Quick recovery of eyes due to drops of Floxal

Diseases of the eye, especially of infectious-inflammatory nature, are common among people.

There are many drugs for their treatment. Floxal - the most effective eye drops.

Floxal according to

General description

Floxal is a broad-based antimicrobial agent for topical ophthalmic diseases. It shows strong activity to the majority of gram-negative microbes.

    • 1. Floxal according to
    • 2. Application of Floxal
    • 3. Information on analogues and cost of Floxal
    • 4. Impressions of people from eye drops Floxal
    • 5. Conclusion

Also active against some strains of Gram-positive microorganisms. Almost all anaerobic bacteria are not sensitive to the drug.

Floxal is a clear solution of light yellow color. The non-proprietary international name Floxala-Ofloxacin. Eye drops of 0.3% are available in 5 ml plastic bottles equipped with a dropper.

For whom are the drops

Indications for the use of the phloxal are:

  • diseases of the anterior chamber of the eye of an infectious-inflammatory nature,
  • instagram viewer
  • conjunctivitis,
  • barley on the eye,
  • corneal ulcer,
  • blepharitis,
  • keratitis eyes,
  • chlamydial infections.

The drug is also used to prevent and treat bacterial infections as a result of surgical interventions and eyeball injuries. The results of Floxal treatment can be read by people at the end of the article.

As contraindications are:

  • sensitivity to the drug,
  • state of pregnancy and lactation. Reviews of Ophthalmoferon. Patients share their opinion about the effectiveness of the drug.

    In the news( here) prices in the CIS countries for eye drops Emoxipine.

    Detailed instructions for use for eye drops Taufon!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / taufon-instruktsiya.html

    Possible undesirable result

    Floxal can cause a side effect in the form:

    • allergies( with fluoroquinolone intolerance),
    • transient conjunctival congestion,
    • burning sensations and discomfort in the eyes,
    • drynessand conjunctival itching,
    • of a lacrimation,
    • of photophobia.

    In rare cases, dizziness may occur.

    Special warning

    For the time of instillation of the drug it is useful to refrain from wearing contact lenses. To prevent photophobia, it is better to wear sunglasses and not to be exposed to bright light.

    The intact packaging of drops is stored for three years. The vial can be used up to six weeks.

    Use of Floxal

    Benefit of

    The strong effect of Floxal is manifested in the prevention of purulent complications due to penetrating damage to the eyeball.

    Due to its bactericidal mechanism and a wide spectrum of action, it is the optimal preparation when there is no possibility of a complete bacteriological examination of the patient before treatment.

    The effectiveness and safety of Floxal makes it possible to use it for the treatment of children, including newborns.

    How to use

    Floxal is instilled in a conjunctival eye bag one drop from 2 to 4 times a day. The duration of the drug should not exceed two weeks.

    After instillation, temporary visual impairment may occur. This factor should be taken into account when driving a car or other dangerous activities.

    When temporary discomfort or visual disturbances are eliminated, special restrictions are eliminated.

    If more than one drug is used at the same time, the interval between installations should be at least 5 minutes.

    Parallel use of eye drops with ointment Floxal is acceptable. But in this case, the ointment should be applied last.

    Information on analogues and cost of Floxal

    The average price of eye drops in Russia is 190-270 rub., In pharmacies of Ukraine - 87-110 UAH.

    Analogues of general action:

    • Levomycetin,
    • Albutid,
    • Cypromed,
    • Normax,
    • Tobrex,
    • Ophthalox,
    • Sulfacil Sodium.

    Analogs( structural) Floxal according to the active substance:

    • Zoflox,
    • Ofloxin,
    • Oflocid,
    • Tariwid,
    • Uniflox, etc.

    Analogues on the therapeutic effect( conjunctivitis treatment):

    • Bronal,
    • Gentamicin,
    • Dexamethasone,
    • Maxitrol,
    • Okaccine,
    • Fucitalmic,
    • Cyfloxinale, etc.

    Impressions of people from eye drops Floxal

    Lydia .My child fell ill with conjunctivitis. The doctor prescribed a drop of Phloxal. Already the first instillation gave the result - the amount of pus greatly decreased. Have not yet swept to the end. Let's see the result. The only negative is the high price.

    Grigory .I consider these drops an excellent tool. After the injury, he received a scratch on the cornea. The doctor appointed Floxal. I was treated for a week. Everything passed without a trace. Two months later, the eyesight of the injured eye worsened. The doctor found conjunctivitis in a weak form. Again advised Floksal. I drove for three days. Now the eye is healthy. Very effective medicine.

    Tatiana .I had a problem with my eyes - they began to stick after sleep. It's the same with my daughter. The optometrist has registered Floksal. My daughter passed very quickly. At me after two-week instillation there has come simplification, but not definitively. Maybe after the break, repeat. I shall consult with the doctor.

    Olga .I have conjunctivitis. I am treated with Floxal. So far two days have passed. It became easier - itching and lachrymation. But the redness was preserved and there was photophobia. I hope that a full course of treatment will help.

    Elena .My baby was born. After the hospital, his eyes began to turn sour. The nurse advised dripping mother's milk and applying chamomile. Did not help. They began to dig up with levomycetin. Improvements have not come. Finally, the oculist wrote out the wonderful droplets of Phloxal. A week later, he managed to heal the eyes of the child.

    Used as follows: first the eyes wiped chamomile broth, then every three hours( if the child does not sleep) dripped into each eye one drop.

    Read more - the price of Visomitin. Price overview in Russia and CIS countries.

    In the article( link) instruction about Anthocyan Forte.

    Reviews about vitamins for the eyes Complivit Ophthalmo!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/vitaminy/ komplivit-oftalmo.html

    Xenia .As soon as the son went to the nursery, a lot of childhood illnesses appeared. One of them is conjunctivitis, which I only heard about before. The doctor advised Albutsid or Floksal. I looked at the reviews on the web, and decided to stay on the latter. It turned out that she made the right choice. The result was observed the next day. Redness and reddening of eyes have disappeared.

    And three days after the illness, only memories remained. The son already on the second day understood improvement of health from drops and did not resist burrowing. The result is remarkable.


    The effectiveness of Floxal is proven by the practice of treatment. People mostly use it successfully to combat conjunctivitis and barley. But this is a strong enough antibacterial drug. Before using it, consult a specialist.

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