Tips for the treatment with drops Artelak

Any eye diseases always cause trouble, because any disturbance of sight affects the world perception and the capacity of a person.

Artelac is a remedy that is widely used in ophthalmology for the treatment of eye diseases, in particular the cornea.

The medicinal product lubricates, softens the surface of the eyes, normalizes and stabilizes the function of the tear film.

Artelac has a long healing effect due to its viscosity. The agent has a protective effect on the eyes from harmful external influences in case of deficiency of the eye tear fluid.

Contents of
    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications
    • 3. Conditions and periods of storage
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Analogues
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Results of
    • 8. Video

Instruction for use

Indications forThe use of

The preparation of Artelak has extensive indications for its use. The drug is used to treat:

  • cell changes on the cornea;
  • erosion and microtrauma eye shell;
  • dystrophic changes in the cornea;
  • instagram viewer
  • various corneal pathologies;
  • eyelid deformation;
  • thermal burns of the cornea, conjunctiva;
  • surgical operations of eyelids, keratoplasty;
  • the appearance of the eyes, cornea, caused by any reason;
  • itching, discomfort, "pain" in the eyes;
  • for moisturizing the eyes when wearing contact lenses.

Artelac can be used as a substitute therapy in case of insufficient production of natural tears, dry eyes, acute phase of chemical eye burn.

How to use

Artelak is instilled in the lower eyelid for 1 or 2 drops not more than 8 times a day. The medicine is buried in each eye. If the drug is prescribed to you by a doctor, then the medicine should be used strictly according to its purpose.

Duration of admission is approximately 14 - 21 days.

Treatment with Artelak drops leads to a visible improvement in the condition after 3 to 5 days of drug use, to achieve the full therapeutic effect, the entire course of therapy should be performed.

Form and Composition

Form Drops are available in special bottles that represent a dropper. Bottle volume 10 ml
Active substance Has a composition of 3.2 mg of hypromelose
Auxiliary elements Cetrimide, sorbitol, hydrogen phosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate, edetate disodium, water for injection

Interaction with other drugs

Drops are compatible with all medicamentouspreparations, including ophthalmologic, except those containing metal salts. When using several medicines for the eyes, it is also important to observe the sequence of their application and a certain time interval.


Precautions should be observed before using drops. The drug has the following series of contraindications:

  • a special sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • acute phase of the burn before toxic substances are removed;
  • child's age.

Side effects of

The following adverse reactions to drops are possible with the use of the medicine:

  • is an allergy in its various manifestations;
  • sensation that the eyelids are glued together.

Application of drops of Artelac pregnant

The drug is fully approved for use by pregnant women, as well as by women who are breast-feeding. Since the drops do not affect negatively the course of pregnancy, fetal development is in utero and does not penetrate into breast milk when feeding the baby.

Conditions and shelf life

Shelf life - 36 months. If the vial was once opened, then after this drop can be used only for 42 days, no more.

Store drops at room temperature in places that are not accessible to children. It is not recommended to use drops in the event that the exact date of their opening is not known.

Often, the dryness of the eyes appears in those people who work a lot at the computer. Read how to protect your eyes:

  • Saving your eyes while working on a computer
  • How to get rid of the pain in your eyes while working at a computer?
  • Drops for anyone who works at a computer


The price for Artelak drops can vary depending on the pharmacy network, country and region of sale.

Country Price
Russia from 400 to 550 rubles.
Ukraine from 85 to 100 UAH.


The preparation has a number of analogues:

  • Stillavit ;
  • Floxal;
  • Theosis;
  • Visalin-H;
  • Defisle;
  • Nimocid;
  • Tear of Forte;
  • Zaditen;
  • Alomide;
  • Sycapol;
  • Oxial;
  • Opti and others


Artelak has only positive reviews. Users of drops note only the beneficial effect of the drug: prolonged action of the drug, dry eye, itching, irritation, eliminates redness and fatigue of the eyes.

In general, drops are used by those who on duty work at the computer, stay for a long time in a room where there is an air-conditioner or when there is a heavy load on the eyes.

Among the small drawback is a high price for the drug.

Results of

  1. Artelac is used to eliminate eye diseases.
  2. The drug has a long effect of therapeutic effect.
  3. The drug also performs the protective function of
  4. In addition to treating various eye pathologies, the drug is actively used as a preventive agent.
  5. The drug has its therapeutic effect on the 3rd or 5th day of use, but to achieve full therapeutic effect it should be used within a few weeks.
  6. Drops are permitted to be taken by pregnant women, but are not allowed for use by children.
  7. Among the side effects marked glaucoma of the eyelids and occasionally allergic reactions, which judging by the reviews are not observed.
  8. Reviews about the drug are positive.
  9. The price of the drug is high, but it corresponds to the quality.


Take care of the eyes:

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