General information about antiseptic eye drops "Okomistin"

Eye drops Okomistin is an antiseptic home remedy that is widely used in the treatment of eye diseases.

It is effective against gram-negative, gram-positive( streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc.), anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, suppresses hospital strains resistant to antibiotics.

The main active substance of the drug is miramistin. It is indicated for adenoviruses, herpes, chlamydia and pathogenic fungi.

Studies, during which eye drops were tested, confirmed the immunoadjuvant properties of the drug and proved its ability to enhance regeneration processes.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications to the use of
    • 3. Price
    • 4. Analogues
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Results of
    • 7. Video

Instruction for use

Indications for use of drops

The drug is prescribedin the following cases:

  • acute, chronic conjunctivitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • chemical / thermal eye burn;
  • mucosal lesion caused by gram-positive / gram negative bacteria, viruses, fungi, chlamydia;
  • instagram viewer
  • treatment and prevention of inflammatory and suppurative complications during the post-preoperative period.

Already on the first day of the application, patients notice a general improvement in the eye condition: they go through carvings, burning, photophobia, the sense of foreign body disappears.

Composition, form and storage

Ocomistin is available in the form of eye drops, which are a clear, colorless liquid with a specific aroma. Drops are poured into plastic bottles with a volume of 10 milliliters, equipped with a polymer cap in the form of a dropper, which are sold in cardboard boxes.

One milliliter of the above medication contains 0.1 milligram of benzyl dimethyl in terms of anhydrous substance, as well as sodium chloride and purified water.

Store Okomistin should be in a place protected from small children, the air temperature in which does not exceed 35 degrees of heat. Freeze the drug is prohibited. The shelf life of these drops is three years from the date of release, but after opening the bottle they should be used for one month.

Eye drops are produced by the Ukrainian enterprise OJSC "Farmak", located in Kiev.

How to use

To achieve the maximum result during the application of eye drops, Ocomistin should adhere to the recommendations:

  1. Wash hands and remove contact lenses before starting the instillation of the eyes( they can not be worn back until 10-15 minutes after instillation).
  2. Prepare a sterile cotton swab or paper towel.
  3. Open the cap.
  4. Tilt your head back, slightly pull the lower eyelid( look up).
  5. Inject one or two drops( preferably, the product falls into the inner corner of the eye).
  6. Close the eye and pat it with a tissue / cotton swab.

It is important that during the instillation of the drug the tip of the bottle does not touch the upper eyelid and eyelashes( then the contents of the package will remain sterile).

If the doctor has prescribed the use of other drops along with Okomistin, the interval between their use should exceed 3-5 minutes.

If you need to use ophthalmic ointment, it should be poured after instillation, otherwise it will not allow the drops to have a therapeutic effect.

In certain situations, after the use of eye drops, patients feel burning and itching. These symptoms quickly pass.

If discomfort makes itself felt constantly or strongly pronounced, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist - it may be that the substances in the drops cause the patient to have an allergic reaction.

Dosage of

In the treatment of eye diseases, Ocomistin drips 1-2 drops 4-6 times a day. If the drug is prescribed to prevent the development of inflammatory reactions, it should be used in a different dosage - 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

Usually, ophthalmologists recommend using this tool a few days before the operation and a fortnight after it. Read more - instructions for use for Actovegin in tablets. How correctly to take dragees?

The article( here) reviews about Tetracycline ointment.

Reviews for drops Levomycetin!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / levomitsetin-glaznoi.html

Useful properties

Drops are characterized by numerous useful properties. Destroying fungi, the herpes virus and protozoa, they provide a quick recovery of eye functions, make bacteria susceptible to antibiotic therapy.

High selectivity against pathogenic microorganisms excludes the negative effect of the drug on human cells.

In addition to this, Okomistin:

  • shortens the treatment time for ophthalmic diseases;
  • provides increased local immunity;
  • starts epithelization processes, accelerates healing;
  • is not absorbed through the mucous membranes of the eye, nose and lacrimal passages;
  • does not have a mutagenic effect on the human body;
  • does not damage the mucous membrane, the skin;
  • is effective in the prevention, monotherapy and complex treatment of eye diseases;
  • does not cause a feeling of pain.

The drug successfully copes with the diseases in which it is shown, and excludes the deterioration of the patient's well-being.

According to clinical data, okostistin does not change the reaction rate, and therefore can be used by drivers and those whose professional activity presupposes a high concentration of attention.

Please note - the instruction for eye drops Tobrex. Reviews and analogues of these drops.

In the news( link) are all analogues of Tropicamide.

Reviews about the drops of Irifrin!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / irifrin-opisanie.html

Contraindications to the use of

Use of the drug is inadmissible:

  • pregnant and lactating;
  • children under the age of 18;
  • with high sensitivity to component components.


Ocomistin is a medium-price medical product. Its estimated cost in the cities of the Russian Federation is 110-150 rubles .In Ukraine, 28-40 hryvnia is sold at the price.


Analogs are drugs intended for the treatment of the eye, the main component of which is also myramistin. If patients can not get these drops, they can replace it:

  1. with Miramistin.
  2. Miramistin-Darnitsey.
  3. by Miramide.
  4. Desmistin.

It is not recommended to change the prescription medication on its own because it is not 100% identical in composition, and therefore there is a risk of minimizing the effectiveness of treatment.


Patients respond about drops of Ocomistin in different ways. Some people note the high effectiveness of this drug and say that it helped them to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a couple of days. And others testify that because of unpleasant side effects they had to abandon the use of Okikistin.

One of the main advantages of Okokistin patients is the affordable cost of this drug, and the disadvantages are the inconvenience of use and the too short shelf life after the imprinting.

Doctors say that Ocomistin drops perfectly well with their task. They not only disinfect eye tissues and relieve the symptoms of infectious diseases, but also increase the effect of other antibacterial drugs that are used in complex therapy.

Results of

  1. Ocomistin is a modern antiseptic anti-inflammatory eye drop of a broad spectrum of action. They provide effective treatment of eye diseases, which are not amenable to antibacterial therapy.
  2. Use of drops for the purpose of treatment and prevention can be used by patients aged 18 years. For pregnant and lactating women, the drug is contraindicated.
  3. The analogs of the drug are Miramistin, Miramistin-Darnitsa, Desmistin and Miramidez.
  4. Approximate cost of drops is 80-110 rubles in Russia and 18-30 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  5. If after the use of drops there is unbearable itching and stinging, the patient should refuse to use them and ask the ophthalmologist to choose for him another treatment option.


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