Drops of Betofanum from glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye problem, the consequences of which can be very unpleasant.

There are many medications for this ailment that have different costs and side effects.

One of such preparations are eye drops Betofan.

They are referred to beta-blockers due to the principle of action.

In this article we will take a closer look at the medicines, we will reveal the side effects, we will list the analogues and prices.

    • 1.
    • instruction 2.
    • side effects 3.
    • storage 4.
    • price 5.
    • analogues 6.
    • reviews 7.
    • quick tips 8. Useful video

instruction As a very popular tool, Betofan causes a genuine interest.


Drug can be prescribed for the treatment of patients who have been diagnosed with:

  1. Closed glaucoma( combined treatment with miotics).
  2. Open angle glaucoma( only if there is a chronic form).
  3. Hypertension( intraocular).

Method of taking

With special attention and accuracy, this medication can be prescribed for elderly patients.

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The drug should be instilled in 1-2 drops in each conjunctival sac. Reception should be divided into 2 times.

During the first month, patients should be monitored regularly,intraocular pressure may stabilize throughout the first two weeks.

If the required level of pressure( intraocular) is not achieved by taking only Betofan, then additional therapy should be prescribed.


Eye drops are odorless and colorless.

The active substance of the drug is betaxolol, as well as sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, purified water, disodium edetate dihydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride.

Combination of medicines

When combined with an adrenaline solution for use in ophthalmology, in some cases, mydriasis may develop.

When concomitantly taking Betoflan with other drugs that deplete the stores of catecholamines, there may be an increase in such side effects as bradycardia or a sharp drop in blood pressure.

At simultaneous reception of a preparation of Betofanum and psychotropic medicines their influence can amplify.

With the combination of muscle relaxants and hypoglycemic drugs, there may also be an increase in their effect.

If necessary, the drug Betoftan can be combined with other eye medicines, however, the interval between the intake should be at least 15 minutes.

Adverse events

As a result of admission, the patient may exhibit symptoms such as:

  • nausea, insomnia, headache, drowsiness and depression;
  • photophobia, pruritus, allergies, dry eyes, lacrimation, discomfort after instillation, red eyes, blurred vision;
  • impaired cardiac conduction, bradycardia;
  • bronchospasm, respiratory failure, dyspnea, asthma bronchial.

Symptoms of overdose are such conditions as bronchospasm, collapse, arrhythmia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, convulsions, bradycardia, heart failure, dizziness.

First of all, you should wash the stomach, and also conduct treatment, based on the available symptoms.


It is not recommended to take the drug in the presence of such conditions as:

  1. Allergy to the components of the medication.
  2. Cardiogenic shock.
  3. Bradycardia, as well as Short's syndrome.
  4. Respiratory / cardiac insufficiency, which occurs in an acute form.
  5. Hypotension, blockade( atrioventricular).

Caution drug may be prescribed for chronic forms of lung disease, bradycardia, angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus, hypertrezone, pheochromocytoma, kidney / liver disease.


This period of time is especially important for any girl, so you do not accept any means, including Betofan.

However, if there is a special need, it is acceptable to receive the remedy, however, the lady must be in the hospital. This is necessary in order to monitor the impact on the nascent organism.

During breastfeeding from taking the medicine,

should be discarded. This is due to the fact that the active substance has the ability to penetrate the mother's milk into the infant's unhealthy body.

If the reception of the product is necessary, then the use of the medicine is allowed, however, the girl must be constantly observed by the doctor, and the variant of breast-feeding should be excluded.


Requirements for room The drug should be kept indoors where it will be dry, dark and cool
Temperature regime Not more than 20 degrees of heat

If all the necessary conditions can be used, the preparation Betofan for three years.

After opening the bottle, the medicine can be used for no more than 4 weeks. Overdue drug is not recommended for further use


The cost of the medicine is based on the markup of the pharmacy, transportation costs, and also the city of sales. Also in different countries the price will vary significantly. The article shows the average cost.


The price varies around 150-183 rubles.


On the territory of Ukraine, on average, you need to pay 89.79 hryvnia.


Among the analogs of the preparation Betofan, you can identify such drugs as Betak, Betaxolol, Betoptik, Betalmik EU, Lokren, Xonef, Optibetol.

There are cheaper medicines among these medicines, however, only a specialist can take care of their selection.doctor or pharmacist.


Reviews of the medicine are usually positive. This once again confirms the high efficiency of the tool.

In addition, patients are very fond of the low cost of the medication, as well as the possibility of taking the drug during pregnancy / breastfeeding.

Among the negative aspects, people note a large list of side effects, as well as contraindications. In addition, some do not like the number of similar means.


  1. You need to show a prescription from a treating ophthalmologist for the purchase of the product.
  2. During the period of treatment, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of drinking alcohol.
  3. In order not to contaminate the pipette, it is not recommended to touch the cornea when instilled.
  4. If the positive dynamics are not noted, then the medication should be discarded. Then you need to go to the hospital for further recommendations.

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