Levomycetin - eye drops that help out in any situation

Levomycetin is an antimicrobial drug. It is used in the treatment of inflammations of bacterial nature that appear in the conjunctiva or cornea. The advantage of this drug is its slow addiction.

Useful to know

Release forms and active ingredients

Eye drops Levomycetin 0.25% is available in sterile 10 ml flasks. The active component of drops is chloramphenicol( 25 mg in a solution with a capacity of 1 ml).

Excipients are:

  • boric acid,
  • water in a purified form.

Areas of application for ophthalmic Levomycetin

    • 1. It is useful to know
    • 2. Practical use issues for
    • 3. Feedback on the efficacy of Levomycetin

These drops are prescribed for the treatment of eye infections:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • blepharitis treatment,
  • keratitis,
  • keratoconjunctivitis,
  • barley, etc.

Sometimes it has a positive effect when other drugs do not help. This is noted by many patients, whose reviews can be found at the end of the article. According to the instructions, the medicine is applicable to children, starting from the age of 4 months.

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Therapeutic effect of

Ophthalmic Levomycetin is an antibiotic with a wide effect. It produces a bacteriostatic effect on both gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria. This includes microorganisms that resist the effects of penicillins, tetracyclines and sulfonamides.

As a result of instillation of the drug, its active substance is collected in the maximum concentration in the area of ​​the cornea, vitreous humor and iris. In the lens it does not penetrate.

Please note - instructions for use for Allergodil. Detailed description of the preparation.

The article( here) reviews about the drops of Albucid.

Analogues of Maxitrol!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / kombinirovannye-kapli-maksitrol.html

Who should not use

Eye drops Levomycetin is contraindicated in cases:

  • kidney and liver failure,
  • hematopoiesis,
  • hypersensitivity to drug substances.

Women are rarely prescribed this drug during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to children under 2 years of age. Patients in this category should be cautious about this medicine. Sufferers of psoriasis and eczema can use it only after consulting a doctor.

Possible side effect of

Patients for the most part easily tolerate this drug. Side effect may occur if:

  • preparation is simultaneously taken with drugs that depress hematopoietic function( cytostatics, sulfonamides),
  • is radiotherapy.

A frequent side effect is irritation in the eye area. Its symptoms:

  • itchy eyelids,
  • redness,
  • burning,
  • increased lachrymation.

With the prolonged use of eye drops, the development of the pathology of the circulatory system is possible:

  • thrombopenia,
  • , leukopenia,
  • anemia, etc.

A secondary fungal infection may also appear. With these symptoms, the drug is canceled.

Read more - reviews about eye drops Irifrin. Find out what the opinion of the users of this drug.

In the news( here) the user's guide for Tevrodex.

Instruction for use and price for Dexamethasone!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / vse-o-deksametazone.html

Children from Levomycetin may experience:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • decrease in hemoglobin,
  • nausea.

After the administration of drops, a decrease in the clearness of vision is possible. In this situation, it is better to abandon the driving of transport and from activities that require special attention.

Practical Usage Issues

Instruction for Use

The standard regimen prescribes instillation of levomycetin dropwise into the conjunctival sac of the eye every four hours. In accordance with the instruction, the treatment course should not be longer than two weeks.

If there is severe inflammation, you can drip every hour. Dosage is determined by an ophthalmologist depending on the characteristics of the disease.

The instillation procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Shake the vial with droplets.
  2. Slightly pull back the head and pull the lower eyelid down. The view is better to aim far up.
  3. Place the bottle above the eye with the open end facing downwards, then lightly press down.
  4. After finishing the procedure with one eye, put your index finger to its inner corner( closer to the nose).A few minutes to keep it, just pressing. Thanks to this, the medicine lingers longer in the eye.

Remove contact soft lenses before using eye drops. Half an hour after the procedure, the lens can be returned to its place.

In case of excessive doses, visual impairment may occur, which is quickly restored. In this case, the eyes should be thoroughly rinsed in large amounts of water.

Storage conditions, price and analogs

Shelf life Levomycetin is 2 years. They should be stored in a dark place, the temperature of which is 8-15 ° C.In the opened state, the bottle can not be used for more than a month.

In Russian pharmacies the average price of eye drops Levomycetin is 19-24 rubles., In Ukraine - 15-19 UAH.

To analogues of ophthalmic Levomycetin are:

  • Floxal,
  • Sulfacyl sodium,
  • Normax,
  • Albucid,
  • Oftakwix,
  • Tobrex,
  • Cyproed.

Reviews on the efficacy of Levomycetin

Anna, 39 years old .I had conjunctivitis. The ophthalmologist has registered to me at once some medicines - Tobreks, Ophthalmoferon, Tetracycline ointment. The total amount of 1000 rubles. I do not make that kind of money. Pharmacy pharmacist advised drops of Levomycetin for 15 rubles. After a three-day digging, everything passed. Effective and cheap drops.

Ivan, 27 years old .Constantly I am excruciated with a conjunctivitis. Previously, I used Albucid. From him burns his eyes, and on his face are white stains. In addition, no results. Friends advised Levomycetin Drops. Of course, one should consult a doctor. But there is no time. The drops proved to be very effective. They help you very well.

Vera, 41 year old .For many years I have been fighting conjunctivitis with the help of Levomycetin. First, with furacilin, I wash my eyes, and then I drip these drops. For three days my eyes are normal.

Nina, 31 year old .I use Tobres when my eyesight gets a little worse. It acts very slowly. But with swollen eyes I'm saved only by Levomycetin. By evening, pus decreases, only redness remains. The next morning and it passes. After I heal with Tobex, he's a little softer. But Levomycetin cleanses the eyes quickly.

Tatiana, 42 years old .In our home medicine chest are constantly present eye drops Levomycetin. My husband is an electric gas welder, he often has problems with his eyes. These drops always save. We treat not only ourselves. Our animals are also good at eye diseases. Drops are very cheap and so effective.

Galina, 23 years old .Levomycetin droplets are universal. When my eyes reddened and began to hurt( I do not know why), they quickly helped. It burned a little, but it passed. My sister had barley, so she took it out with Levomycetin. We even dripped our hamsters. They fought and hurt their eyes. Drops helped them quickly.

From the reviews it is clear that the drops of Levomycetin with a good result are used by people in the occurrence of eye infections. Many care about the regular replenishment of the home medicine cabinet with this drug.

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