Normax: action, indications, contraindications

Normaks are antibacterial drops intended for the treatment of inflammation of the eyes and ears caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to this drug.

Drops have a broad bactericidal spectrum of action.

The preparation perfectly penetrates into the eye tissues, so it can be used to treat infections of the anterior part of the eye.

Normax is an aqueous solution of norfloxacin, an antibacterial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones, which has a harmful effect on a variety of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including streptococci, staphylococcus, salmonella, chlamydia, Escherichia coli, Shigella and others.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications
    • 3. Conditions and shelf life
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Analogs
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusion

Instruction for use

Composition and form of release

DropsNormax are a colorless transparent solution without inclusions of .The composition of the drug includes norfloxacin, distilled water, sodium chloride, disodium edetate, acetic acid, ice, benzalkonium chloride.

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Form : bottles of polyethylene with a cap-dropper or bottles made of dark glass, a capacity of 5 ml. Vials are stacked in cardboard packs.

Detailed instructions for the use of Taufon. All contraindications and useful properties of the drug.

The article( tuts) details the eye drops of Quinax.

Reviews for Eye Drops Natural Tear!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / sleza-naturalnaya.html

Indications for use

In ophthalmology, eye drops Normax are applied topically for the treatment of such diseases of the anterior part of the eye:

  • ulcerous lesions of the cornea;
  • keratitis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis;
  • trachoma( chlamydial lesions of the eyes);
  • blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • eustachytes of infectious nature.

In addition, this drug can be prescribed to patients who suffer from different forms of middle and external otitis media.

The effect of norfloxacin on the plemmorphic rod of the genus acitetobacteria, as well as on the bacteria of the enterococcus group, is weakly expressed.

The drug is not effective in infections that are caused by anaerobic bacteria.

Normax is assigned to patients who have undergone surgery, eye or ear injury, foreign body removal, to prevent infections.

How to use and dosage

The drug must be approved by the doctor. The dosage regimen is determined depending on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the process.

Wash hands thoroughly before applying drops. In case of severe infectious diseases, Normax is recommended to be used in combination with antimicrobial agents for parenteral or oral administration.

In acute infectious eye diseases, 1-2 drops of medication are prescribed at intervals of 30 minutes, after which, depending on the development of the disease, the interval between instillations increases with time.

For eye diseases of moderate severity, 1-2 drops of medication are prescribed 2-6 times a day.

Patients suffering from a chronic or acute form of trachoma are prescribed 2 drops of the drug 2-4 times a day. The duration of treatment can be more than 2 months.

Patients with infectious diseases of the middle and outer ear are prescribed 2-3 drops of medication 4-6 times a day. During an exacerbation it is permissible to use a single dose at intervals of 2-3 hours until the condition improves.


The drug is contraindicated for use with increased individual sensitivity to any components, as well as for the treatment of patients aged less than 15 years. Relative contraindications to the use of drops Normax are pregnancy and lactation.

Care should also be taken when prescribing a drug for the treatment of eye diseases in patients who are involved in driving a car and managing potentially dangerous mechanisms( do not engage in activities requiring increased concentration for at least half an hour after instillation in the eyes).

Side effects of

Normok well tolerated by most patients, resistance to it develops slowly.

Occasionally in some patients, after application of the drug, the symptoms of inflammation of the eyes may appear or increase - itching, tingling, redness and swelling of the mucous eye, rashes on the skin;In rare cases, allergic reactions are observed.

Systemic reactions from the digestive system ( epigastric pains, nausea, flatulence, heartburn) or nervous system( dizziness, headache, increased irritability, insomnia, asthenic manifestations) are extremely rare when the drug is used.

Pregnancy and lactation period

It is not recommended to apply Normox drops during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

However, the drug during pregnancy can be prescribed by the attending physician, who carefully weighs the potential risks to the child and the expected benefit for the pregnant woman.

If you need to apply Normox drops during breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor and consider the possible interruption of lactation.

Overdose of

Currently, there are no known cases of overdose with this drug.

Possible symptoms when you randomly take the drug Normaks inside are headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, anxiety, diarrhea.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy is administered if necessary. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the intake of large amounts of liquid in the body.

Precautions and special instructions

The drug must be dispensed strictly by prescription. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to combine treatment with systemic antimicrobial therapy.

