Normalize eye pressure using Glaumax

Increased intraocular pressure is an unpleasant ailment.

Moreover, in the long term, it leads to a disease such as glaucoma that disrupts the functioning of the optic nerves and leads to a gradual deterioration of vision.

There are drugs on the market that normalize intraocular pressure and treat glaucoma.

Glaumax is one of these tools that we will analyze in this material.

    • 1.
    • instructions 2. Side effects and contraindications
    • 3. Analogs
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Summary
    • 7. Video


Composition and form of release

Latanaprost is the main active substancein the medicine, it contains 50 μg per 1 milliliter.

Among the auxiliary components contain purified water, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate( anhydrous), benzalkonium chloride.

Delivered to pharmacies in plastic bottles with drip nozzle-dispenser. One bottle contains 2.5 mg of the drug. Shelf life after the opening of the package - four weeks.

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Suspected glaucoma, open-angle glaucoma( 90% of the total incidence of glaucoma), increased ophthalmotonus( significant jumps in eye pressure).

How to use

Once a day, preferably in the evening, you need to apply one drop of the drug to the conjunctival sac. If for some reason the procedure was missed, the next day the dosage is not doubled.

If the drug is administered with a higher frequency, its effectiveness will decrease. The interval between applications with other drops should be at least 5 minutes.

Interaction with other medications

The combination of glaumax with timolol, epinephrine, acetosalomide has an additive effect, that is, they enhance the effect of each other.

But with drugs containing thiomersal, the use of glaumax is unacceptable - there is a harmful effect of precipitation.

Promotes lowering of intraocular pressure, can lead to dilatation of the pupil. The effect comes in four hours, lasts a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Study of the drug on pregnant women did not show any negative consequences.

However, it is better to consult with your doctor before using it.

For lactation use of drops should be discontinued, as its substances are able to penetrate into breast milk.

Glaumax is also contraindicated in children under 18 years of age and in allergens with hypersensitivity to latanoprost and other components of the drug.

You can not consume the medication internally. In case of an overdose, no harmful effects were noted, except for eye irritation and conjunctivitis.

Contact lenses may interfere with proper absorption of the substance, so remove them before the procedure.

Side effects of

. Among the interesting side effects, we can note the increased growth of eyelashes, as well as increasing their density and changing the direction of growth. But do not use the drug for such cosmetic purposes.

Glaumax can also change the color of the eyes. This is especially true for patients who do not have one specific bright eye color, but have mixed, transient colors.

This color change is usually irreversible, but after the drug is stopped it stops. However, when prescribing glaumax, doctors must warn patients about the possibility of such an effect.

The most unpleasant consequence of this is that when treating only one eye, its color will become different from the color of a healthy eye - there will be a heterochromia.

Other, more negative side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions, redness, swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of rashes on them.
  2. It is better not to use a medicine for diabetic retinopathy, it can lead to intraocular hemorrhage.
  3. Caution should be taken glauma at aphakia and damage to the lens cells. In this case, you must first consult a doctor.
  4. One of the side effects may be temporary blurring of the vision, so do not use the drug if after that you need to drive the vehicle.
  5. Blepharitis, conjunctival hyperemia, darkening of the skin of the eyelids.
  6. There may be burning in the eye, short-lived photophobia, increased lacrimation,
  7. Sometimes there is chest pain and angina

Anyone can face these diseases. Know their prevention and treatment:

  • Defeating blepharitis
  • Detailing for hemeralopia
  • Treating retinopathy


Latanoprost analogues, in the first place, can be classified as Latanoprost, which has the same name with the main active substance of the drops under consideration and also contains it in its basis.

Among other analogues it is possible to note glauprost , latatomol, xalatamax.


Country Price
Russia The cost of the drug ranges from 500-600 rubles in the regions and reaches about 800 rubles in Moscow.
Ukraine The price of the medicine is in the gap 150-300 hryvnia


In general, users note that if you use the medicine for its intended purpose and strictly follow the medicine, it justifies its price. Intraocular pressure is weakening after several procedures.

With complications such as discoloration of the eyes and changes in the growth of the eyebrows, a few percent of the patients experienced a strength of not more than 10%.

But allergic reactions, "clouding" of the eye and tingle were more common. But even here the percentage was relatively small.

There are practically no negative reviews on the Internet, from which it can be concluded that glaumax justifies the expectations placed on it.


So, glaumax is a medicine whose main goal is to reduce eye pressure and fight against glaucoma.

It is safe to use and relatively non-toxic, however, it can cause peculiar effects associated with the appearance of the eyes and eyelids.

The chance of their occurrence is small, but this possibility must always be borne in mind. Also, the drug is not suitable for serious eye disorders, such as diabetic retinopathy.

But for people whose eyes do not suffer from serious pathologies, these drops fit perfectly and reliably perform their work. Also to the disadvantages can be attributed a rather high price


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