Rules for the use of eye drops Arutimol in the treatment of glaucoma

With age, any organ of the human body begins to inevitably grow old, thereby disrupting its normal functioning. Age changes occur in all the membranes of the organ of vision - the eyes.

Glaucoma is one of the most frequent and serious ophthalmic diseases.

The disease is characterized by a constant or periodic increase in pressure in the eye, which leads to irreversible degenerative changes, reduced visual acuity and complete blindness.

The preparation Arutimol helps in the treatment of glaucoma. From our article you can learn about its side effects, indications for use and other important information.

Contents of
    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications and side effects of
    • 3. Storage and release of
    • 4. Price of
    • 5. Analogues of
    • 6. Feedback from
    • 7. Conclusion of
    • 8. Video of

Instruction for use

Useful action

In the complex therapy for patients with glaucoma often prescribed drug Arutimol - eye drops, designed specifically to effectively reduce intraocular pressure.

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The main active substance of drops is timolol hydromolecate - a substance related to non-selective beta-blockers. Timol penetrates the cornea and reduces the secretion of the intraocular fluid, this has a positive effect on the pressure in the shells of the eye - it gradually decreases, allowing the optic nerve and all other parts of the organ of vision to function in the right mode.

After instillation, the effect of drops Arutimol begins to develop after 20 minutes and reaches its maximum peak after two hours. The effect of pressure reduction persists throughout the day. The components of timolol can partially penetrate the blood, so drops should be prescribed according to strict indications and in the absence of absolute contraindications.

The active substance drops has no pathological effect on the size of the pupil and does not change the accommodation, that is, the clearness of the perception of objects with the eye. The drug is also used to treat congenital glaucoma in newborns.

Form and Composition

The preparation Arutimol is available in the form of drops for the eyes. The liquid has no color( sometimes a yellowish tint) and smell. The manufacturer of the drug is the "Laboratory Chauvin", France.

The composition of the drug Arutimol includes an active substance, such as timolol hydro-hydrate .The composition also contains water for the preparation of injections, benzalkonium chloride, sodium monohydrogenphosphate dodecahydrate, povidone K30, disodium edetate dihydrate.

Indications for use

Eye drops are prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment of various forms of glaucoma. First of all, with:

  1. Open-angle glaucoma.
  2. Closed-angle glaucoma.
  3. Secondary glaucoma caused by other ophthalmic diseases.
  4. Juvenile and congenital glaucoma.
  5. With intraocular hypertension.

Glaucoma is rarely detected at the initial stage of its development, this is facilitated by the absence of specific symptoms. But it is with the early detection of the effect of all drugs used in the treatment will be maximum.

Therefore, every person closer to 40 years should undergo periodic examinations with an ophthalmologist - early treatment of glaucoma, including drops of Arutimol, completely stops the pathological process and does not lead to complications.

How to use

Before using this product for the first time, it is necessary to use the instruction and correctly bring the dropper cap into the operating position. First it is tightly pressed to the vial and turned strictly clockwise. This is necessary in order for the special spike to puncture the dispenser. Then the cover returns to its original position.

Read more - instructions for use on Kosopt. Also reviews and analogues.

In the article( tyts) instruction for Aktipol.

What is an o-lens?http: // korrektsiya-zreniya / kontaktnye-linzy / nochnye-linzy-dlya-korrektsii-zreniya.html

In the first days of treatment 0.25% Arutimol is digested 1 drop twice a day at regular intervals in time. If the required effect is not detected during the examination, then the drug goes over to 0.5%.In the future, the dosage is reduced to one drop per day.

In order for the drops to bring certain benefits, certain rules should be followed when instigating the medicine:

  • The head is retracted.
  • The lower eyelid is pulled down.
  • One finger at the time of instillation closes the tear duct( this prevents the systemic exposure of thymol).
  • The bottle is inverted and dripped one drop into the conjunctival sac, it is impossible to touch the mucous membrane with a dispenser.
  • After instillation for a while, the head should be held back up - this contributes to a better distribution of droplets.

