Instructions for use for the Dysfunction

Defisle is a drug that protects the corneal epithelium and has a lubricating and softening effect.

The drug contributes to the restoration of tear film and leads to rapid healing of foci of injury in trauma, burn, dystrophic manifestations and surgery. Keratoprotective agent.

Helps to restore and stabilize the tear film function, promoting rapid healing of lesions in trauma, after burns and degenerative changes, as well as after surgery.

It is used for reconstructive purposes after examining the eyeball, as well as for eliminating the sensation of a "dry eye".

content [Hide]
    • 1. Composition and shape
    • release formulation 2. Description
    • 3. Pharmacological properties
    • 4. Indications
    • 5. Instructions for use
    • 6. This drop contraindicated
    • 7. Side effects
    • 8. Overdose
    • 9. Interaction with other drugs
    • 10. Cautions
    • 11. Pediatric use
    • 12. Pregnancy and lactation
    • 13. The shelf life
    • 14. Price
    • 15. Analogs
    • 16. Reviews
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Structure and Composition

preparation involumeIU 1 ml contained 0.003 g of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose( hypromellose) and auxiliary components: sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt, sodium sulfate, disodium phosphate, special water for injection.

The release is made in the form of eye drops with a capacity of 5 and 10 ml in glass bottles with rubber stoppers, crimped caps. Also available in polyethylene bottles with droppers and with usual caps for 5 or 10 ml. A cardboard box with a bottle contains instructions for use. In a box with a glass bottle put a lid-dropper.

Description of the preparation

Transparent or slightly opalescent colorless or slightly colored liquid.

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Reviews of Erythromycin Ointment!http: // glaznye-mazi / ispolzovanie-eritromitsina.html

Pharmacological properties

Eyedrops soften and lubricate the cornea. Due to the high viscosity, a fairly long contact with the eye surface is achieved. The medicinal preparation restores the natural properties of the tear film, stabilizes the optical perception.

Defisle protects the eye cornea with reduced production of tear fluid and protects it from irritation and dryness. The effect of the drug can be felt almost immediately - the condition improves, the discomfort and soreness in the eye area decreases. The process of recovery occurs within 3-5 days, and full recovery may occur in 2-3 weeks.

Indications for use

Drops are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • erosion;
  • bullous dystrophic and trophic corneal changes;
  • microtraumas of the corneal epithelium;
  • keratopathy;
  • ectropion;
  • lagophthalmic;
  • erosion and trophic ulcers of the cornea;
  • as an auxiliary during electroretinography, gonioscopy, electrooculography and echobiometry.
  • eyelid deformation.

drug also effective after blepharoplasty, thermal burn conjunctiva and cornea, and keratoektomii keratoplasty. It is also recommended as an auxiliary therapy for reducing the secretion of tear fluid, with dry eye syndrome( Sjogren's syndrome), increased sensitivity of the eyes, xerosis, in combined therapy of keratosis.

Eye drops can be used after some diagnostic examinations, for example, in electroretinography, electrooculography, gonioscopy, eye echobiometry.

Instruction for use

Eye drops in the amount of 1-2 drops are instilled from 4 and not more than 8 times per day into a bag of conjunctiva. If there are special instructions, you can instill one hour or two drops every hour. The course of treatment with the drug DEFISLES is about 2-3 weeks.

To whom drops are contraindicated

  • Drops are not recommended for individual hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
  • In case of burns of the conjunctiva and the cornea in the acute period, the drug should not be applied until the toxic substance has been completely removed from the eye.
  • The use of the drug in pregnant and lactating is not fully understood.

Side effects of

  • very rarely allergic reactions may occur;
  • sensation of glued eyelids due to the strong viscosity of the drug may occur immediately after instillation;
  • irites.

Overdose of

It is unlikely that an overdose of the drug, especially if you adhere to the indicated dose.

Interaction with other medications

Eye drops Dephislea is not instilled with such ophthalmic preparations that contain metal salts in their composition.

Special instructions

It is not allowed to wear contact lenses during instillation of eyes with the drug. Hard contact lenses should be removed before use and put on after half an hour after instillation.

After instillation, visual impairment of perception is possible, therefore it is possible to immediately start any work or drive a car after 15 minutes after installation.

Do not use the drug for an extended period of time. And the open vial should be used and stored for one month.

Note - Treatment of iridocyclitis. An effective technique.

In the news( here) types of contact lenses for the eyes.

What glasses are needed for myopia?http: // narusheniya-refraktsii / blizorukost-ili-miopiya.html

Pediatric use

Due to the fact that benzalkonium chloride is part of the drug, it is not recommended to apply Dephislez to 8 years.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Until now, it is not known until the end of the effect of the drug on pregnant women and there is insufficient experience on the use of the Dyshlesse during lactation. The use of eye drops DeFiseles is only possible according to doctor's prescriptions, if the expected effectiveness from its use will exceed the risk of negative consequences.

Storage times

Store Defislez at a temperature below 25 ° C out of the reach of children and light. It is impossible to freeze the remedy.

Shelf life is up to 2 years.


In Ukraine the price for "DEFISLES" is 95 UAH.

In Russia, the price is 90 rubles.


  • Correeregel;
  • Balarpan N;
  • Vita PIC;
  • Hypromellose;
  • Artificial tear;
  • Lakrisin.



I really liked the drops of Defisle. Dripped them after a month of treatment. After the installation, there was a slight burning sensation in the eyes, but the discomfort passed quickly. Drops at a price are inexpensive and for me are quite effective.


Earlier I buried the eye drops Vizin, but they did not help me. There was even greater dryness in the eyes. Then I changed the medicine to Oftagel and after it became slightly better, let go. I took him to work with me, because the drug was only for a couple of hours. As soon as the vial was over, I was advised to try out the drug at the pharmacy. For the price, it is very cheap, because the manufacturer is Russian. And the effect is not worse. Now I only drink it.

Elena Vladimirovna

After the surgery for eyelid plastic surgery, doctors advised me to use Defaxle's eye as a prophylaxis. Discomfort almost never experienced, maybe at the beginning of the course of treatment, there was a slight burning sensation in the eyes. But everything passed quickly. After a week, my eyes came back to normal thanks to DeFiselez.

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