Pilocarpine as an eye drop effectively and has long been used in the practice of ophthalmology.
It reduces intraocular pressure and narrows the pupils in glaucoma, during eye examination and after surgery.
What the instruction manual for
says About the medicine content
Eye drops consist of pilocarpine hydrochloride 1% and excipients:
- of benzalkonium chloride,
- of citric acid,
- of polyvinyl alcohol,
- of sodium citrate.
- 1. What is the instruction manual for
- 2. What else to look for
- 3. Practical use of
Pilocarpine solution 1% is placed in polyethylene bottles with a capacity of 5 and 10 ml.
Exposure to
The use of pilocarpine leads to an improvement in the outflow of intraocular substance, which causes a decrease in intraocular pressure. Well penetrating through the cornea, the medicine binds to the eye tissues.
Within a time range of 1.5 to 2.5 hours, it half-lives. The active substance, which reduces the pressure, is valid for 4-14 hours. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by most patients in their reviews at the end of the text.
The mechanism of action of eye drops is that Pilocarpine reduces the ciliary muscle and the circular muscle of the iris through stimulation of M-cholinergic receptors. As a result, the outflow of intraocular fluid improves and the pupils narrow. This increases the rate of metabolism in the eye tissues and lowers the pressure inside the eye.
When the drops are applied
The states in which the pilocarpine is shown are:
- open angle glaucoma( primary),
- glaucoma is an angle-closure( including acute attack),
- secondary glaucoma as a result of vitreous coronary disease,
- central vein thrombosis in the retina,
- retinal pigmentary degeneration,
- acute obstruction of the arteries in the retina,
- atrophy of the optic nerves,
- after surgery,
- examination of the eyes( for narrowing of the pupil),
- elimination of signs of overdoseRovkov drugs that enhance pupils.
Who should not resort to Pilocarpine
Contraindications to the use of the medicine are:
- states in which the narrowing of the pupils( iridocyclitis, iritis, keratitis, etc.) is unacceptable;
- surgery, after which there may be complications from narrowing of the pupil;
- allergic reaction to constituents.
The drug requires caution, if available:
- myopia( nearsightedness) of a strong degree in combination with a young age,
- detachment of the retina.
Possible side effects of
They should be taken seriously. Injection of Pilocarpine is fraught with:
- burning and reddening eyes,
- with short-term pain,
- with impaired vision( especially in the evening and at night).
In some cases, the use of the medicine threatens:
- spasmodic accommodation( especially at a young age),
- lacrimation,
- headache in the temples,
- skin inflammation in the eyelid region,
- with allergic conjunctivitis.
Very seldom likely the development of adverse systemic effects:
- bronchospasm,
- abundant nasal discharge,
- slow heart rate,
- increased salivation.
Long-term treatment may lead to the appearance of follicular conjunctivitis, clouding of the lens( for a short while), damage to the cornea.
Read on - how to choose contact lenses for the eyes. Councils of ophthalmologists.In the article( here) how to treat cataracts.
Instruction for the use of Actovegin in gel!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ glaznye-mazi / aktovegin-dlya-zazhivleniya-ran.html
What else to look for
In case of an overdose of
, pilocarpine in the version of eye drops is safe enough, as it is quickly released from the bloodstream. Bringing its amount to 20 drops per hour does not threaten with systemic side effects.
But in case of an overdose, its signs are a slowed heart rate and a state of nausea.
Combination with other drugs
Pilocarpine antagonist - Atropine and other M-holinoblokatory.
During the treatment of glaucoma, the drug can be combined with antihypertensive drugs, for example, such as beta-blocker.
Decrease in the effect of the drug comes from the parallel use of tricyclic antidepressants( phenothiazine and its derivatives of chlorprotixen, clozapine).
The effect of pilocarpine increases if you simultaneously take anticholinesterase drugs( eserine, physostigmine, galantamine, proserin, etc.).
Special Information
Pilocarpine requires care from nursing and pregnant women. Drivers of cars during the period of treatment should be careful in the twilight and darkness.
The opened vial should be used for a month. The total period of the drug is two years.
Practical use of
Treatment strategy
The ophthalmologist sets the concentration of the solution and the daily dose.
In primary glaucoma, one drop of solution is instilled in the diseased eye 2-6 times a day.
In the case of a closed angle glaucoma( acute attack), the treatment schedule is as follows:
- for the first hour or two every 15 minutes, the drug is instilled dropwise,
- is administered every other hour or two every half hour,
- for an hour or two after an hour,
- laterup to six times a day until the attack is stopped.
If instillation does not work, use a solution with a higher concentration( 6%).
The treatment process must be accompanied by regular monitoring of the level of intraocular pressure. If you want to reduce absorption, after installing the drops, you need to squeeze the eye canal for one or two minutes. To do this, press the finger of the inner corner of the eye.
Note - the causes of swelling of the eyelids. How to treat the disease?
In the news( link) description of the eyes of chameleons.
Treatment with folk remedies for blepharospasm!http: //moezrenie.com/bolezni/ zabolevaniya-vek / chto-takoe-blefarospazm.html
Price and similar means
The average price of drops of Pilocarpine in Russia is 15 rubles, in Ukraine - 10 UAH.
list of analogues of the drug:
- Oftan pilocarpine,
- pilocarpine Prolong,
- Xalatan,
- Betoptik,
- Azopt,
- Trusopt,
- Arutimol,
- Travatan,
- timolol,
- Kosopt,
- Fotil,
- Okumed,
- Azarga,
- Saladzhi.
Patient feedback
Lydia is 28 years old. I was very helped by Pilocarpine Prolong. At work, eye pressure suddenly increased. Inside the eye burst the vessel, and it was filled with blood. In the eye there was a strong discomfort. But after the condition seems to have improved.
After a while, the drying of the mucous membrane started burning in the eye. I went straight to work at the nearest pharmacy.
There have advised Pilocarpine. Drops quickly helped me. But then I read the instructions on the negative effects. The drug is good, but consultation with an ophthalmologist is mandatory.
Sergey Nikolaevich, 56 years old .I have glaucoma. For relief of an acute attack I use Pilocarpine in eye drops. It helps well. But after applying an hour two headaches.
Vladimir, 37 years old . My aunt is a very old woman. The ophthalmologist has established, that at it or her an atrophy of an optic nerve. At that age, you will not be much help, but it is possible to alleviate the condition. I prescribed drops for the eyes of Pilocarpine. We drip about a week. Pain in the eye almost passed, but vision did not improve.
Elena, 41 year old . Some time ago I had a very bad left eye. The next morning the pain continued, and I went to the ophthalmologist. I thought that glaucoma. But she was not found. But it turned out to be increased intraocular pressure. The doctor immediately at the reception gave me a bottle of Pilocarpine and explained how to dig in( in a healthy eye, too).
I dripped 4 drops into each eye. The first sensations were unpleasant - my eyes were very wet, my eyesight got worse, my head ached. But after four instillations the pain completely passed. Good drops and very cheap( 17 rubles.).
In certain diseases of the eye organs, pilocarpine has an effective effect. Clarifying information about the side effects and contraindications can be found in the instructions to eye drops.