Catalin in the fight against cataracts

Cataract - development of persistent opacification of the substance or capsule of the lens. In man, the whole world is as if behind a white veil. The turbidity becomes more and more with the passage of time, closing the entire pupil and the vision falls tremendously.

The cause of cataract formation is considered to be old age, but there are cases of congenital eye disease and acquired( exposure to toxic substances and radiation, diabetes, eye injuries, eye diseases).

The process of cataract development is progressing, therefore it is necessary to stop it in any way.

    • 1. Characteristics of eye drops Katalin
    • 2. Form of formulation, composition and instruction for preparation of
    • 3. Contraindications
    • 4. Side effects of
    • 5. Dosage and method of application of
    • 6. Analogues of
    • 7. Value of
    • 8Drug feedback

The pharmaceutical industry currently produces a sufficient number of various medicinal and vitamin preparations, the use of which can significantly reduce the rate of development of this deviation in vision.

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One of the most effective modern drugs is currently considered eye drops Catalin.

Characteristics of eye drops Catalin

This medication is considered to be a local metabolism( a substance that improves local metabolism).Pharmacological action of the drug is as follows:

  • their use prevents the splitting of protein in the lens of the eye and prevents the accumulation of sorbitol,
  • regulates the exchange of glucose,
  • neutralizes quinones.

Form release, composition and instruction for preparation

The Catalina package contains only one Catalina tablet( the main active drug is pirenoxin sodium) and a 15 ml bottle as a solvent( physiological( isotonic) solution).To get eye drops, you need to dissolve the pill, throwing it into a vial of solvent. Read more - the causes of exophthalmos. Signs and diagnosis of the disease.

In the article( here) the price for Bitoptik.

Instructions for use on an artificial tear!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / iskusstvennaya-sleza.html


As with most drugs, KALININ eye drops have contraindications to use: individual hypersensitivity to the substances making up the medicine.

Side effects of

When applying eye drops, undesirable manifestations are possible:

  • showing,
  • burning sensation,
  • pruritus in the eyes,
  • redness,
  • various allergic reactions.

Dosage and route of application of

As described above, immediately before instillation of drops into the conjunctival sac they must be prepared: connect the tablet and solution and wait for complete dissolution. Burying is necessary for 1 drop 4-5 times a day.

The duration of treatment should be continuous - at the site of cataract there should be a certain concentration of active substance Catalina. Use a solution for instillation within one month, after this time it will be possible to observe an effective effect.

When using drops, avoid touching the pipette to drop hands, eyes and other surfaces to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the treatment solution. A month later, you can not use the solution - you need to purchase a new package.


The drug under consideration has several analog preparations:

  1. Drops Senkatalin .This synthetic preparation is a complete analogue of Catalina. It is also available in tablet form for the preparation of drops for the eyes. Action: Senkatalin is indicated in the development of diabetic and senile cataracts. The way of application and dosage one in one as in Catalina. The price is also similar.
  2. Eye drops Vicin .The drug is combined, which has an anticarcabic and metabolic effect. Indications for the use of drops are: myopic, senile, contusion cataract, a sharp drop in vision. Of side effects, possible allergic reactions are noted. The drug Visein has the features of application: they open the vial only at the moment when the collection of drops is necessary, because even in the case of short-term contact with air, a sediment precipitates in the medicine, and the drops become unsuitable. The cost of drops of Vicin is slightly lower than Catalina - 220-280 rubles in Russia and 70 UAH in Ukraine.
  3. Oftan Katakhrom .The components of these eye drops are capable of complex antioxidant effects, as well as stimulate the metabolism in the lens, while improving its trophism. For example, cytochrome C is highly active against free radicals, is able to bind aggressive molecules of oxidants and protect the cornea and lens from external damage. The use of the drug prevents and suppresses the appearance of cataracts. The substance adenosine dilates the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood circulation in the eye. Nicotinamide restores the cells of the lens, thereby preventing the development of cataracts. The price of eye drops for Oftan Katahrom is much lower than Catalina and is only 150 rubles in Russia and 45 UAH in Ukraine.
  4. Eye drops Crystallin .This is a combined medicine for the treatment and prevention of cataract changes in the lens of the eye. Regenerates( restores) the lens tissue, while improving energy production in cells. Drops of Crystallin are able to prolong the life of cells and maintain visual acuity.
  5. Vita-Yodurol .Analog Catalina, is designed to treat cataracts. It improves the processes of metabolism in the lens and stimulates blood supply to the eyeball.
  6. Emoxipine .Synthetic antioxidant agent, widely used in ophthalmic practice. Excellent strengthens the vessels of the eye, provokes resorption of small hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the eye. The price of this medicine is 120 rubles in Russia and 40 UAH in Ukraine.

Please note - the price of hydrocortisone ointment. How much should I pay for the drug in Russia and Ukraine?

In the news( link) treatment of iridocyclitis at home.

Verification of the view on the tables of Rabkin!http: // na-tsvetovospriyatie.html


The price for eye drops Katalin varies from 350 to 460 rubles in Russia and from 180 to 210 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Drug reviews

You can read reviews of this tool at the end of the article. However, I immediately want to note that more reviews on the practical use of Catalina indicate the effectiveness of treatment for cataract treatment.

The drug eye drops Katalin have enjoyed wide popularity among the elderly since 1987.For such a time the medicine has proved to be very successful, it is very effectively used to combat cataract in 22 countries of the world.

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