Actovegin is a drug that helps in the treatment of many diseases. Cream, ointment and gel Actovegin is used to treat various skin lesions. It is used to treat inflammatory processes and wounds on the mucous membranes, skin.
The drug helps with complex varicose veins, which causes ulcers. The use of Actovegin is effective for the prevention and treatment of pressure sores, as well as for the treatment of skin reactions after exposure to radiation.
In the form of a special gel Actovegin is used to treat the eyes - with ulcers, burns and inflammation or corneal transplantation. The drug is effective for the prevention and treatment of retinal radiation injuries, as well as for complications arising from the use of contact lenses.
- 1. Instructions for use
- 2. Side effects of
- 3. Specific instructions
- 4. Price
- 5. Analogues
- 6. Reviews
- 7. Conclusion
Instruction for use
Useful properties
The drug Actovegin activates the cellularmetabolism by accumulating and increasing the transport of oxygen and glucose, enhancing their intracellular utilization. These processes cause an acceleration of the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate and an increase in the energy resources of the cells.
Under conditions that limit the normal functions of energy metabolism, as well as with increasing energy consumption, this drug stimulates the energy processes of metabolism and assimilation by their body.
Secondary effect of the drug - increased blood supply .
The eye gel Actovegin is made from the blood of calves. In 5 grams of gel contains 40 mg of dry weight of deproteinized hemoderivat extracted from calf blood.
Additional components in the preparation are thiomersal, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, lactic acid and sorbitol.
Manufacturer: NICOMED Austria GmbH, Austria.
Indications for use
Indications for the use of Actovegin are:
- ischemic stroke;
- cerebral circulatory failure;
- craniocerebral trauma;
- peripheral circulatory disorders;
- trophic disorders resulting from varicose veins on the legs;
- angiopathy;
- pressure sores;
- burns;
- ulcers of different origin;
- treatment and prevention of radiation injuries.
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In the ophthalmic practice, Actovegin is prescribed in the following cases:
- damage to the sclera and cornea;
- corneal ulcers;
- corneal burn;
- corneal abrasion resulting from the use of contact lenses;
- keratitis, including inflammation after corneal transplantation;
- prevention of lesions in patients with dystrophic processes in the cornea, arising from the selection of contact lenses.
How to apply?
The method of administration and dosage depends on the type of the disease and the severity of its course. The drug can be administered topically and inward, parenterally.
Tablets .Inside, 1-2 tablets of Actovegin are prescribed three times a day before eating. Dragee washed down with water, not liquid.
Injections, ampoules .The initial dose for intra-arterial or intravenous administration may be 10-20 milliliters, depending on the severity of the disease. Then 5 milliliters of the drug is given intramuscularly or intravenously, every day or several times a week.
Drip intravenous 250 ml of solution for infusion at a rate of 2-3 milliliters per minute every day or several times a week.10, 20 or 50 milliliters of solution for injection diluted in 0.2-0.3 liters of saline or glucose are also used. The course of treatment is 10-20 infusions. It is not recommended to add other drugs to the infusion solution.
It is necessary to administer parenterally with Actovegin with caution, since there is a possibility of developing an anaphylactic reaction. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct trial injections with the provision of emergency therapy.
Because the solution has hypertonic properties, intravenously it can be administered in an amount of not more than 5 milliliters. Using the drug intravenously, it is necessary to observe the parameters of water-electrolyte metabolism.
gel. In ophthalmic use of the drug is in this form, which is intended for the purification and treatment of open ulcers and wounds. With radiation injuries and burns, the product is applied to the skin with a thin layer. In order to treat ulcers, the gel should be applied to the skin in a thicker layer and covered with a compress with ointment to prevent adhesion to the wound. The dressing should be changed once a week, if the ulcers become very wet - several times a day.
The eye gel is squeezed out in the amount of 1 drop into the affected eye. The drug is applied 2-3 times a day. The drug can be used within four weeks after opening the package.
Cream .Used to improve the healing of wounds, including wetting. Also, the remedy is used to prevent radiation damage and the formation of pressure sores.
Ointment .Apply to the skin with a thin layer. It is used for long-term treatment of ulcers and wounds in order to accelerate healing after treatment with cream or gel.
Side effects of
The drug can cause allergic reactions such as fever, sweating, a sense of blood rush, urticaria. In the field of application of a cream, gel or ointment, itching or burning can occur. When using the eye gel, redness and lacrimation may appear.
The only contraindication is hypersensitivity or an individual intolerance to the drug.
During pregnancy, the drug should be administered with caution. During the lactation period, the use of Actovegin is undesirable.
