Midriazil for dilated pupil

Midratsil - eye drops containing tropicamide, are designed to dilate the pupil.

They are widely used in ophthalmology for medical( medial mydriasis, laser surgery on the retina, spasm of accommodation, etc.) and diagnostic purposes( identification of "false myopia", examination of the fundus with a wide pupil, etc.).

The drug is well tolerated by patients and has a relatively short duration of action.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications and side effects of
    • 3. Price
    • 4. Analogs
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Video

Instruction for use

Useful properties

The main active ingredient of the drug is tropicamide,causing the pupil to expand.

It should be noted that with repeated instillation, it can cause the development of paralysis of the accommodation state, in which visual perception is disturbed.

Nevertheless, this condition is necessary in order to determine whether true myopia has developed or vision deteriorated due to spasm of ciliary muscle, in addition, accommodation paralysis causes an improvement in the patient's condition in certain diseases.

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The maximum effect of the drug is observed 20 minutes after instillation and can last up to three hours. The effect of drops on the eye stops about six hours after instillation.

Read more - a table for checking eyesight. Take the test and find out about the state of the eyes.

In the article( link), all reviews about eye drops Poludan.

Instructions for use for eye drops Ophthalmoferon!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / oftalmoferon-opisanie.html


Antihistamines, derivatives of alpha and beta adrenomimetics, phenothiazine, quinidine with co-administration with Midratsilom increase the risk of adverse events of the latter drug.

With the simultaneous administration of nitrates, glucocorticoids and Midratsila, the risk of a sharp increase in intraocular pressure increases. When taking antidepressants, m-holinoblokatorov with Midratsilom increases the effect of both drugs.

When taking M-cholinomimetics and Midratsila, the effect of tropicamide is weakened. Midriazil is an effective drug that can only be used topically. It is by no means used for injection.

Composition of

To purchase Midratsil, you need a prescription from your doctor.

Drops can be found in the form of a solution placed in a vial, the volume of which is 15 ml. The kit also includes a dispenser.

In pharmacies, you can find a solution that contains 5 or 10 mg of tropicamide. Auxiliary elements of the agent are such components as sodium hydroxide, purified water, benzahexonium chloride, sodium chloride, disodium edetate.

The medicine must be kept at a temperature that varies from 8 to 30 degrees. Midratsil must be in a dry, as well as a dark place.

The shelf life of the medicine is three years. The drug can be used for four weeks after opening the vial. Do not use the product after the expiration date.

Indications for use

Midriacil drops are intended for the dilatation of the pupil for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.

Pupillar dilatation is necessary for ophthalmoscopy of the eye study, which plays an important role in the diagnosis of a variety of ophthalmic diseases, as well as to determine the refraction of the refractive power of the eye, the violation of which most often provokes visual impairment.

Also with the help of this drug dilate the pupil before laser or surgical operations on the eyes in the treatment of pathologies of the vitreous, retina, and also for the treatment of cataracts.

In addition, Midriacil drops are used after surgical interventions, as well as as an element of the complex treatment of inflammatory eye diseases.

How to use, dosage

Thoroughly wash your hands, open the dropper and, without touching the tip of the surface of the eye and the skin of your hands, drip 1-2 drops of the medicine into each eye.

For a few seconds, press the inner corners of the eyes with your fingers to prevent the medication from entering the nasopharynx and reduce the likelihood of side effects.

Contraindications and side effects of

You can not use Midratsil preparation with hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Contraindication is also closed-angle and mixed glaucoma.

With care, the drug should be used for inflammatory processes of the eyes, increased intraocular pressure, with a shallow anterior chamber of the eye.

Midriazil may be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding only if the expected benefit of using the drug exceeds the likelihood of side effects.

Patients under the age of 6 years can be instilled with only 0.5% solution.

Side effects of

Side effects of Midratsil preparation may be expressed in reducing visual acuity, fear of light, such allergic reactions as redness and swelling of the outer shell of the eye, burning.

In some cases, increased intraocular pressure.

Seldom, mainly in elderly patients and young children, develop systemic side effects of dizziness, headache, irregular heartbeat, dry mouth, changes in the digestive tract.


