Field of application of eye drops Sulfacil sodium

Today the pharmaceutical market offers consumers a large number of medicines widely used in ophthalmology.

The choice is really huge, but most patients would like to choose such that it was effective and did not beat the pockets.

This drug exists. These are eye drops of Sulfacil sodium, another its name is Albucid.

In this article we will take a closer look at this medicine and review the opinions of people who have already checked its effect on itself.

    • 1. Instruction for
    • 2. Contraindications
    • 3. Storage and form of
    • 4. Average price of
    • preparation 5. Analogues of
    • 6. Patient's comments
    • 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Video

Instruction forpreparation

Drops Albucid is a solution of sulfacetamide on a water basis with a slightly alkaline reaction, therefore it is harmless to the eyes. The international name of the drug is Sulfacetamide.

The drug is an antibacterial( antimicrobial) drug and is now actively used in ophthalmology. It is an antiseptic that differs from antibiotics by the nature of its origin, to which they owe aniline dyes.

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Detailed instructions for use with eye drops Emoxipine. The ophthalmologist tells all the pros and cons of this drug.

In the article( link) all analogues of Ophthalmoferon.

Detailed reviews about Taufon!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / taufon-instruktsiya.html

Useful therapeutic properties of

Sulfacil sodium is able to stop the reproduction and development of bacterial microorganisms, which significantly increases the chances of immunity to fight infection. The mechanism of impact is quite simple. Microbes for reproduction require paraaminobenzoic acid.

Sulfonamides, which form the basis of the drug, are chemically similar to this acid. Due to this, they replace it, entering into reactions with bacteriological organisms, disrupting their vital activity, up to destruction.

Sulfacil sodium quite easily goes to the eye tissues and fluids, and is also capable of being absorbed into the circulatory system. It breaks the amino acid synthesis in most known pathogens.

It shows activity against Gram-negative, Gram-positive bacteria: gonococcus, chlamydia, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, actinomycetes, streptococci, Escherichia coli, cystic fibrosis, Shigella, etc.


Sulfacil sodium is an ophthalmic preparation that isaqueous sterile solution of the main active substance.

Eye drops are a homogeneous, clear liquid with a weak odor. Active substance in the composition of eye drops is sulfacetamide.

The dosage of this major component differs depending on the age of the patient. Drops for children contain 0.2 g per 1 ml of an aqueous solution, the drug for adults - 0.3 g.for a similar amount of water.

Also in the formulation are the following components:

  • sodium sulfidotrioxosulphate;
  • purified water base;
  • hydrogen chloride.

Indications for use Sulfacyl sodium

The drug is prescribed in the following eye pathologies:

Purulent ulcers of the cornea - the drug quite quickly suppresses the process of suppuration, and then shortens the healing time of the cornea.
  • Blepharitis.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Gonorrheal eye diseases.
  • Blenorrhea( defeat of the eyes of the gonococcal nature) - in addition to treatment, the drug is used as an effective preventive against this pathology in newborns.
  • Prophylactic against possible inflammatory processes from the negative effects on the eyes of foreign bodies, sand, dust, etc.
  • Keratitis.
  • Preventive agent in the postoperative period, preventing further spread of the infection.
  • Dosage and application features of

    Sulfacyl sodium is instilled in the lower eyelids, in conjunctival sacs, closer to the inner part of the eye. For one instillation, 2-3 drops of the agent are sufficient. The procedure should be repeated every 5 hours for the duration that the doctor determines. As a rule, the treatment process does not last more than 10 days.

    Newborn drug is digested twice - immediately, and then a couple of hours after birth. If the drug is used for the first time, then in the flacon you need to pierce the hole, screwing the cap up to the stop.

    Before carrying out the instillation procedure, it is necessary to heat the preparation to body temperature by holding it in your palms.

    So you will significantly reduce the risk of adverse reactions. Then, the solution is instilled by lightly pressing the bottle body.

    Important fact - Sulfacil sodium is first instilled in the eye with less pronounced symptoms of the inflammatory process.

    Even if only one eye is affected, it is still necessary to treat both, in order to avoid infection of a healthy eye organ. The procedure for instillation should be carried out in a recumbent, or sitting position, slightly tilting his head back.

