Vitabakt - popular eye drops with a broad antimicrobial effect

Vitabact refers to eye drops of a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity.

The drug fights bacteria, fungi, certain types of viruses.

It can be used only on the advice of an ophthalmologist. The duration of the treatment course and the required doses is established by the attending physician.

You will find a more detailed description of this medication in the article.

Contents of
    • 1. General characteristics of Vitabakt
    • 2. Contraindications to
    • 3. Storage of
    • 4. Cost and analogues of
    • 5. Feedback from individuals treated with
    • 6. Conclusion of
    • 7. Video of

General characteristics of Vitabakt

Components of preparation andform of its release

According to the instructions, the active ingredient of this medication is pyloxidine .A 1 ml solution contains 500 μg of this substance( pecoxidine hydrochloride).

Auxiliary components are:

  • polysorbate 80,
  • purified water,
  • anhydrous dextrose.

Vitabact is manufactured in 10 ml droppings of polyethylene. The solution is colorless or slightly yellowish, transparent.

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The holder of the registration certificate: Laboratoires THÉA( France).Produced by: EXCELVISION( France).Representation: TEA PHARMA LLC( Russia).

When do we use

? The effectiveness of the drug is manifested in the treatment of infectious damage to the anterior parts of the eye, which is caused by pathogenic cocci, chlamydia, Escherichia coli, certain species of fungi and viruses.

Eye drops are treated for infectious-inflammatory eye diseases:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • dacryocystitis,
  • keratitis,
  • chlamydial infections( trachoma),
  • blepharitis,
  • after surgery for the eyeball,
  • for prophylaxis against an infectious complication.

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In the news( here) analogues Riboflavin.

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Interaction with other drugs

Nothing is known about the interaction of Vitabact drops with other medications at this time, so consult a specialist before using Vitabact simultaneously with another remedy.

Application of

The treatment regimen assumes the following options:

  1. In bacterial lesions of the eye, the usual dose for each eye is reduced to 1-2 drops per day from two to six times. When the inflammatory symptoms begin to subside, it is possible to reduce the frequency of application of the drug. With a low degree of inflammation, the drug is used twice a day. The duration of therapy is not more than 10 days.
  2. Before the operation, the formulation is instilled once with 1-2 drops. If the operation is already performed, then the preventive dose on the first postoperative day is 1-2 drops 3-4 times. Extraction of cataract requires a monthly course of treatment.

Since the bottle is equipped with a dropper, there is no need for a separate pipette. To open the bottle, you need to screw the lid up to the stop. Under this condition, a spike from inside the container will be able to pierce the dropper.

First drops should be instilled in the conjunctival sac of the eye with less pronounced signs of inflammation( so as not to clog the solution).

The head should be thrown back, the sight is directed upwards, the lower eyelid is slightly drawn. The tip of the dropper should not touch the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes.

This is necessary to prevent contamination of the vial.

With the help of eyedrops data, subconjunctival injections and administration directly into the anterior eye chamber are not permissible.

Injection immediately causes Vitabact action on pathogens, and local character. Pyloxidine is practically not absorbed. This significantly limits its entry into the systemic circulation.


Vitabact is contraindicated in case of acute sensitivity to pyloxidin or to other components of the drug.

As a rule, patients can easily tolerate it. Rarely are allergy symptoms( redness in the mucous membrane of the eyes).

Childhood and Pregnancy

Drops can be used from any age, no restrictions.

As indicated in the instructions, the effect of the drug on pregnant women has not been investigated. Drops can adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, it is better not to use it in a state of pregnancy and subsequent lactation.

Special instructions

From Vitabakt the transparency of contact soft lenses is not broken. But if the eyes show signs of inflammation, the lens is contraindicated to use to prevent complications.

If it is necessary to treat the eye with several kinds of eye drops between their use, it is necessary to observe an interval of 10-15 minutes.

If visual clarity is reduced during treatment, transport and work should be excluded where high concentration of attention is required.


No evidence of drug overdose.


An open vial with eye drops should be used within one month. To buy the drug you need a prescription. Eye drops have a two-year shelf life.

The storage conditions for the medicament should include the presence of a temperature of 15-25 ° C, as well as inaccessibility for children.

Cost and analogues

In the Russian Federation the average cost of Vitabax is 250 rubles. , in Ukraine - 220 UAH .

The Vitabax eye drops analog group includes:

  • Levomycetin,
  • Tobrex,
  • Albucid,
  • Floxal,
  • Cyproed,
  • Oftakwix,
  • Sulfacil Sodium,
  • Normax.

Reviews of individuals treated with

Most reviews about the drug are positive. Patients note that drops help well in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Particularly appreciated are the drops of the mother of small children, starting with newborns. About the drops they write that they help to cope with the symptoms of conjunctivitis effectively and quickly.

There are also negative reviews, which indicate that the drug developed a negative reaction, and conjunctivitis increased due to increased sensitivity to the composition. However, such reviews are not many. Among the shortcomings, some users also noted that the drops are not sold in all pharmacy chains.

Examples of

# 1. I constantly suffer from chronic conjunctivitis. After the birth of her daughter, the illness worsened. The doctor prescribed Vitabact drops in combination with other solutions and ointments.

After a three-month treatment, the disease receded. After instillation did not feel any discomfort. Gradually decreased swelling and redness.

I think that the drops are good, but the effect can be achieved by the joint action of several drugs.

To the disadvantages, I would have attributed a considerable price, although the drug is cheaper, for example, Vigamox or Ophthalmoferon.

Pay attention - the price for Retinalamine. How much does the drug in Russia and Ukraine cost?

In the article( in more detail) the instruction for Vitrum Vizhn.

The meaning of the blue eyes of the girl!http: // znachenie-glaz / kharakteristika-goluboglazykh.html

# 2. In the spring the baby began to suffer from conjunctivitis. I started treatment without a doctor - an ophthalmoferon and an albucid. It did not work out at all. After apparent recovery, the disease worsened again, and even worse. So we tormented more than a week. Finally, we went to the oculist. He canceled our drugs and appointed Vitabakt.

These eye drops do not give the child unpleasant sensations, although they are buried five times a day. After a couple of days, improvements began. Four days later the illness passed. But we adhered to the appointment of a doctor and were treated for ten days. It was difficult for the child to explain why it should be dripped when the eyes are already healthy. But we survived. Two months have passed, but the disease does not return.

As an antibacterial antiseptic, Vitabax is very popular in ophthalmic practice. This is facilitated by the ease of its use and good compatibility with other antibacterial agents.


  1. The medicinal solution has antimicrobial agents and actively fights against various pathogenic microorganisms and certain types of viruses.
  2. Active ingredient in the preparation is pyloxidine.
  3. It is shown in the treatment of conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, chlamydial infections, as a prophylaxis after surgical interventions and against infectious complications.
  4. Contraindicated as a special sensitivity to the composition of the drug. As adverse reactions, allergic manifestations may occur: redness of the eyes.
  5. Used to treat diseases from infancy.
  6. For pregnant and lactating women, the drug has not been tested, so it can only be used after a doctor's permission.
  7. The expiration date of the open vial is 1 month.
  8. Drops are dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


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