In case of accidental use of eye drops Midratsil inside should cause vomiting and conduct gastric lavage. The child needs to additionally moisturize the skin to eliminate symptoms of an overdose.

Typically, an overdose is prescribed symptomatic treatment. If severe disturbances of consciousness or breathing occur, the doctor should be consulted urgently.

Note - Instruction for eye drops Opatanol. Why does an ophthalmologist assign these drops?

In article( здеся) the price in the CIS for drops for eyes Kromogeksal.

All analogs Okumetila!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / okumetil-opisanie.html

Special instructions and precautions

For the period of treatment with eye drops Midratsil it is necessary to abandon the control of the car, because after instillation of the drug, visual acuity can be significantly reduced.

It is recommended that drivers of vehicles discuss with an attending physician the possibility of alternative treatment or take a vacation.

This product is not intended for injection.

Patients who use contact lenses should remove the lens before using the drug, and set them back at least 15 minutes after using Midratsila.


The cost of Midratsil drug in Russian pharmacies averages 380 rubles .In drugstores of Ukraine eye drops Midratsil can be purchased approximately for 80 hryvnia .


The drug has a small number of analogues.

Tropicomide. The main difference between this drug and the original is its price. The cost of the analogue ranges from 65 to 90 rubles, which is several times lower than the medication of the Midril. Tropikomid has a more extensive list of indications. In addition, the drug has much fewer side effects, as well as contraindications.

Atropine. A distinctive feature of the drug is the low price of the drug. The average cost of the drug is 59 rubles. The indications for this remedy are much greater. Among the minuses can be identified a large list of contraindications. In addition, the Internet has a large number of negative reviews, which are usually associated with the fact that patients often exhibited side effects.

Cyclomed. The price of the medicine was set at 450 rubles, which is slightly higher than the original. Basically, this drug has the same effect as the Midrial.

Midrum. This drug is also very effective, like the Midrial, but it has much less contraindications. Also analogues are the drug Midriaticum and Irifrin. Among the advantages can be a small list of contraindications, as well as side effects.


Reviews of Midratsil are ambiguous.

Among the positive sides, patients note the relatively low cost of the drug. In addition, people really like the convenient form of release / method of reception, similar tools.

Among negative reviews, patients note that not always the drug has the therapeutic effect that is expected of it. In addition, patients also note that it is not always possible to find a Medication medication in a pharmacy.

№ 1. When I was a student, I spent a lot of time in the library, accordingly, my acquaintance with the book was so close that by evening everything was "floating" in the eyes. Today, when I work at the computer for a long time, the strain of the eyes has increased even more. Periodically, I began to notice that the eyes get tired very quickly and begin to ache. Walking down the street, I did not see objects that were in the distance. Naturally, I began to worry about my own vision to keep it wanting, and the age is not yet retirement, so I went to the doctor.

At the reception of an ophthalmologist, my eyes dripped, as a result of which the pupil was enlarged, and examined. The sentence is a spasm of accommodation. Simply put, the eyes are in constant tension for the reasons described above. The doctor assigned me eye drops Midratsil together with Irifrin.

Burying the eyes must necessarily before going to sleep, as the eyes must recover overnight. In addition, in the afternoon after instillation of the eyes, you still will not see anything, since the pupil expands so much that in the eyes everything becomes turbid.

After the course, I noticed a significant improvement in vision, and the tension in my eyes disappeared. I was satisfied with the result of the treatment, so I recommend these drops. Only before use, be sure to carefully read the instructions.

№ 2. After laser correction of vision, the doctor advised me to use eye drops Midratsil, because as a result of the operation I had a spasm of accommodation. The surgeon-ophthalmologist recommended to instill this drug daily before going to bed for a month, then to make a month of a break, and then to stare one more month. I took courses about once every four months.

It should be noted that the result from Midratsila is, and a very good pain in the eyes disappears, and the vision improves noticeably. These drops help to relax the accommodative muscle, which because of the spasm that has arisen itself can not relax. In general, this drug can be called salvation, since it is very difficult to remove the spasm of accommodation in other ways.


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