapy
After cleansing the eyelids, squeeze a few drops of gel and apply a finger to the skin of the eyelids. Then put on the eyelid the necessary sensor for physiotherapy or magnetotherapy. The duration of the procedure and therapy as a whole is established by the attending physician.
For the prevention of diseases it is recommended to use blepharogel once a day, preferably at night.
Store the drug recommended at + 5-30 ° C and away from children.
Shelf life - 3 years. After the end of the gel do not use.
Blepharogel from Geltec-Medica is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Retail price in Russia ranges from 150 to 220 rubles, in the pharmacy network in Ukraine - from 49 hryvnia.
Analogues: demazol, blepharostenone
Cream "Demazol" is an antibacterial, antidemadic and anti-inflammatory agent.
Designed for skin care, is a drug that eliminates demodicosis, prevents subsequent rashes on the face and eyelids skin, eliminates the inflammatory process associated with the activity of skin mites.
The preparation has a complex composition: 2-methylnitroimidazole, lanolin, glycans, olive oil, chamomile extract, emulsifiers, perfume.
The spectrum of action of the cream is wide: it reduces itching, swelling;removes inflammation, redness, burning. Demazol removes the feeling of "sand" in the eyes. The composition of demazol includes components that inhibit the replication of anaerobic bacteria.
Biologically active components stimulate regenerative and metabolic processes on the skin affected by demodicosis. Demazol is applied to areas of the skin: eyelids, face, external auditory canal and auricles.
Side effects of
On the site of application of the cream there is skin edema and other allergic reactions with individual intolerance of the components.
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The average price of the cream in Russian pharmacies is 220-300 rubles, in Ukraine - 88 hryvnia.
How to use
Use a cotton swab or tampon to apply the cream on the edges of the eyelids in the morning and at night. Increase the effectiveness of demazol is possible, using tincture of eucalyptus, aralia or marigold, which pre-moisten the stick and twice( every 15 minutes) alternately apply to the eyelids before using the cream.
You can also use a mixture of ether and ethyl alcohol( 70 °), while avoiding contact with the eyes. Remove the rest of the cream with a napkin after 30 minutes. Duration of treatment: 45 days. Form of the preparation - tube( 10 ml).Shelf life: 1 year at a temperature not higher than +20 ° С.
If the skin itches, treat the areas( forehead, superciliary arches, nasolabial folds, chin, ear canal, ears) with the indicated tincture. Precautions:
- protection against repeated infection with mites( self-infection),
- use disposable wipes,
- eyelid massaging with wet fingers,
- cotton wool used new for each eye,
- before going to bed wash with warm water and soap before treatment,
- at the time of treatment, restrict the use of decorativecosmetics,
- not to take alcohol, spicy food,
- to avoid direct sunlight,
- to reduce the load on the eyes( restrict work at the computer, reading, watching TV).
This hygienic product is intended for the care of the eyes. Blepharoscenton clears the edges of the eyelids from contamination, does not dry the eyelid skin like washing with soap, does not narrow the excretory ducts of the eye glands.
The drug belongs to the group of drugs used for infectious and allergic eye diseases( conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis).
With blepharitis, the glands are clogged and secretion is accumulated. Lotion easily copes with this problem, has anti-edematous and antibacterial effect.
In addition, it increases the elasticity of the skin, improves blood circulation to the skin and metabolism, normalizes the secretion of excretory ducts of the glands, removes inflammation, dryness and fatigue of the eyes.
Blepharosloion is used to apply warm compresses on the eyelids, which accelerate the absorption of all active components of the agent.
To cheaper analogues are: Ciborate-otan( eye drops of zinc sulfate and boric acid), Doxycycline hydrochloride( in capsules).The means for moistening the cornea, treating dry eyes also include: Vitasik, Hilo-Komod, Vidisik.
Summary of the article
Blepharogel and its analogs are used to treat:
- inflammation of the eyelids( blepharitis, demodectic eyelids);
- of barley;
- syndrome of "dry eye"( disturbances of tear production);
- eye fatigue;
- when wearing contact lenses;
- for a long time in a room with operating air conditioners;
- with daily eyelid care;
- with constant work at the computer.
- Read responses about the admission and effect of treatment with blepharogel at the end of this article.
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