Contraindications and side effects of

The drug is used for a long time and can cause irritation of the conjunctiva, keratitis, dry eyes, burning.

Undesirable systemic reactions are expressed:

  • General decrease in pressure.
  • Transient disorders of cerebral circulation.
  • Heart rate disorder.
  • Rarely occurs bronchospasm, shortness of breath.
  • There may be a neurological disorder - headaches, depressions.

If any undesirable side effects occur, stop dripping drops and consult your doctor for advice.

Basic contraindications

Because the active substance drops belongs to beta-blockers, it is not prescribed if the patient has a history of

  1. . Bronchial asthma.
  2. Chronic obstructive diseases of the bronchi and the entire bronchial tree.
  3. Heart failure is severe.
  4. Bradycardia.
  5. Dystrophy of the cornea.
  6. Atrophic rhinitis.
  7. Often recurring allergic rashes on the skin.

In pregnancy, Arutimol is prescribed only when evaluating all indications and contraindications. With care, drops are used in the treatment of patients suffering from hypoglycemia, diabetes mellitus, pulmonary insufficiency, thyrotoxicosis.

The drug should not be used in conjunction with other drugs in this group. In young children, thymol can cause apnea, so extreme care must be taken when treating a child.

Wearing lenses and using

Do not use Arutimol drops when wearing soft contact lenses. The thing is that benzalkonium chloride can be deposited in the material from which the lens is made, thereby causing eye irritation.

If you are wearing hard contact lenses, you should remove them before you drip directly into the drug Arutimol. You can put them back in 20 minutes.

Storage and Leave

Medication Arutimol should be stored at a temperature that does not exceed 25 degrees. Do not expose to direct sunlight. The preparation should be protected from contact with drops of water.

Warning! The drug Arutimol should not be given to the hands of young children, as well as their pets.

The period of use of the drug is not more than three years. If the vial has been opened, it should be used within 6 weeks. An overdue product should not be used further, becauseit can only aggravate the situation.

To purchase this drug, it is required to show the prescription from the attending physician.


The cost of the bottle 0.25% Arutimola in the pharmacy chain of Ukraine begins approximately from 16 hryvnia , 0.5% the drug costs an order of magnitude more.

At pharmacies in Russia, the price for eye drops starts at 60 rubles .For a month of treatment, depending on the dosage, one or two packages of the drug may be needed.

Note - the price of drops Artificial tear. Detailed description of useful properties.

In the news( link) reviews about the gel Solcoseryl.

Analogues of eye drops Timolol!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / timolol-opisanie.html


In the presence of contraindications and the identification of negative side effects on Arutimol, analogs with a similar mechanism of action are selected for the treatment of glaucoma. There are a lot of preparations for glaucoma, most of them are not of great value, therefore each patient of an ophthalmologist can receive highly effective treatment.

Decrease in intraocular pressure is achieved due to adrenoblockers, so many of the drugs contain timolol, but additional substances can soften or strengthen its effect.

The most commonly used analogs are:

  1. Okumed.
  2. Glaumol.
  3. Silkworm.
  4. Timadrin.

The choice of the drug for the treatment of glaucoma should be performed only by a doctor. An ophthalmologist on special equipment will find out the entire state of the ocular membranes and, in accordance with this, select the optimal medicine.


Reviews from real patients undergoing treatment with glaucoma using drops Arutimol, you can read at the end of the article.

Basically, if there are no contraindications and side effects, eye drops with timolol are carried well and do not become addictive.

Negative comments are often left by those people who are engaged in self-medication and do not take into account when choosing a drug all violations of the visual function.


Arutimol is an effective drug whose action is directed to the treatment of glaucoma.

However, it is worth remembering that before taking any medication, you should consult a doctor, sinceUncontrolled reception can adversely affect the patient's health.


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