Visin Clean tear restores natural moisture and health to the eyes

Many of those who work at a computer, drives a car and for a long time is close to the air-conditioning, they know first-hand about the "dry eye" syndrome.

It is manifested by the drying out of the mucous membranes and deterioration of the eyes due to the increased evaporation of the natural tear and the systematic destruction of the tear film.

For the prevention of a syndrome and struggle against its consequences the good help is rendered with eye moisturizing drops Vizin Clean Tear.

What the instruction says

The basic component

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. What the instruction says
    • 2. Contraindications and warnings
    • 3. Additional information
    • 4. Reviews of individuals who used eye drops

The basis of the drug is a natural herbal extract TS-polysaccharide. Its composition is similar to a man's tear, which guarantees the safety of use and high effectiveness of the result.

It is important to use drops only after examination with an ophthalmologist or at least to carefully study the instructions. The results of practical use of the tool are stated at the end of the article in the responses of people who use the drug.

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For whom the drops are intended

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Indications of Vizin Clean tears are:

  • contact conjunctivitis of various origins( exposure to smoke, dust, light, chlorinated water, cosmetics, and contact lenses);
  • intense visual load( from bright sunlight, working at the computer).

Benefits of eye drops

Advantages of eye drops Vysine Clear Tears:
  • quickly remove irritation due to dryness and eye fatigue caused by unfavorable factors
  • stabilize the lacrimal film,
  • have a prolonged moisturizing effect,
  • restore the health of the cornea and conjunctiva,
  • are suitable for systematic use,
  • there are no contra-indications and age restrictions,
  • are convenient and safe to use.


The product is presented in two convenient forms:

  • sterile plastic bottles-droppers( 10 ml) for repeated use;
  • unique plastic ampoules( 0.5 ml), counting on a few instillations a day, is a very comfortable format - it allows you to carry the ampoule with you and use it at the right time.

How to use

Hands should be washed. It is necessary to instill one drop into each eye. During the day, do this up to 4 times. To post-procedure the drops are evenly distributed over the surface of the eye, it is useful 3-4 times to make blinking movements.

In the process of instillation, while the liquid is not distributed evenly over the eye surface, short-term blurred vision is possible. This state is normal. It passes after blinking.

After use, the bottle cap should be tightly closed.

The effect of the drug is kept for 4-8 hours.

Contraindications and warnings

As a contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. There is a side effect in the form of allergic reactions.


It is important to observe the following requirements during the use of the preparation:

  1. If there is an allergy to any component, do not apply a drop.
  2. If irritation and discomfort develop, discontinue use.
  3. Consult an ophthalmologist if there is redness, infection, pain and inflammation in the eyes.
  4. Do not combine drops with other ophthalmic medications so that the action of the remedy does not change.
  5. Before using drops, you need to remove contact lenses. Once instilled, install them. It is unacceptable to apply the product to contact lenses.
  6. Do not touch the tip of the vial, including the surface of the eyes.
  7. Do not use detergent to rinse the tip of the vial.
  8. If the tightness of the vial is impaired, its use is unacceptable.
  9. When opened, the vial is stored for no longer than 30 days at a maximum temperature of 25 ° C.
  10. Do not use after the expiration date.

Additional information

In Russia the average price of Vizina Clean Tear 400-550 rub. In pharmacies in Ukraine it can be bought for 130 UAH.Analogues of the preparation are represented by eye drops:

  • Visimitin,
  • Inoxan,
  • Oksialom,
  • Otopolikom,
  • Likontinom,
  • Vidisik,
  • Hilo-Komodom,
  • Oftagel,
  • Chilozar-Komod,
  • Systein-Ultra,
  • Natural tear.

Reviews of individuals who used eye drops

Reviews about Vision Purest tears are the most controversial.

Polina .I have a negative opinion about these drops. Their eyes become irritated and get even more tired.

Oleg .And Vizin Pure tear really likes me. Quickly helps to relieve eye fatigue, without the side effect - no burning and headache. In the eyes immediately there is lightness and clarity.

Elena .In general, the drops suit me. After them, the eyes are easier. That's just dripping is often. It annoys me. All the time you have to adjust your makeup.

Natalia .Vysinom Chist Tears I use the second year. Eyes quickly return to normal. No negative effect.

Irina .I was offered to buy these drops in the pharmacy. After instillation, a burning sensation in the eyes immediately began. In half an hour it became better. Then I dripped again. And there was a severe headache and twinge in the eyes. I had to drink painkillers. I will not buy any more.

Anna .As for work, I often leave for other cities by bus. From the sleepless night the eyes are red, as if tear-stained. I bring myself back to normal with Vizin Clean Tear. After one drop, in just a few seconds the eyes become normal. The drug greatly helps me. Perhaps you can not use it often, but as an instant help and without side effects - an excellent tool.

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The article( information here) reviews patients and ophthalmologists, instruction on priming and the price in the CIS for Eye Ointment Demalan.

Vladimir .I noticed that many confuse Vizin Clean tear with just Vizin. The first one eliminates the dryness of the eyes, while Vizin, on the contrary, narrows the vessels.

Svetlana .From the weather changes, I often have headaches after a morning awakening. Once, due to pressure in the eyes, blood vessels burst. After instilling Vision Clean Tears in two minutes, the eyes calmed down and shone. These drops always help me out.

Lydia .I work in a beauty salon - I increase eyelashes. After correction, I often bury my eyes. I've been doing this for more than a year, and there have been no complaints about these eye drops. On the contrary, they mitigate and remove redness.

An analysis of the scatter of opinions about the Vision Clean Tear leads to conclusions:

  • , some people are allergic to the drug( as indicated in the instructions to it),
  • not all comply with the rules for the use of drops( instructions 3-4 times a day, and some instilled almost every hour),
  • must be consulted before useOphthalmologist( and not with the seller in the pharmacy)

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International clinical studies have confirmed the safety and high effectiveness of Vision Clean Tear. Ophthalmologists recommend them to regular use as a remedy for tear fluid. It provides natural moisturizing of the eyes, restoring their health and comfort.

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