Why use Cyclomed drops?

Medicine is intensively developing, new drops, ointments, tablets and preparations appear every year, simplifying the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

Eye drops cyclomedes are today a popular tool for the detection and proper diagnosis of eye diseases.

They are designed to detect abnormalities at the earliest stage, when the disease has not yet entered into full force.

The drug is also used at the stage of preparation of the patient of the operation, it is an obligatory part of the complex therapy for ophthalmic diseases.

The drug has an effect on the eye muscles that regulate the constriction and dilatation of the pupils under certain conditions, resulting in the same dilatation of the pupils.

    • 1. Instructions for using
    • 2.
    • side effects 3.
    • condition and retention periods 4.
    • price 5.
    • analogues 6.
    • reviews 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Video

Instruction for use

FormRelease and Composition

Cyclomed is available in droplets that are a clear and colorless liquid. The main active ingredient in the drug is cyclopentolate hydrochloride. Additional composition is represented by substances such as benzalkonium chloride, disodium edetate, sodium chloride and distilled water.

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The preparation is produced in plastic bottles with a dispenser of drops of 5 ml.

Indications for use of

  • for diagnostic purposes;
  • to ensure rest in cases of circulatory disorders in the membranes, as well as in traumas and inflammations of the eye( iritis, thromboembolism, choroiditis, iridocyclitis, keratitis, retinal artery spasm, etc.)
  • in the preoperative preparation process: when extracting cataracts in order to dilate the pupil.

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In the article( link), all reviews about eye drops Opatanol.

Price for eye drops Okumil!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / okumetil-opisanie.html

Assignment options

In most cases, ophthalmologists prescribe 1-2 drops of cyclomedes in each eye. Applied and the following options:

  • before ophthalmoscopy 1-3 instillation with an interval of 10 m;
  • when determining the refraction of 1-2 drops in 15-20 m. 1-3 r.in a day.
  • in the treatment of inflammatory diseases is prescribed from 1 drop of 3 r.per day to 1 p.in 3-4 hours.

After the procedure, it is recommended to press the inner corners of the eye for 1-2 seconds, this will avoid getting the solution into the nasopharynx and prevent potential development of systemic side effects.

Drug Interaction

With the simultaneous use of drops and sympathomimetics, for example, Mesatone, the effect of the former can be enhanced. To weaken the effect may m-holinomimetiki, for example, Pilocarpine.

Medications that have m-holinoblocking properties may increase the effect of side effects of Cyclomed.

Principle of operation

When using the drug for the first time, follow the doctor's instructions. A single instillation has a blocking effect on the part of the muscle that regulates the process of narrowing the pupil, while simultaneously relaxing its other part.

15 minutes after taking the drug, the pupils expand, the effect lasts 12 hours.

Cyclomed has a weak spasmolytic effect, its administration contributes to a decrease in the secretion of bronchial, salivary, sweat, gastric glands and pancreas.

The drug promotes increased intraocular pressure, which leads to an increase in the heart rate with a slight increase in blood pressure.

At moderate therapeutic doses a moderate stimulating effect on the central nervous system is observed, a stimulating effect on the respiratory center is recorded.

Side effects of

  • temporary visual acuity reduction;
  • feeling of discomfort;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • increased intraocular pressure in primary glaucoma;
  • weakness, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia;

Children susceptible to cyclopentolate may experience dizziness, general weakness, vomiting, drowsiness, dry mouth, headaches, in rare cases, tachycardia.


In case of an overdose( taking the drug inside), tachycardia, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, disturbance of mental reactions( fatigue, incoherent speech, disorientation in space, violation of recognition of closely located objects and alteration of the emotional background) are observed. Taking very large doses threatens paralysis of breathing and coma.

Impact on the ability to manage machinery and vehicles

During the period of taking the drug, there are restrictions on the employment of potentially hazardous activities that require high concentration and rapid reaction.

Special instructions

The drug shows a smaller effect on the dark pigmentary iris, the residual accommodation in this case can reach from 2 to 4 diopters.

Analog cyclomide atropine sulfate is recommended for use in children if a persistent or semi-resistant spasm of accommodation is found. Before using cyclomed in elderly patients, intraocular pressure control should be performed.

Patients who are sensitive to atropine have no symptoms of cross-allergy to the drug, which makes it possible to use it in this category of patients.

Storage conditions and storage times

Cyclomed is stored at a temperature that does not exceed 25 ° C, however, it must not be frozen. Shelf life of the drug is 24 months in a closed vial, the open vial can be used for therapeutic purposes for not more than 1 month.

You can buy the drug in a pharmacy by prescription.


The cost of cyclomed drops depends on the price of the wholesale lot, the drug is imported to Russia. The price of drops is affected by the amount of customs fees, as well as the costs of storage and transportation.

In Russian pharmacy chains, the cost of 5 ml of a 1% solution varies from 400 to 500 rubles , in Ukraine the price of the drug ranges from 110 to 150 UAH.

Note - the instruction for eye drops Irifrin. Description and reviews about the drug.

In the news( here) all the reviews about the medicinal product Poludan.

Popular analogs of eye drops Ophthalmoferon!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / oftalmoferon-opisanie.html


Analogues of the drug are presented in the pharmaceutical market - drops having a similar spectrum of action, the role of the active component in which other chemical compounds are performed.

Cyclomed analogues are:

  • Cycloptic ;
  • Atropine sulfate;
  • Tropicamide-Farmak;
  • Midriacil;
  • Tropicamide.


Most often, the drug is prescribed for adults and children for the diagnosis and early detection of eye diseases. After getting acquainted with side effects, many are adjusted to it negatively.

To dispel fears will help to conduct the procedure for an ophthalmologist, after which you can be sure that there are no negative consequences with the correct use of the drug.

On the effectiveness and safety of drops can be read on the forums and blogs that leave the adults who have undergone the procedure. Most parents note that children do not cry after the installation of drops.

The cumulative public opinion converges that cyclomedes does not bear negative consequences for an organism, it is equally well tolerated by people of different ages.


  1. Cyclomed drops are used in ophthalmology not only for treatment, prevention, preoperative preparation, but also for the purpose of early diagnosis of various eye pathologies.
  2. The drug has a prolonged effect up to 12 hours.
  3. Drops promote increased intraocular pressure, and have quite a lot of side effects.
  4. Cyclomed should be used strictly according to the instructions and with exact compliance with the dosage, since there is a possibility of an overdose.
  5. It is not recommended to use the drug when driving a car, as concentration of attention is significantly reduced.
  6. Reviews about the drug in most of its positive.


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