The main symptoms of a panic attack

With their fears, it's much harder to fight than with an external enemy.

First, the internal enemy is more cautious, well disguised and manifests itself at the most unexpected moment.

Secondly, our fears - a part of ourselves, and therefore - dealing with them, we also destroy part of ourselves.

And yet you need to do this.

Even the usual phobias require relentless control, and so serious a breakdown as a panic attack - and even more so.

To deal with it successfully, you need to know symptoms of a panic attack .

The sooner you can diagnose it in yourself, the faster you can seek professional help or you can find a cure for yourself from this scourge yourself.

Panic attack - symptoms that arise from nowhere

Mental disorders are not too different from other chronic diseases.

A person can feel great for a while, and then - bang, and an attack.

When it ends and the person recovers, he feels well again physically and psychologically.

It seems there was nothing.

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Someone remembers perfectly what horror he experienced during the attack of a psychic attack and already subconsciously begins to fear her repetition and looks for symptoms where they do not exist.

But we know perfectly well that exactly what you are most afraid of and what you constantly think about will inevitably happen to you.

I have repeatedly heard and read stories about people who brought themselves to a mental disorder, because the fear of going insane was the main thing in their life.

The psychiatrist with whom I consulted while preparing this article told me a story about a girl who had once experienced a panic attack at a concert of a rock band.

Survived horror how deeply settled into it, that she began to invent herself the symptoms.

As a result, this patient had to be treated not from a panic attack, but from a paranoid psychosis.

If you have ever experienced this chilling feeling of uncontrolled causeless fear, then do not invent yourself diseases.

Read the main symptoms of a panic attack to accurately diagnose it and immediately seek treatment if you can not cope with the problem yourself.

Panic attack and its symptoms

Domestic psychiatrists do not like the term "panic attack", preferring it - "vegetative crisis", because the state of uncontrolled irrational and painful fear is accompanied by a number of vegetative symptoms.

But how can you not name this muck, but it will not be easier for you to transfer it.

Panic attack, by its prevalence, will soon be able to compete with depression, because at least 8% of adults in large cities are prone to vegetative crisis.

Someone just have to fight with symptoms, and someone has to regularly resist attacks.

Most of all, attacks of panic attack are prone to nervous, hypochondriacs, who have anxiety levels and are above normal.

It suffices to overdo it, survive the nervous shock, not to get enough sleep for a long time, to suffer from guilt, to bear the burden of responsibility beyond their power to become a victim of panic fear.

Do not think that if you are a strong, mentally stable and strong-willed person, nothing like this will happen to you.

Fear, panic and anxiety is something that is difficult to control and if the grains fall on fertilized soil, then a vegetative crisis can not be avoided.

This is why it will be useful for everyone to become familiar with its symptoms.

Physical symptoms of panic attack

Panic attack differs from other psychological disorders in that it has pronounced physical symptoms that are difficult to confuse with some other:

  1. Tremor.

    In the street or in the room - the heat, you are dressed in the weather, do not catch cold, do not fever, but suddenly your body begins to tremble with chills, as if you were frozen, the skin is covered with "orphans".

  2. Dizziness - the picture begins to swim before your eyes, and your head breaks with pain.

    You are practically - in a presynchronous state.

  3. Nausea.

    Actually, those who survived an attack of a vegetative crisis, say that some of its symptoms are similar to a food disorder: it hurts the stomach, starts to vomit, there may be a desire to visit the toilet.

  4. Lack of air - you feel like you start to suffocate, so breathe heavily and loudly.
  5. Sweating.

    Some say that sweat on the body starts to run off streams.

  6. The heart starts beating like a mad , and the pulse rate is significantly accelerating.
  7. The left side of the chest begins to give painful sensations , there is a feeling that you "have a heartache."

To less common physical symptoms include:

  • vomiting;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of hearing or smell;
  • speech disorders.

Psychological symptoms of panic attack

Physical symptoms of panic attack are pronounced, but it is easy for a layman to confuse them with other diseases, for example - the same eating disorder, hypertension, etc.

That's why it is very important to pay attention to the psychological component of the vegetative crisis.

The most common symptoms of a panic attack are:

  1. Disorientation in space.

    You can be in a familiar place, but feel like a "loss": you do not understand where you are and where you need to go.

  2. Fear of death.

    Many people feel that what they are experiencing at the moment is an attack, followed by death.

  3. Feeling that you are crazy.

    This terrible feeling and, perhaps, the most dangerous, it can not be surrendered in any way.

  4. The depersonalization of - your consciousness seems to bifurcate, you can even watch yourself from the outside.
  5. Irreality of the situation.

    Something similar we experience in dreams.

  6. Loss of control over your body and your actions.

    After the person comes to, he can not even remember that 10 minutes ago he was hysterical and called for help.

  7. Confusion of thoughts.

But, naturally, the most obvious sign is the uncontrolled, unreasonable horror that rolls on you like a wave, and it seems impossible to combat it.

As a person from the side to discover the other symptoms of a panic attack,

, in order to provide the necessary assistance,

will be prompted by a psychotherapist in the following video:

What if you notice the symptoms of a panic attack?

If you realize that you were the victim of a panic attack, then:

  1. Sit down somewhere not to fall.
  2. Try to calm down.
  3. Normalize your breathing.

    This can be done with a paper bag, alternating a long breath, a 5-second breath delay and a long exhalation.

  4. Convince yourself that nothing threatens you.
  5. Concentrate your attention on something real that surrounds you.
  6. Put your thoughts in order, for example, with the help of simple mathematical exercises.

If you feel that you are not able to cope with the seizure, do not hesitate to ask for help.

Ask those who are near you to say: "Calm down, everything is good, just breathe" and focus on the sounds of their voice.

If this does not help, call an ambulance, there you will be provided with qualified help.

Symptoms of panic attack are so diverse that it is difficult to make a mistake with its diagnosis.

If the seizures recur frequently - always consult a doctor.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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