Antihistamine for sore eyes Lecrolin

As you know, recovering completely from allergies is very difficult, almost impossible.

The entire course of treatment can take several years.

The allergy can manifest itself in different ways, including spreading its symptoms to the eye. How to help yourself in this case?

Lecrolin is an antihistamine drug for topical use in ophthalmology, which is used to stop allergic keratitis and conjunctivitis.

It is excellent for long-term use, with virtually no adverse reactions and complications.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications
    • 3. Price
    • 4. Analogs
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Conclusion
    • 7. Video

Instruction for use

Composition and form of release

The main active ingredient of Lecrolin- cromoglycic acid. In addition, the preparation contains a preservative benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium edetate, water for injection.

Drops Lecrolin for eyes are produced in sterile 10 ml plastic bottles.

Interaction with other drugs

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Since Lecrolin enhances the effect of the use of glucocorticosteroids, its use in conjunction with these drugs can help relieve the exacerbation of chronic allergic inflammation of the eyes and quickly eliminate the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Pharmacological action

The main active substance drops - cromoglycic acid - stabilizes the membranes of mast cells and inhibits the release of histamine and other biologically active substances provoking allergic reactions.

The drug does not affect the already released histamine, but it inhibits the activity of mast cells, as well as some other cells that participate in the formation of the inflammation reaction. In addition, the drug prevents allergic reactions.

The most pronounced anti-allergic effect Lecrolin gives in the prevention of allergic eye diseases.

The optimal use of these drops for the prevention of seasonal allergies( spring keratoconjunctivitis, hay fever).

For this purpose, Lecrolin must be started approximately two weeks before the intended contact with the allergen.

In the case when the allergen is known to be known, it is necessary to navigate the plant flowering calendar in a specific locality.

In most cases, the administration of this drug avoids the use of corticosteroids, or at least significantly reduces their dose and duration of use, reducing the likelihood of complications of this therapy.

Drops Lecrolin for the eyes eliminate completely or significantly reduce the manifestation of such symptoms as itching, burning, eye discomfort, conjunctival hyperemia, photophobia, etc.

In addition, this drug reduces the permeability of the vessels of the eye mucosa, limiting the possibility of contacting the allergen with mast cells.

The pronounced therapeutic effect can be observed approximately on the seventh day from the beginning of the use of drops;The maximum he reaches by the second week from the beginning of the drug.

Lecrolin reduces the symptoms of conjunctival dryness, burning, as well as other manifestations that are characteristic of giant papillary conjunctivitis - a disease that develops as a result of the use of contact lenses or eye prostheses, the presence of sutures after keratoplasty.

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Indications for use

This drug is used to prevent and treat chronic and acute allergic eye diseases, including seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis, hayfever, spring keratoconjunctivitis, acute conjunctivitis.

Method of administration and dosage

Lecrolin is prescribed 1-2 drops in each eye. Multiplicity of use - 4 times a day. Duration of admission and more accurate dosage is determined by the doctor.

Drops for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, which manifests itself seasonally, begin to be applied even at the first signs of the onset of the disease, and also for prevention before the season begins, that is, before the plants blossom, pollen will appear, etc. Treatment in this case continues for the entire flowering period or until the allergy symptoms disappear.

Recommendations for the use of a vial with a dropper dispenser:

  1. Strictly along the line of the dotted line, open the package.
  2. Separate one vial, and then tightly close the bag.
  3. Shake the vial and make sure that the solution has dropped into the bottom of the vial and only then open it.
  4. Download.

Drip should be carefully and so that the dispenser of the bottle does not touch the eye, to avoid getting an infection. To do this, one hand needs to pull back the lower eyelid, and the other hand to drip. After instillation of a medicine it is necessary to lead by an eye that the liquid was evenly distributed on all surface of an eyeball.


Drops Lecrolin for eyes is not recommended for patients who are hypersensitive to benzalkonium chloride, sodium cromoglycate or other components of the drug.

Drops should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or children under 4 years of age.