Special instructions
At the very beginning of treatment with the preparation in the form of a 20% gel, painful sensations due to an increase in secretion are possible in the area of application of the drug. This phenomenon does not indicate intolerance of the drug. If painful sensations persist, insufficient effectiveness or no result from the therapy, you should consult a doctor.
In combination with the systemic use of Actovegin, it is possible to use dosage forms for external use.
Solutions of Actovegin for injections and infusions have a yellowish tinge, the intensity of which differs from one batch to another. This depends on the characteristics of the raw materials used to make the drug, but this does not affect the tolerability and effectiveness of the drug.
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Actovegin ointment in Russian pharmacies can be purchased on average for 140 rubles , in Ukrainian pharmacies the average cost of the drug is 100 hryvnia .
Actovegin cream in Russia costs around 160 rubles , in Ukraine - 60 hryvnia .
Gel Actovegin( and eye gel Actovegin) in Russian pharmacies costs 200 rubles , in Ukrainian - 230 hryvnia .
Tablets Actovegin 200 mg No. 50 in Russia cost about 1700 rubles , in Ukraine - approximately 500 hryvnia .
Ampoules 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml in Russia are respectively 1100 rubles , 500 rubles and 1000 rubles .In Ukraine, the prices are 400 , 200 and 350 hryvnia , respectively.
There is no analogue gel for the active substance. However, a similar drug is Solcoseryl. The difference between them is that the active component of Solcoseryl is dialysate, and Actovegin has hemoderivat, but both substances are extracted from the blood of young calves. Therefore, they are considered analogues, but not 100%.
Actovegin has a lot of dosage forms, therefore, reviews about the drug are completely different. As for reviews about Actovegin-gel( ointment, cream), which is designed to treat the eye, then on the Internet there are mostly positive. Among the merits of the drug is its inexpensive price and excellent quality. In this connection, it is rather difficult to find it in pharmacies, which can be attributed to shortcomings.
Gel effectively removes itching, redness, burning, relieve pain, fatigue. Quickly and permanently removes the symptoms of various diseases. On the positive side, Actovegin is characterized by those who wear lenses and have problems with habituation and wearing themselves. In addition, the gel is effective if it is used not only for medicinal purposes. According to reviews, it can be concluded that the gel cope not only with the symptoms that arise when wearing lenses, preventing diseases, but also with the elimination of the diseases themselves.
Examples of
# 1. About two months ago, apparently, from overexertion, my eyes began to hurt, and with the perception of information on the monitor I had problems. From time to time, there was a feeling that the objects that I was looking at were "floating away" and I could not see them. I did not wait long and turned to the ophthalmologist who prescribed intravenous injections of the drug Actovegin with saline solution. The duration of the course was 10 droppers. During the treatment, I did not experience any unpleasant sensations, there were no side effects.
Toward the end of the course, I noticed that my vision was recovering, the interference in the form of broken lines floating in my eyes, disappeared, my eyes began to focus well on the lines of the text, I began to see the letters clearly. Accordingly, it can be argued that Actovegin is an effective drug.
The only significant drawback for me was the high cost of the drug. Usually, to get rid of the disease, several courses of treatment are required, and high drug prices do not allow many patients to get the required number of courses.
# 2. I have problems with blood vessels. For treatment, I was repeatedly prescribed Actovegin, which improves cerebral circulation. It should be said that this medicine is not cheap - I bought five ampoules for 500 rubles.
But the effect of treatment is positive. I am prescribed this remedy as an adjunct in the treatment of vascular disorders. It is inconvenient that the drug is injected intravenously, so you have to go to droppers to the hospital.
I did not see the analogue of this medicine. I noticed that Actovegin is prescribed very much, regardless of age. I would also like to emphasize that in different pharmacies the cost of the drug can differ by 50-100 rubles.
- Actovegin improves cellular metabolism in tissues, blood circulation, saturates cells of tissue with oxygen, useful substances.
- The gel is made from calf blood.
- Shown with scleral damage, cornea, effectively heals ulcers and burns on the cornea, keratitis, eliminates scuffing and unpleasant symptoms that occur when wearing lenses, is used as a prevention of eye lesions.
- The gel is applied to the eye one drop a few times a day, but the treatment depends on the severity of the disease and can be different.
- The period of the open vial is only one month.
- There are many side effects such as redness, temperature, sweating, urticaria, lacrimation, etc.
- There are practically no contraindications, the gel can not be used by anyone who has an individual sensitivity to the composition of the remedy.
- The use of the gel during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible as prescribed by the doctor.
- The beginning of gel treatment may be accompanied by painful sensations, which must then pass. This is not considered an adverse reaction.
- The price of the medicine is low, the reviews are mostly positive.