    By the way, eye drops Sulfacil sodium are not only used for the eyes. Often the drug is used in pediatrics. Doctors prescribe it to children to treat a protracted rhinitis( instilled in the nose), as well as acute otitis( buried in the ears).


    Contraindicated use of Sulfacil sodium in people who have an individual hypersensitivity to the drug itself, or to its individual components.

    The drug is harmless in lactation and pregnancy, but only with the permission of a doctor.

    Studies have shown the presence of intolerance( cross-allergy) in people with hypersensitivity to such drugs as Diacarb, Glibenclamide, Hypothiazide, Furosemide and the like.

    Important! Such drugs as anesthesin, dicaine, novocaine significantly reduce the effectiveness of Sulfacil sodium;salicylates and diphenine increase the toxicity of the drug. This drug is incompatible with drugs that have a silver salt( collargol, protargol, etc.).

    Do not use if you are wearing contact lenses. Before instillation, they must be removed, otherwise the lenses will become cloudy. They can be used by the patient after half an hour after the instillation procedure.

    Possible side effects of

    In patients with Sulfacil sodium, the following reactions may be of concern to patients:

    • Eye swelling
    • Eye redness
    • Unpleasant carvings and itching in the eyes
    • Local allergic reactions( runny nose, sneezing, tingling in the eyes, etc.)
    • Whitish eyelids- it's not terrible, just the excess of the drug flow out of the eyes and dry out on the skin.

    If the patient overdo it with the frequency of instillation, he begins to worry about painful burning and pain in the eyes, tearfulness, a sense of presence in the eyes of a foreign body. With such symptoms, the drug should be discontinued immediately and consult a specialist to review the concentration and dosage.

    Storage and Release Form

    The total shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of its release. The ophthalmic agent should be stored in a dark place, protected from sunlight. An open bottle of eye drops should be used within a month. The permissible storage temperature is from 8 to 15 degrees with a "+" sign on the Celsius scale.

    Recommendations for the storage of eye drops:

    1. Do not leave the drug in a hot place or in the sun.
    2. High humidity can have a negative effect on the therapeutic properties of sodium sulfacil.
    3. The medicine should not be frozen.
    4. Store the drug in a sheltered place away from children and pets.

    Drops for eyes Sulfacil sodium are available in polyethylene bottles that are equipped with convenient droppers. The volume of the vials is 5 and 10 ml.

    Average price of the drug

    Sulfacil sodium is an indispensable attribute of the home medicine chest, as it is quite effective as a first aid for the eyes.

    The average cost in Russian pharmacies is 77-98 rubles, in Ukraine the drug will cost patients 8-12 UAH.

    Relative cheapness due to the fact that the preparation is manufactured by domestic manufacturers, which makes Sulfacil sodium one of the most affordable drugs.


    Pharmacists offer a lot of analogues of eye drops data:

    • Levomycetin
    • Toborex
    • Cypromed
    • Ophthalox
    • Normax
    • Floxal
    • Ophthalmic
    • Octetan
    • Sebizon and so on

    Read more - instructions for the use of Quinax. Detailed description of the preparation.

    In the news( here) all the analogues of Ophthalmoferon.

    Reviews about drops Natural Tear!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / sleza-naturalnaya.html

    Patient Reviews

    In general, a positive opinion prevails about the drug. There are a number of reasons for this. First, the effectiveness of Sulfacil sodium, tested for years and many patients.

    Secondly, low toxicity of the drug, allowing its use in the treatment of the eye( and not only) in young children. Thirdly, the easy availability of a medicine, associated with its cheapness.

    Of course, today sulfanilamide drugs are no longer in the lead among antibacterial drugs. Simply over time, bacteria acquire a certain stability to them. And pharmaceuticals constantly offer all new, improved medicines that have similar actions.

    And yet, the well-known, proven agent Sulfacil sodium significantly exceeds foreign counterparts at least at a price, and their effectiveness is almost the same. So do not overpay for beautiful packaging.


    Eye drops Sulfacil sodium is an effective remedy that has pronounced antimicrobial properties. The drug has a minimum of contraindications, so it is often used by pediatricians to treat conjunctivitis in newborns.

    Sulfacil sodium eliminates infectious diseases caused by various pathogenic microbes and bacteria. These are available and easy to apply eye drops. The drug is used both for preventive and therapeutic purposes.


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