The drug is incompatible with chemically or physically unstable drugs, which pH is at level 3-4.

In the case of simultaneous administration of drugs Normax and Warfarin, there is an increased anticoagulant effect of the latter.

With the simultaneous use of drugs Normax and Cyclosporin, the concentration of the second in blood plasma increases.

Joint use with antacids or preparations that contain iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, leads to a decrease in the absorption of norfloxacin.

Terms and Conditions of storage

Normax in the form of eye drops should be stored out of the reach of children and well protected from light at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.The shelf life of Normax drops is 2 years. After opening the bottle it is necessary to use drops for 1 month.


Average price of eye drops Normax in Russian pharmacies is 230 rubles .

In drugstores of Ukraine the average price of the drug is 40 hryvnia .


Similar drugs have such drugs as Albucid, Levomycetin, Oftakvix, Sulfacil Sodium, Tobrex, Floxal, Tsipromed.


Reviews about eye drops Normax are mostly positive. Buyers note the rapid effect of drops, their effectiveness, effective elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Side effects are almost not observed. Patients who were treated with analogues of the medication and the agent themselves prefer Normax and are recommended for use by others. It should be noted that among the positive reviews there are those written by mothers about the use of drops to children.

Many people who have used drops also note a quick result in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Drops not only eliminate burning, itching, accompanied by conjunctivitis, but also quickly eliminates swelling. The drug acts quickly enough, as most of the treated people note, if drops are dripped in the evening, then in the morning there is already an improvement, and the presence of the disease is almost not felt. Among the positive reviews, there is also not a high price of drops.

Examples of

1. It all started from the youngest daughter. I contracted in the garden with conjunctivitis, and such as I never saw in my life - my eyes swelled, the squirrels flushed, pus constantly came.

I bought a tetracycline ointment, started to wash my daughter's eyes with tea. On the third day of such treatment, everything went away, but the infection was manifested in the eldest son. He was cured in the same way, and the daughter for prevention of dripping Albucid.

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In the news( here in more detail) about what are the analogs for the drug Oftagel.

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Somewhere 5-6 days we lived quietly, and then it all started anew and had to go to the oculist. A smear from the eyes could not be taken, because with my treatment I smeared the whole picture of the analysis. Therefore, the doctor prescribed the drug for treatment of all kinds of conjunctivitis.

First, we dripped Ciprofloxacin for 10 days, then the same number of Normaks, followed by Ophthalmophheon.

Already on the fifth day of treatment, the eyes became clean, but we brought it to the end. Because of my self-treatment, we never found out what kind of conjunctivitis we had. Anyone who encounters such a problem, I advise you to immediately go to the oculist, and not to be treated independently. I would not have to treat an entire month of two children.

2. My sister treated the Normax drops with her child's ears for the diagnosis of otitis externa. By appointment, she dripped his ear three times a day for 2 drops. With the burrowing of the ears, my sister was very distressed, because the child had to lie down for a few minutes, and he struggled all the time and wanted to get up. The doctor said that the ears should be laid with cotton wool, but this sister did not do it. Ears dripped for a week.

The baby underwent treatment with these drops well despite the doctor's warning about the possible appearance of many side reactions, including dizziness, headaches, irritability, edema, itching.

The instructions indicate that these drops are contraindicated for use in children under 15 years of age, so I clarified this question with the doctor. He assured her that everything would be alright, as they prescribe this drug even to infants. I would, of course, be afraid to take such a risk, but still the treatment was successful.


  1. Normax is an eye drop that has an antibacterial effect.
  2. Used to treat various pathologies not only the eyes, but also the ears.
  3. Drops are used in ophthalmology for the treatment of diseases of the anterior parts of the eyes and in the prevention of infections.
  4. Effectively copes with a lot of harmful microorganisms, but there are also bacteria against which droplets are powerless, for example, drops are not effective against anaerobic bacteria.
  5. Apply drops strictly following the instructions to the preparation or the prescription of the doctor.
  6. The drug has side effects, but basically most patients tolerate treatment well.
  7. Contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy, but can be appointed by a doctor when it is absolutely necessary.
  8. The medication is dispensed strictly by prescription.
  9. The open vial can only be used for one month, not more.
  10. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, side effects of patients were almost not observed.
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