Drops for dilated pupils

Atropine - eye drops, designed to dilate the pupil( create medicated mydriasis).The effect of the expansion is valid for a long time - up to 10 days, which the doctor must take into account when prescribing this drug.

The drug has many side effects and contraindications, which has reduced its use in the field of ophthalmology.

Treatment with the drug should be performed under the supervision of a doctor after examining the ophthalmologist and measuring the intraocular pressure. It is inadmissible to apply the drug alone( the reviews can be read at the end of the instructions).

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. In what form is the drop produced?
    • 2. Pharmacological action of
    • 3. Indications for use
    • 4. Dosage and administration of
    • 5. Contraindications
    • 6. Side effects of
    • 7. Overdose of
    • 8. How do drops interact with other drugs?
    • 9. Special instructions and safety precautions
    • 10. Price
    • 11. Analogues
    • 12. Reviews

In what form is the drop produced?

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Release of eye drops Atropine is produced in the form of a solution of 1% 5 ml. Externally, the solution looks like a clear liquid, colorless. The drug is released at the pharmacy only on the recommendations and prescription of the doctor.

Pharmacological action

Plant matter Atropine belongs to the group of alkaloids that are found in the plants of the Solanaceae family. The substance causes the pupils to dilate and makes it difficult to drain the fluid inside the eye. As a result, the intraocular pressure increases, a paralysis of accommodation develops, which can make vision difficult at a small distance, reducing its acuity. In this regard, work with papers and books, get behind the wheel of the car during treatment with atropine is undesirable.

The greatest concentration in the blood of the solution of Atropin occurs in half an hour or slightly more after instillation, and the functions of the eyes are restored already somewhere in 3-4 days, less often - a week or more will pass until the pupil naturally can expand or contract.

Eye drops Atropine is easily absorbed through the conjunctiva. Relaxation of the lens-fixing muscle and displacement into the anterior chamber of the eye is performed together with a change in the outflow of fluid within the eye. Intraocular pressure increases, so in patients with certain types of glaucoma, Atropine can cause an exacerbation. With healthy people this does not happen.

Indications for use

Eye drops Atropine is used to dilate the pupil for diagnostic purposes and to treat eye ailments, as well as to achieve a state where the pupils can not narrow and the eye is unable to change the focal length( paralysis of eye accommodation).

This is necessary to study the characteristics of the fundus, the definition of real and false myopia, for the treatment of certain diseases.

Atropine is also used for the following purposes:

  • if functional rest is required, which is necessary for some inflammatory diseases;
  • for eye trauma;
  • with retinal artery spasm;
  • for relaxing the muscles of the eyes, which contributes to the speedy recovery and recovery of vision functions;
  • with a tendency to form blood clots.

Route of administration and dose

If the doctor has not recommended a different scheme of instillation of Atropine, a standard treatment regimen is used: 1-2 drops in the affected eye. In a day, the drug is used up to three times, breaks between installations should be about 5-6 hours. For children, the drug is prescribed at a concentration of 0.5% and lower.

Burying Atropine in a sore eye, you should press your finger inside the inner corner of the eye. This will not allow the solution to pass into the nasopharynx, which will reduce the likelihood of side effects.

Read more - the price for ointment oksolinovuyu. Also the instruction and responses.

In the article( link) instructions for use on eye drops Vigamox.

Reviews about drops Tear artificial!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / iskusstvennaya-sleza.html


The drug should not be used when:

  • is hypersensitive to certain components;
  • narrow-angle and angle-closure glaucoma or suspected of it;
  • iridescent iridescent flowers;
  • solution Atropine 1% is not prescribed for children younger than 7 years.

Before applying this medication, you should always consult a treating ophthalmologist or other specialist and discuss the use of the drug and your own possible contraindications.

With extreme caution, use Atropine in pregnant women and with lactation, as well as people aged 40 years and older.

If a person has high blood pressure or has cardiac arrhythmia, as well as any violation in the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it. The following morbid conditions are also dangerous: stomach and intestinal diseases, urinary system diseases, thyroid gland, high body temperature.

Side effects of

Eye drops Atropine has side effects, the manifestation of which requires discontinuation of use of the drug and contact with a doctor.

It can be:

  • redness of the eyelids;
  • photophobia;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • feeling of anxiety, restlessness;
  • heart palpitations;
  • labored urination;
  • skin sensitivity disorder.

The correct use of the drug should begin with the exact dosage of .Large doses are very dangerous, since they lead to respiratory paralysis, severe motor and psychological arousal, can provoke dizziness, hallucinations and convulsions. A strong dose promotes the growth of intraocular pressure and impairment of the functions of the lens of the eye until its paralysis.


In case of an overdose of Atropine, it is absolutely necessary to stop using it and talk with the doctor about further treatment.

How do drops interact with other drugs?

If the drug is simultaneously administered with anticholinergic activity and this drug, the effect of the latter( atropine) may occur.

Note - the cause of bruising under the eyes of children. How to remove?

In the news( tyts) analogs Zovirax ointment.

Price for eye drops Okomistin!

Special instructions and safety precautions

During the application of eye drops, Atropine is most appropriate to refuse to control the vehicle or engage in other activities that require prompt reaction, attention and clear vision.

Atropine should not be used if the expiration date has expired, that is, after three years.

Eye drops should not be used if contact lenses are not removed from the eyes. It is better to refuse them altogether at the time of treatment, replacing them with glasses. In case of emergency, wear contact lenses, it is better to do it an hour after installation. Better yet, Atropine should be dripped for the night, taking off the lenses before going to bed.

Throughout the treatment period, it is recommended to wear sunglasses on sunny days, as dilated pupils absorb sunlight more than normal eyes.

Store Atropine is necessary in a place protected from sunlight and artificial light, away from children.


The average price for eye drops in pharmacies in Ukraine is 18 UAH, Russia - 67 rubles.


  • Irifrin;
  • Midriazil;
  • Cyclomed.



Drops are pretty good, I used them for about 14 years. The doctor appointed and told how to apply correctly. At first it was very uncomfortable: all the objects had to be removed from the eyes, the book was read far from the eyes.

With the sun, too, there were problems - eyes were very much watered. Sunglasses were saved. As a result of the course of treatment my vision improved from -3 to -1, which was very happy. For the sake of this it was possible to suffer a little.


We were a child dripping into Atropin's eyes and experienced something terrible. After the first instillation, he had a hoarse voice, his throat swelled and the temperature jumped.

An ambulance doctor said that next time it could be deadly for the child. Of course, in no case it is impossible to bury the child's eyes without the knowledge of the doctor, only on the advice of a doctor.


Atropine in young children has not been used for a long time. Instead, there are short-acting medications Midratsil or Irifrin. They will be safer and more effective for the child.

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