Maxidec - fast relief for inflammation and eye allergies

Any visual disturbances cause a certain level of discomfort at home, at work, in companies, etc.

There are a lot of reasons for this, as well as methods of fighting, as well as their prevention.

In this article we will look at the eye drops Maxidex, which are an ophthalmic agent, referred to the group of glucocorticoids.

The drug has a wide range of applications with the positive result of the fight against inflammatory diseases of the eyes. This is confirmed in the reviews given at the end of the text.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. About contraindications
    • 3. Storage
    • 4. Similar products and price
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Video

Instruction for use

Composition of the preparation

Maxidec is available in the form of drops andointments. In the form of eye drops, 1% is sold in 5 ml vials equipped with a dispenser. According to its physicochemical properties, it is a sterile opaque suspension without agglomerates.

Active substance in Maxidex included dexamethasone in the amount of 1 mg per 1 ml of eye drops. Excipients - 0.5% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and distilled water.

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Eye ointment is placed in tubes of 3.5 g. This active substance has a dosage of 1 mg per 1 g of ointment. Excipients are white petrolatum and liquid anhydrous lanolin.

Useful effect of

Dexamethasone has a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduction of inflammatory processes occurs due to:

  • oppression ejection of inflammatory mediators,
  • migration of mast cells,
  • decrease in permeability of capillaries.

As a result, any penetration into the inflamed tissue of the eye is prevented. After using the drug, its anti-inflammatory effect lasts 4-8 hours.

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Before prescribing a drug, you must inform the doctor about taking any medications.

When taking Maxiseca with antibiotics, re-infection can develop. Re-emergence of the disease, as a rule, is associated with the suppression of protective reactions of the human body. At the stage of exacerbation of eyes, glucocorticosteroids can enhance the infectious process.

Drugs that dilate the pupil, in conjunction with Maxidex can increase intraocular pressure. With long-term use of the drug Maxidex with indoxuridine, the destruction of the epithelium of the cornea can develop.


medicine to the testimony Maksideksa of instructions are:

  • blepharitis of allergic nature,
  • allergic and non-purulent conjunctivitis,
  • iridocyclitis, iritis, and other uveitis of different origin,
  • keratoconjunctivitis with an intact epithelium,
  • scleritis,
  • blepharitis,
  • Blepharoconjunctivitis,
  • treatment and prevention of inflammation after surgery,
  • chemical and thermal eye burn,
  • otitis media.

For adjunctive therapy, the drug is used when:

  • epithelial lesions in the cornea,
  • trachoma,
  • purulent eye infections,
  • ophthalmic tuberculosis,
  • glaucoma.

Diagram of instillation of solution

Place of drug delivery - conjunctival sac. The dosage depends on the degree of inflammation:

  1. In acute or severe inflammation, as an initial therapy, one or two drops should be instilled every half hour or hour. When the positive result is achieved, the regularity of the administration of the drops decreases to a time of two hours. Then drop one drop 3 to 4 times a day. If the positive effect is not achieved within 3-4 days, additional therapy is prescribed.
  2. In case of chronic inflammation, the solution is instilled in one to two drops after 3 to 6 hours. The doctor may prescribe a different dosage.
  3. Minor inflammation or allergy requires instillation of one to two drops in 3-4 hours, until the desired effect occurs.

At the end of the procedure, gently close the eyelids. The duration of the drug is determined by the doctor depending on the level of inflammation.

Before use, shake the solution vial. During the procedure, you should not touch the tip of a pipette with any surface, so bacteria are prevented from entering the vial.

How to apply ointment

A strip of ophthalmic ointment should be placed behind the lower eyelid. The length of the strip is 1-1.5 cm. The procedure should be repeated 2 to 3 times a day.

Possible combination of ointment with eye drops. For example, put ointment in the evening before sleep, and use drops throughout the day.

Do not use the drug for injection. In the process of treatment, give up contact lenses.

