Oftan Katachrom - eye drops on guard of visual acuity

The opacity of the lens of the eye, leading to varying degrees of severity of the vision disorder until the blindness is called cataract.

More than 90 percent of cases occur in the elderly, as a result of biological aging.

Cataract can be a consequence of various diseases, such as diabetes mellitus.

It can also occur due to the harmful effects of various environmental factors, such as radiation.

The initial stages of cataract are found in five percent of people aged 50-60 years. With age, the risk of developing the disease increases.

Age-related cataracts in the early stages of development are treated with various medications, usually eye drops that have different properties, regenerating, stimulating the renewal of damaged cells, improving blood circulation in the tissues of the eye.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications when using
    • 3. The price of the drug in Russia and in Ukraine
    • 4. Analogues
    • 5. Reviews of
    • 6. Conclusion
    • 7. Video
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Instruction for use

Indications for use

Eye drops Oftan Catachrom is used to treat cataracts. Drops belong to a group of stimulants that affect the repair processes of tissues.

Composition of

The composition of Ophatan Kathamro includes:

  1. Cytochrome C.
  2. Adenosine.
  3. Nicotinamide.
  4. Benzalkonium chloride.
  5. Sodium succinate.
  6. Single-substituted and disubstituted sodium phosphate dvuhvodny.
  7. Sorbitol.
  8. Water.

Cytochrome C - a unique component of Oftan Kathahroma has a number of positive effects:

  1. Antioxidant, because it binds free radicals.
  2. Protective, as it protects the cornea and the lens from damage.

Cytochrome C can also slow down, and even suppress, the process of clouding the lens and the development of severe forms of cataract.

Adenosin , which is part of the ophthalmic solution, also has a number of unique properties:

  1. Expands blood vessels.
  2. Stimulates blood circulation in the eye tissues.
  3. Increases the production of the eye fluid, stimulating its metabolism in the eye tissues.
  4. Reduces the symptoms of inflammation.

Because the components of the drug actively participate in cellular respiration and stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissue, eye drops can be used in the postoperative period to accelerate the recovery and healing processes.

Nicotinamide or nicotinic acid inhibits the development of harmful processes, contributes to the process of repairing damaged lens cells.

Nicotinamide and adenosine are the main nutrients that affect the synthesis of DNA, contributing to tissue repair. Components also accelerate energy metabolism in the lens and cornea.

The vasodilating effect leads to an improvement in intraocular circulation and the washing out of the toxic products of the decomposition of the damaged tissue.

What is the price for Systein Ultra in Russia and Ukraine? Reviews of these drops and their detailed description.

The article contains detailed information( here) about the analogs of Hilozar-Komod and how effective they are.

How to use


The medicine bottle cap must be turned with the simultaneous pressing down, so it opens. Then gently push back or pull the lower eyelid, look at any top point and drip the drug under the lower eyelid 1 or 2 drops.

Ensure that the tip of the vial is not touching the skin to avoid contamination. This procedure is performed three times a day in accordance with the appointment of a doctor until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. The duration of therapy often depends on the causes of cataracts.

For the prevention of cataracts, drip the drug in the same way under the lower eyelid, one drop 2-3 times a day. Therapy lasts from 10 to 15 days, then you need to do a one-week break and repeat the procedure. If the mucous membrane of the eye reacts to the drug well, there are no restrictions in the quantities of procedures.

Useful properties of ophthalmic solution

Oftan Kathahrom has the following properties:

  1. Stimulates the restoration of lens tissue.
  2. Has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Improves the metabolism in the tissues of the lens.
  4. Improves trophism of the lens.
  5. Moisturizes the surface of the eyeball.
  6. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Has an antiseptic effect.

Form release and storage

Ophthalmic solution is available in 10 ml dropper bottles. Oftan Katahrom can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription.

The shelf life of a closed vial is three years, whereas an open vial can be stored and used within a month. Like all medicines, Oftan Kathahrom should be stored in a place inaccessible to children, at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C.

Read on - detailed instructions for eye drops Ophthalmic! All about these eye drops.

In the news( link) information about eye drops Oxial.

Analogs for Okuwait Lutein forte!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/vitaminy/ okuvajt-lyutein-forte.html

Contraindications when using

Ophthalmic solution Oftan Katahrom has a number of contraindications:

  1. Refrain from treatment with eye drops should those who have an allergic reaction to any of the components that make upophthalmic solution.
  2. Drops are not recommended for use during pregnancy.
  3. Drops are contraindicated in lactating mothers.

No data are available on the safe use of the drug in the above periods.

Oftan Katahrom is absorbed in small amounts, so no adverse effects of drug overdose have been observed.

Side effects of

Eye drops can cause side effects:

  1. Short-term symptoms of inflammation of the eye tissues.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Reduced blood pressure.

The last three side effects may be caused by nicotinamide or nicotinic acid.

Taking the drug may cause allergic reactions:

  1. Redness of the eye.
  2. Contact dermatitis that occurs in the eyelid.

In the presence of allergic reactions, the drug should be discarded.

Special instructions

Remove contact lenses before using the product. This is to ensure that the lens material does not come into contact with benzalkonium chloride. Subsequently, this may adversely affect the organs of vision. Lenses can be worn again 15-20 minutes after the procedure. You should wait the same time if you plan to use other ophthalmic medications.

Immediately after using the drug, do not use the equipment and any other equipment where visual acuity is required. The same applies to driving vehicles, because after the procedure there is a temporary irritation of the mucosa.

The price of the drug in Russia and Ukraine

The average price of ophthalmic solution Oftan Kathahrom in pharmacies in Russia fluctuates within 280 rubles. In Ukraine, the price of eye drops varies between 65-70 hryvnia, which is about 220 rubles.


The following analogs are available from Oftan Kathahrom:

  1. Crystalline. Curiously, Khrustalin was registered as a cosmetic tonic. Manufacturers of Drops have a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Quinaks.
  3. Emoxipine.
  4. Taufon. A drug with a broader spectrum of action. It is used in the treatment of corneal dystrophy.
  5. Catalin.
  6. Ujjala is an eye tonic that cleans the lens of the eyeball, thus helping to avoid surgical intervention.
  7. Vita-Yodourol.

All of the above preparations have an effect similar to Oftan's eye drops.

Reviews about

The opinions of patients about the drug Oftan Kathahr are different, because some advocate the use of the drug, while others call for the analogues of drops, for example, Quinax, although the composition of both drugs is similar.

Many people are of the opinion that Oftan Catachrom is effective, with only one condition: eye drops should be applied for half a year, or even more.


1. Cataracts mostly affect people in old age.

2. Drops of Oftan Katahrom can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of cataracts.

3. Drops have a beneficial effect on the recovery processes in the tissues of the organs of vision.

4. Do not freeze the drug or store it at a temperature of more than 15 ° C.

5. Drops have several analogues, which can replace the drug in the presence of intolerance of Oftan Kathahroma.

6. Immediately after the dropping-in procedure for 15-20 minutes, contact lenses should not be worn, and not work that requires visual acuity.

7. The drug can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription.


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