Side effects of

Immediately after instillation, the drug may cause slight eye irritation, accompanied by itching, burning, tingling or reddening of the mucosa, which passes on its own several minutes after use. In very rare cases, superficial lesions of the corneal epithelium may occur.

Specific instructions

Because Lecrolin contains benzalkonium chloride preservative, this should be taken into account by patients who use contact lenses. It is recommended to remove soft lenses before using drops and put them on again 20 minutes after instillation of the drug.

Patients who, after applying Lecrolin, are temporarily impaired with clear vision, it is not advisable to get behind the wheel of the car, work with machines, complex equipment or other complex equipment that requires visual acuity, immediately after instillation of the medicine.

If the symptoms of eye irritation are increased when using Lecrolin, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

The shelf life of Lecrolin is three years. After opening the vial-dropper the drug should be used for four weeks.


The average cost of eye drops Lecrolin in Russian pharmacies is 180 rubles , the average price in Ukrainian pharmacies is equal to 80 hryvnia .


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Reviews as a medical product are mostly negative. Patients notice reddening, dry eyes after use, blurred vision, tear, eyelid swelling, vision impairment. In addition, shortcomings include a short shelf life, low therapeutic efficacy and effectiveness.

Positive feedback is left by those who use Lecrolin in order to get rid of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and its prevention. Allergic drops very well help to eliminate the symptoms, while the symptoms of allergies are eliminated with the help of a means quickly enough.

Eliminates irritation, painful itching, redness, which often appears during seasonal allergies. Despite this, those who use the drops, note the fact that they help only for a short period of time, do not have a lasting effect. Also, in a positive response, there is a low price for the medicine.

Examples of

1. I often suffer from allergic conjunctivitis, which is accompanied by itching in the eyes and around them, burning, lacrimation, redness of the vessels in the eyes. I used to use Sulfacil sodium all the time, but this drug burns my eyes, and painful already. I am very grateful to the pharmacist from the pharmacy, who asked me about the problem and suggested instead of Sulfacil sodium to try Lecrolin.

The drug does not cause burning sensation at all, it helps instantly, but it acts for a long time. The only drawback - after him in the corners of the eyes and eyelashes is a white film, but it is easily removed. The result is a good product at an affordable price.

2. I recently encountered drops of Lecrolin. Going to work, I decided to make up eyelashes with new ink. After just 10 minutes after leaving home, I felt that something was in my eye-burning, itching, tears with hail. .. In five minutes, the second eye began to itch. I realized that in this way my body reacts to a new cosmetic.

At work, everything was washed away quickly, but I did not feel any relief, and the sight I had was as if I sobbed all night. Fortunately, working in the hospital - immediately ran to the oculist, who confirmed my guess about the allergy. On the question of how to be treated, without words, I took out some flacon and dripped it into my eyes.

A few minutes later the feeling of glass wool in my eyes started to recede, after half an hour I was already taking my own patients, and even an hour later even the wild beauty of the eyes passed. In order to completely get rid of the symptoms of allergies, I needed a double application of Lecrolin.

Manufacturers do not lie, claiming that the drops begin to act instantly. This is also confirmed by a doctor who provides first aid to patients who complain of an allergy - almost every one of them notes the relief of symptoms already in the first minutes after application.

Although this is not the cheapest drug, and there are some drugs with a much lower price, which have a similar effect, nevertheless the quality and speed of the therapeutic effect of Lecrolin overlaps these disadvantages.


  1. The main component of the drug is cromoglycic acid, which is able to stabilize the membranes of mast cells and inhibit the release of biologically active substances, which is why allergies occur.
  2. Lecrolin is also used for the treatment of other ophthalmic diseases and eliminates the attendant symptoms - itching, burning, redness of the eyes, etc.
  3. The course of treatment and dosage is determined by the doctor, according to the instructions the drug is used four times a day for 1 to 2 drops.
  4. Among the contraindications only a special sensitivity to the composition of the drug.
  5. During treatment with medicinal drops, contact lenses should not be used for 20 minutes after instillation.
  6. After opening the bottle is suitable for 1 month.
  7. It is not recommended to drive and use complex mechanical devices during the use of droplets.


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