Drops Xalatan - help in the treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease that characterizes the second cause of blindness in the world. The basis of the disease is a rapidly progressing increase in intraocular pressure, damaging the increase and leading to blindness.

This disease is rather insidious - during the course of the disease the patient can not feel any symptoms and the appeal to the ophthalmologist sometimes becomes too late.

The main effective tool in the treatment of glaucoma at the moment is eye drops Xalatan world-famous pharmaceutical company Pfizer. Since 1996, Xalatan is a real breakthrough in the treatment of the disease.

Content [Hide]
    • 1. The therapeutic effect
    • 2. Side effects
    • 3. Structure and Composition
    • 4. Instructions for Use
    • 5. Cautions application drops and precautions
    • 6. Analogs
    • 7. The average price
    • 8Reviews

Xalatan is an ophthalmic drug for reducing intraocular pressure, and also effectively heals open-angle glaucoma.

therapeutic effect

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main therapeutic effect, have any Xalatan eye drop, is the bases of drug action - latanoprost substances( prostaglandin analogue substances which affect the eye hydraulic system). Latanoprost significantly improves the process of outflow of accumulating intraocular fluid, which effectively helps to reduce increased intraocular pressure.

Today people who do not suffer from any ophthalmic disease can buy and use Xalatan: it's all about the side effect of the drug. The effect is that against the background of regular for a certain time of application of Xalatan, the qualitative and quantitative state of the cilia of the eye changes - they become long, lush and dense.

However, this has a small disadvantage - additional eyelashes can change the direction of growth and thus irritate the eye. The effect on the eyelashes is temporary .

Pay attention - the price for eye drops is Taurine. Description and reviews about the drug.

In the article( in more detail) the instruction on the Strix Fort.

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Side effects of

When applying eye drops, side effects are fixed:

  • eyelid edema,
  • eye irritation, accompanied by itching,
  • skin pigmentation eyelids,
  • skin rash,
  • foreign body sensation in the eye,
  • muscle pain,
  • nonspecific pain in the chest,
  • blepharitis,
  • nebula view,
  • positive side effect - increase in the number of eyelashes and lengthening.

The use of Xalatan in childhood can cause fever and nasopharyngitis.

Composition and Form of Release

This preparation is available as a 0.005% solution of eye drops, which are placed in sterile 2.5 ml plastic bottles. The main substance - latanoprost, auxiliary - preservative benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium hydrophosphate, purified water.

Instructions for Use

medicine indicated for the prevention and adjuvant therapy in the diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma, and increased intraocular pressure.


There are two main aspects, according to which the use of Xalatan impossible: individual hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition and age of the children.

Dosing and dosing

Xalatan drug topically applied solely, the eye drops was instilled 1-2 once a day is recommended immediately before bedtime. Frequent use of the drug does not enhance the antiglaucoma effect, even reduces effectiveness.

At initial application it is necessary to observe regularly during 3 weeks at the treating ophthalmologist. Then patients visit the doctor for counseling once a quarter.

In the case where the use of several eye medications is indicated, the time range between the use of Xalatan should be at least 5-8 minutes.

Reduction of eye pressure is observed 2.5 - 3.5 hours after instillation, and maximum efficiency is noticed after 7-10 hours, which lasts about a day.

The decrease in eye pressure is felt about 3-4 hours after the administration, the highest effect is observed after 8-11 hours, and the practical effect is maintained for at least 24 hours.

Special instructions for the use of drops and precautions

Special care should be taken in the treatment with drops of patients with a diagnosis of aphakia( the absence of the lens), having the risk of macular edema and damage to the posterior capsule of the lens of the eye.

During the gestation period and the period of breastfeeding, the drug is not recommended.

For patients who use frequently or permanently soft contact lenses, it is recommended that they be removed from the eyes immediately before instillation. The fact is that this drug contains benzalkonium chloride, which is capable of being absorbed.

The patient to whom Xalatan drops are attributed should be cautioned that the drug may slightly change the color of the eyes. This is due to the increase in the content in the iris of the eye of the brown pigment of melanin.

This circumstance does not cancel the use of the drug in question, but require continuous examination. By the way, if glaucoma affects one eye, then one-sided application leads to the fact that a person has eyes of different colors.

In case of accidental oral medication, the following reactions are recorded:

  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea,
  • dizziness,
  • excessive sweating,
  • sudden blood flushes to the face.

These symptoms were eliminated after 0.5 - 1.5 hours after taking Xalatan.


The pharmaceutical industry produces some drugs similar to the action of the drug in question:

  • Travatan,
  • Timolol,
  • Kosopt,
  • Pilocarpine,
  • Orutimol,
  • Okumed et al.

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The average price of

The prices for Xalatan eye drops are quite high and vary in the ranges:

  • in Russia - 670 - 1120 rubles,
  • in Ukraine - 400 - 520 hryvnia.


In addition to the tremendous therapeutic effect, female patients are impressed by the above-described collateral cosmetic effect.

After opening the hermetic package, the drug is stored in a cool place for no more than a month.

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