Cromogexal is an antihistamine for eye treatment

Eye drops Cromogexal is an effective antihistamine for the treatment and prevention of chronic and acute allergic eye diseases, including conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis.

Also, the drug can be used to relieve symptoms of dryness and irritation of the eyes, with fatigue and visual overexertion of the eyes.

Cromogexal fights against eye irritation, has anti-edematous action, eliminates allergic manifestations that occur when different contact allergens are exposed to mucous membranes.

    • 1. Instruction for use
    • 2. Contraindications
    • 3. Price
    • 4. Storage and dispensing from pharmacies
    • 5. Analogs
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Video

Instruction for use


One milliliter of Kromogexal eye drops contains the following substances:

  • 20 milligrams of sodium cromoglycate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • edetate disodium;
  • non-crystallized liquid sorbitol;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • dihydrate sodium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • instagram viewer
  • disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • water for injection.

Indications for use

This drug is used for the prevention and treatment of chronic and acute allergic keratoconjunctivitis and conjunctivitis that result from contact with allergens such as pollen of plants, pet hair, house dust, fungal spores, volatile compounds, etc. Cromogexal can also be used to prevent seasonal allergic reactions, including pollen, hay fever.

You can also use Cromohexal to eliminate eye irritation caused by contact with cosmetics, chlorinated water, smoke, wind.

This drug is also used in the "dry eye" syndrome, with visual fatigue, to eliminate red eyes and their irritation caused by intense visual stress.

Detailed instructions for eye drops Okumil. Description and analogues of the preparation.

In the article( link) all reviews about Normax.

Application Instructions Floxal!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / pomoshnik-dlya-glaz-floksal.html

How to apply?

Before you start taking the drug, you should consult a doctor. Eye drops Cromogexal should be injected into the conjunctival sac. In case the attending physician has not prescribed any other treatment, the drug is instilled in each eye 1-2 drops, four times a day.

In case of significant allergic manifestations, bury your eyes up to eight times a day. Duration of treatment by this method should be determined by the attending physician.

Once the therapeutic effect is achieved, the frequency of use of Cromohexal can be reduced and applied only in contact with allergens.


Contraindication to the use of Cromohexal is an individual hypersensitivity to cromoglycic acid or to any other component of this drug.

It is not recommended to use Cromohexal in patients less than four years old.

Although there is no evidence of a negative effect of Cromohexal on the fetus during pregnancy, this preparation, especially in the first trimester, should be taken with great care.

Since cromoglycic acid is released in small quantities with human milk, taking Cromohexal during the breastfeeding period is possible only if the benefit for the mother exceeds the probable risk to the child.

Side effects of

Immediately after using the drug, a brief blurred vision or increased eye irritation - swelling, burning, conjunctival hyperemia, sensation of "sand" or foreign body, may occur.

After a few minutes, these symptoms go away on their own. In very rare cases, inflammation of the meibomian glands of the eyelids( meibomiitis), mild epithelial damage to the cornea, the appearance of barley.

Precautions and specific instructions for

Because Cromohexal contains a preservative of benzalkonium chloride, soft contact lenses should be avoided throughout the period of use.

In case the patient uses rigid lenses, they should be removed before instillation of Kromohexal, and put on again after 15 minutes.

It is necessary to close the vial tightly after each use of drops. To prevent microbial contamination, avoid contact of the spout of the vial with skin, eyelashes or mucous membranes of the eye.

After opening the bottle can be used for six weeks.

If, within 24 hours after the beginning of the use of this drug, a reduction in symptoms of inflammation is not observed, or if these symptoms increase, instillations of drops should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

With prolonged use, regular monitoring of kidney and liver function is required.


In Russian pharmacies, eye drops Kromogeksal can be bought at an average price of about 100 rubles .The cost of this drug in pharmacies in Ukraine on average is 20 hryvnia .Read more - the price of Sulfacil Sodium. Reviews and instructions.

In the news( tyts) instructions for Emoxipine.

Price in Russia for Quinaks!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / preparat-kvinaks.html

Storage and leave from pharmacies

The shelf life of Kromogexal drops is three years. They should be located in a place inaccessible to children and protected from sunlight. Store the drug should be at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees Celsius, but you can not subject the drops to freezing. After opening the medicine should be used for six weeks.

Cromohexal can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.


Vividrin, Cromolin, Ipheral, Sodium Cromoglycate, Cromosol, Intal, Lecrolin, Cromallerg, Nalcrom, High-Crom, Allergo Chest, Cromoglin, Taleum, Cromogen, Cusickrom, Stadaglycin, Cropoz.


Patients respond to eye drops Kromogeksal in different ways. Some people note the high effectiveness of this drug, while others say that it did not help them to get rid of the allergy symptoms. Some patients noted that they quickly developed an addiction to Cromohexal, so they had to switch to another drug.

Persons suffering from bronchial obstruction or bronchial asthma noted that the use of Cromohexal triggered an increase in coughing attacks. From this it can be done that the described drops do not fit all patients.

Before using them, it is necessary to consult a physician. And if during the treatment with Kromoeksalom the patient notices that his condition has begun to deteriorate, he should seek medical help to see if the doctor has determined whether this is a reaction to Kromogexal and whether the patient's condition excludes further use of the drug.

Examples of

1. When my kid turned 1 year and 4 months old, I began to notice more and more often that he rubs his eyes with his hands - well, rubbed, two, three. However, after a while it became so obvious that you did not have to think about the cilium in your eye. And then it's time to visit the oculist.

At the reception, when I complained that the baby rubs his eyes, the doctor pushed the lower eyelid slightly and found that the mucosa there is red, not pink, as it should be.

In a word, the doctor said that this is an allergic reaction, for the treatment of which he prescribed anti-allergic drops Kromogeksal for the eyes.

The drug is colorless, odorless, I even tasted it - slightly salty. In the instruction it is specified, that among by-effects sometimes there is an itch and a burning sensation in eyes.

However, even though drops were assigned to my child, not me, I first tested Kromogeksal on myself. Perhaps with a strong inflammation and conjunctivitis this drug burns, but my eyes on these drops did not react at all.

The child was also allowed to drip his eyes quietly and then did not cry, which led to the conclusion that this drug also did not deliver him any discomfort at all.

If we talk about effectiveness, then Kromogeksal my kid really helped - he stopped rubbing his eyes after a few days.

2. I very much regret that I did not find out about this tool before. Has started to use these drops, as a result has absolutely ceased to accept tablets from an allergy. And the cost is not so high - I bought a bottle of Kromoeksal for 166 rubles. Earlier I had to buy more expensive drugs, but they ended very quickly.


  • Cromogexal is an antihistamine ophthalmic drug;
  • It can be found in pharmacies in the form of eye drops;
  • It is recommended to use Kromogeksal and to get rid of eye fatigue;
  • This drug is inadmissible for use in the treatment of children under four years of age;
  • Use of Cromohexal may be accompanied by side effects;
  • If necessary, Kromogeksal may be replaced with a similar preparation.


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