Eyes - the main source of information about the environment. With the help of the eyes there is an orientation in space, the definition of color and shape, etc.
Disturbance of the normal function of the eyes, their trauma lead to considerable discomfort in a person's life, therefore in each pharmacy there is a wide choice of different medicines for restoration and maintenance of vision.
Consider in detail one of the most effective - the eye gel Solcoseryl. In this article you will find instructions for use, indications and contraindications for use, reviews, prices and analogues of the drug.
Instruction for use
This preparation contains no proteins, pyrogens and antibodies due to the high degree of purification of the original raw material. This ensures the safety of a wide range of natural components: glycolipids, nucleotides, nucleosides, amino acids, oligopeptides, macroelements and microelements. This drug stimulates the recovery( regeneration) of eye tissue.
Interaction with other medications
This drug is used in combination with other ophthalmic agents. The medication does not interact with other medications. There are no such registered cases.
It can be used in conjunction with preparations of the ophthalmic group and other pharmacological groups. Recommendation: Use Solcoseryl 15-20 minutes after other means.
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In the article( in more detail) the outline of the external structure of the human eye.
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Therapeutic action
Eye gel Solcoseryl in its composition contains about 20 percent of the standardized dialysate , obtained from cells of dairy calves. The therapeutic effect on the eyes is as follows:
- stimulating the regeneration of the cells of the eye tissues,
- in activating the exchange of nutrients and oxygen and in accelerating tissue repair,
- in the normalization and maintenance of aerobic metabolism processes,
- in improving the utilization of oxygen in cells and tissues,their hypoxia,
- in significantly accelerating the healing process of various corneal lesions,
- in reducing the risk of the formation of convex scars of the conjunctiva and the cornea.
This gel is used for the following eye diseases and vision abnormalities:
- mechanical injury of the conjunctiva and the cornea of the eye, including erosion, gel is used for the fastest healing of the scar,
- in the postoperative period( glaucoma, cataract, keratoplasty) significantly accelerates the healing processscars,
- to optimize the timing of adaptation to soft and hard contact lenses,
- eye corneal burns of various etymologies( radiation, thermal and chemical),
- keratitis(fungal, bacterial and viral origin), including neuroparalytic, treatment is performed in combination with antiviral( in the form of gels, ointments and tablets) and antifungal drugs, with antibiotics,
- corneal ulcers,
- corneal dystrophy, including the so-called bullouskeratopathy,
- increased dryness and as a result - keratoconjunctivitis,
- , corneal xerosis of the eye with lagophthalmos.
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Causes of Blepharitis!http: //moezrenie.com/bolezni/ zabolevaniya-vek / blefarit-glaz.html
Advantages of
- The local application of the gel has a direct effect on oxygen exchange in the eye cornea, thus contributing to a faster healing.
- The healing quality is significantly improved - the formation of conjunctival and corneal scarring is minimized.
- The gel is transparent, therefore vision is not difficult.
- Strongly attached to the cornea, this property allows continuous isolation of the active substance in the affected area and distribute it evenly there.
- Solcoseryl provides a stable state of a teary liquid film.
How to use?
Before the procedure, wash hands with soap and do not touch the skin with a pipette on the tube and do not touch it with hands.
Gel for 1 drop is instilled in the conjunctival sac, slightly pulling the lower eyelid. The procedure must be performed 3-4 times a day.
In particularly severe cases, the drug is used 1 drop every hour. If therapy passes eye drops and gel, then it is applied 15 minutes after instillation of drops.
To get used to contact lenses, the gel is used before and after installation, and also instill 1 drop into the conjunctival sac.
Contraindications and side effects of
Since there are traces of para-hydroxybenzoic acid ester in the gel, it is necessary to carefully prescribe to patients with allergies to these compounds.
Of the adverse side effects may be temporary burning, but stop treatment in this case is not necessary.
Special instructions for use
- The drug is not recommended for use during the use of soft contact lenses, it is advisable to wear them not earlier than an hour after the gel.
- For 25-30 minutes it is extremely not recommended to engage in potentially hazardous activities that require increased conscious attention and a good speed of psychomotor reactions. The fact is that the drug causes a short-term decrease in visual acuity.
- The effect of Solcoseryl ophthalmic during pregnancy is not fully understood, therefore it is recommended to use Solcoseryl for pregnant and lactating patients if the consequences of the therapeutic effect exceed the risk of complications for the child.
- Use in children is undesirable( children under 1 year are prohibited), since the impact on the child's body has not been studied.
- The duration of use of the gel should not exceed 8-11 days.
Storage and dispensing from pharmacies
It is dispensed from pharmacies according to the doctor's prescription. Shelf life in a sealed form is 5 years. The storage location is chosen to be darkened, out of reach of children and at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
After opening the medication is used for a month, then it should be discarded. The overdue drug is prohibited, since it not only does not bring the desired benefits, but it also worsens the situation.
- Corneregel( gel eye),
- Balarpan,
- VitA-POS,
- Defisle and others.
The cost of this tool varies between:
- in Russia: 290-330 rubles,
- in Ukraine: 90-120 hryvnia.
With feedback on the practical application of Solcoseryl gel eye can be found at the end of this article. Patients noted the high effectiveness of this drug.
The drug Solcoseryl is not only an "ambulance" for the eyes, there are various forms of release of this drug, which is very effectively used in the treatment of burns, wounds, trophic ulcers( form of release - ointment), as well as in the treatment of craniocerebral injuries and strokes(form of release - injection).
Unlike the eye gel Solkoserila other drugs with this name are quite expensive.
Solcoseryl gel has several forms of release. All of them consist of deproteinized( protein-free) dialysate from the blood of dairy calves, therefore, in addition to ophthalmology, it is successfully used for burns, frostbites, hard-healing dry wounds.
Many use gel and ointment in the fight against facial wrinkles, as this is a natural biological preparation that promotes the formation of collagen and skin regeneration.
Reviews about the gel are positive, it is transferred very well and is affordable.
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