Medicine for eye diseases - drops Ganfort

Eye diseases are deviations that occur as a result of pathological disturbances in the visual organs.

In addition, these violations can indicate diseases in other organs and systems.

There are a lot of medicines and in order not to harm yourself, it is necessary to understand which of them are used for.

In this article we will consider the drug Ganfort, namely its composition, form of release, indications for use, side effects and reviews.

    • 1. Instruction
    • 2. Side effects of
    • 3. Shelf life and storage
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Analogs
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Quick tips
    • 8. Video


Instruction to the preparationcontains important information about the indications, drug interactions, contraindications, the method of taking, the form of release, side effects, reception during pregnancy / breastfeeding, and storage conditions.

In addition, the article contains information about possible analogs, price range, as well as feedback, which can be found at the end.

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The drug is prescribed to treat a condition such as decreased intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma or hypertension( intraocular) with ineffective local use of drugs of the beta-blocker group.

The drug will remove the following problems associated with increased intraocular pressure:

Method of taking

There is no need to adjust the dosage for patients in old age.

Adults are prescribed a drug in a dosage of 1 drop, which is instilled in each conjunctival sac 1 time per day. The medicine, as a rule, is buried in the morning period of time.

If the medication has been omitted, then the drug is administered the next day in the usual dosage, i.e.1 drop once a day.

If 2 or more drugs are used at the same time, then the interval should be between five minutes.


The composition of the product Ganfort includes two basic substances - bimatoprost and timolol. They are related to beta-blockers.

In addition to active substances, the composition also includes auxiliary elements, such as benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydroxide, sodium citrate, pure water, and sodium hydrogen phosphate.

In pharmacies, the drug can be found only in the form of drops for the eyes. The medicine is packed in a plastic bottle, the volume of which is 3 ml.

Drug Interactions

Drug can reduce the effectiveness of adrenaline.

Side effects of

After instillation, the patient may receive a response from the patient to treatment, which is usually expressed in such conditions as:

  • keratitis, burning, photophobia, pruritus, visual impairment, eye erosion, epiphary, iridocyclitis, blepharitis,conjunctivitis, uveitis, asthenopia;
  • hemorrhage in the retina, iris pigmentation, ptosis, diplopia, eye pain, macular edema, foreign body sensation in the eye;
  • headache, loss of orientation, dizziness, increased blood pressure;
  • paresthesia, myasthenia gravis;
  • hirsutism, rhinitis;
  • Feeling of anxiety / fear, depression, insomnia;
  • constant tinnitus;
  • decreased libido;
  • blockade, Raynaud's syndrome, heart rhythm disturbance, bradycardia;
  • shortness of breath, bronchospasm, and cough;
  • increased fatigue.

Taking the drug in large dosages can lead to increased side effects. If this happens, then immediately consult a doctor.


The drug in question is not recommended for use in the presence of such conditions as:

  • allergic reaction to individual constituents of the drug;
  • asthma( acute form);
  • bradycardia, cardiogenic shock, blockade of II and III degree, heart failure;
  • age of child under 18 years.

Caution drug may be prescribed for any violations of the kidney / liver, edema of the macula, diabetes, inflammatory changes in the eyes.


At this time, doctors do not recommend taking any medications, including Gunfort.

If the treatment can not be canceled, and none of the analogues presented are suitable, then the reception of the remedy is acceptable, however, the patient must be in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

This measure allows you to monitor the impact on the child.

During the period of breastfeeding, it is also not recommended to take this medication. If the reception is still necessary, then without fail before the beginning of treatment the baby should be transferred from natural feeding to artificial.

Shelf life and storage

Site requirements The selected room must be dry and dark, close access to children and animals
Temperature The medicine must never be frozen, it must be stored at a temperature of 10 to 20 degrees
Time frame Subject to complianceAll conditions of the drug can be used no more than two years. After opening, the drug can be stored for no more than 28 days. The use of the product after its expiration date is not allowed.


The cost of the Gunfort drug in different countries can vary greatly. Similar jumps are related to the exchange rate and currency.

The instructions show approximate cost. For clarification of the data should be addressed to a specific pharmacy.


On the territory of Russia for the drug will have to pay 689 rubles.


For the drug, Ganfort on average will have to pay 289.46 hryvnia.

Analogues of

Analogs of this drug are such drugs as Rosacom, Dorzotimol, Xalatan, Kosopt, Betoptik, Okumed, Mardozia, Travatan, Polycarpine, Glauprost, Asopt, Azarga , Xalatamax, Fotil, Xalacom, Trusopt.

Among the presented analogs there are cheaper medicines, however, only the specialist should deal with them.


Reviews of the drug are usually mostly positive. This is due to the fact that the medicine Ganfort begins to act in a short time. Among the positive sides, patients note a convenient form of release.

Negative feedback is much more than positive. Among the minuses of the funds, in the first place, one can note a large list of adverse reactions.

In addition, patients often complain of high costs and a small number of analogues, which can replace the drug Ganfort.


Before starting treatment, you should familiarize yourself not only with data from the manual, reviews, analogs, but also with some tips, which also contain useful information.

  1. The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy, only showing the prescription from the doctor.
  2. During the treatment period, you should refrain from controlling the machine.the drug has an effect on the driver.
  3. The moment the package is opened should be recorded to prevent the use of an expired product.
  4. Doctors do not advise themselves to prescribe any medications for themselves, becauseyou can significantly damage your body.


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