You can wear them only 15 minutes after the introduction. There is no information about drug overdose. But if this happens, the excess of the product should be washed from the eyes with running warm water.


It is not recommended to use the drug if available:

  • hypersensitivity to steroids,
  • of dendritic keratitis,
  • varicella and other viral conjunctival and corneal diseases,
  • mycobacterial eye infections,
  • fungal eye diseases,
  • acute purulent eye diseases.

In pediatrics today, the effectiveness and safety of the application has not been tested. In pregnancy, the use of the drug is justified only in the case of high efficacy against the background of a possible risk to the fetus. During breastfeeding, treatment should be stopped.

Attention to the side effects of

Long-term use of steroid medications can trigger:

  • increased intraocular pressure and subsequent glaucoma with optic nerve damage( which is why their use for more than 10 days requires regular measurement of intraocular pressure),
  • posterior subcapsular cataract,
  • restraining healing process on wounds,
  • visual acuity and its fields,
  • irritation at the local level,
  • allergic reaction.

If the drug is combined with antibiotics, a secondary infection is likely. It arises from the suppression of the body's defense reaction. Long-term use of steroids creates a tendency to frequent fungal lesions of the cornea.


Maximex intake in a dosage exceeding the maximum permissible norm several times is accompanied by more intensive manifestation of side effects. If the drug is taken in large doses, eyes should be washed immediately.

Notice how to remove contact lenses? Instructions for the care of lenses.

In the article( link) instruction on Pilocarpine.

Causes of blepharospasm!http: // zabolevaniya-vek / chto-takoe-blefarospazm.html


This medication should be stored indoors, the temperature in which ranges from 8 to 30 degrees. In addition, Maxidex should be kept in a place where it will be dry, dark, and also cool. Do not give medicine to young children.

MaxiDex should not be used for more than four years. After the vial of droplets has been opened, it can be used for one month. An overdue medication is not allowed for further use.

Similar products and price

Analogues of eye drops Maxidex are preparations:

  • Dexapos. This is an effective tool that has a lower price. The drug Dexapos has the same active substance as Maxidex. The drug has a large list of indications.
  • Ophthaltin.
  • Dexamethasone. This is another no less effective analogue. . It also contains dexamethasone. To buy the drug, you need to show the prescription from your doctor. The price of the medicine was fixed at 35 rubles.
  • Dexamethasone-Betalec.
  • Dexamethasone-IES.
  • Fortecortin.
  • Mesatin. The drug has another active substance, namely phenylephrine. Among the advantages can be high efficiency of the drug, as well as a low cost of the drug. To buy the drug you need a prescription from a doctor.
  • Dexafar.
  • Dexaven. This medicine has the same active substance as Maxidex. In addition, he has a large list of indications and it is much cheaper than the Maxidex drug, namely 40-50 rubles.


The average price in the Russian pharmacy network 170-220 rub .In the Ukrainian pharmacy, Maxidex is sold for 80 UAH .


The patients who took Maxidex eye drops claim that the medicine is an effective remedy that works to relieve the inflammatory processes of the eyes, however, doctors do not advise using drops every day.side effects may develop.

Among the obvious advantages are relatively low cost, as well as an extensive list of indications. In addition, patients also distinguish a small list of adverse events.

Among the minuses people distinguish an extensive list of contraindications. In general, Maxidex's medicine is praised, and also recommended for use as an inexpensive but effective drug.

Examples of

No. 1 .I have a positive experience using Maximex with conjunctivitis. And in any form - drops and ointments. Inflammation disappears after a day. And not a side effect.

# 2. In my opinion, from the whole drugstore range this is the most reliable drops when a tear duct is inflamed. Inflammation is removed very quickly. And the price is quite affordable.

The unanimous opinion of people who have experienced Maximex's positive action on themselves, speaks about the obvious merits of this drug. But it should be used only after the ophthalmologist's recommendation.


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