How to cook cucumbers for the winter

The procurement of various products for the winter takes, as a rule, a lot of time. Marinate, saline, dry, ferment you want almost everything. But, perhaps, among all domestic preparations cucumbers firmly occupy the first place.


  1. What cucumbers are suitable for canning
  2. How to cook lightly salted cucumbers
  3. Crispy cucumbers with horseradish leaves
  4. Spicy and strong cucumbers for the winter
  5. Cucumbers in a jar as from a barrel
  6. Salads with cucumbers for the winter

Experienced housewives have a lot of ways to prepare cucumbers forwinter, because without such a preparation it is simply impossible to imagine feasts and festive salads. Crispy salted and pickled cucumbers in winter - this is a favorite dish of so many.

Which cucumbers are suitable for canning

All housewives know that not all cucumbers are suitable for a particular method of preservation. The taste of the snack, open in winter, will depend on how well the variety is selected.

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It is best to use small, elastic cucumbers, for which pimples are very prominent. It is necessary to choose fresh vegetables without traces of yellowness, in such cucumbers the maximum quantity of useful properties and vitamins, also they possess the best taste qualities.

Freshly salted cucumbers

There is a very simple and popular recipe for cooking lightly salted cucumbers for the winter, although if the banks do not remove in time, then until the winter such an appetizer is definitely not worth it. Specific, spicy taste and aroma of cucumbers appear only after they are very well promarinuyutsya.

Experienced housewives advise to use for such recipes only thin-skinned cucumbers, they are well saturated with all the juices from the marinade, while remaining crunchy. If you add a hot pepper or other seasoning with bitter taste to the jar during this salty, then in winter you can get not only very tasty, but also sharp cucumbers.

Of course, you need to adjust the amount of spices so they do not clog the taste of the vegetables themselves. If there is dill and parsley in the pot, they are very often eaten with pleasure.

The advantage of lightly salted cucumbers is that they are marinated practically only in their own juice and in spices. Such a snack will come to the table already at the end of summer, when it wants something pleasant and original.

Crispy cucumbers with horseradish leaves

Cucumbers are very tasty, to which horseradish leaves are added during preservation. Small leaves should first be washed well, put on the bottom of the jar, and then add to them dill, parsley, garlic, black pepper peas and other condiments to taste.

Cucumbers should be spread in thick layers, pour boiling water for the first time, cover with lids and allow to stand for 20 minutes. After that, the water should be poured into a saucepan, add the remaining ingredients for the marinade, boil everything and pour the cucumbers again after rolling them. It is best to wrap the banks with something warm and leave until completely cooled. In winter, such an appetizer will taste appetizingly, please with its own taste and aroma.

Acute and strong cucumbers for the winter

Mistresses use another recipe for harvesting cucumbers for the winter, which uses horseradish, currant, cherry and oak leaves, as well as dill umbrellas and salt. First, all the ingredients need to be washed thoroughly, put in a jar, pour boiling water and let it brew for 4 days. After that, the water is drained, cucumbers should be poured with clean, cold water, then once again drained and refilled with cold water, covered with dense polyethylene lids.

Such a piece can be stored in the basement until the very spring, but, as a rule, appetizing cucumbers are eaten much earlier.

Cucumbers in a jar as from a barrel

Acute, sour taste of cask cucumbers is familiar to all from childhood. In such a snack pleases the taste, but it can upset that cucumbers become too soft during salting. If you use a recipe with mustard, horseradish, garlic and pepper, the cucumbers from the jar will crunch, but their taste can not be distinguished from the cask.

For pickling, you should put horseradish leaves, dill umbrella, a few chopped garlic cloves and finely chopped bitter pepper in each jar, fill a tablespoon of mustard and pour a glass of salt. Cucumbers are better to take small, preferably the same size.

When everything is laid, you need to pour the cans with boiling water, cover with lids and leave everything to wander for 3 days. When the appointed time expires, the pickle should be poured into a pot and put on a stove, and at this time several times pour cucumbers with clean, cold water, rinse everything and just drain it. Cooled marinade poured cold cucumbers, everything is rolled up and sent to storage. The amount of spices in the marinade can be adjusted at your discretion.

The taste of this appetizer will please and pleasantly surprise, and the guests will charmingly ask the hostess for this recipe.

Salads with cucumbers

For the winter, you can prepare many different complex and multi-component snacks with cucumbers, recipes that amaze with their variety. Cucumbers with carrots are popular in Korean. Salad will be a perfect addition to the side dishes and meat dishes. You can also close cucumbers in mustard, but their taste may be specific and not everyone likes.

Salads with cucumbers have one significant drawback: since everything must be sterilized before roll-up, the vegetables become soft and cease to taste appetizing. Such snacks are chosen for the hostess as a new culinary experiment, but if a successful recipe is still found, then it becomes permanent and beloved.

Appetizing and crispy cucumbers can be prepared for the winter in different ways: pickling or salting, or you can even make salads from them. Everything depends only on desire and taste preferences.

Blanks for the winter
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