Ophthalmic eye drops

Ophthalmodec is a medicinal product that has antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral and purifying action.

It is used in ophthalmology. This drug is able to exert an aggressive influence on gram-positive microflora.

These include staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci, as well as gram-negative microflora such as gonococcus and meningococcus, enterobacteria, pseudomonas, chlamydia, protozoa, corynebacteria, dermatophytes, many viruses and fungi.

The resistance of these organisms to the action of the ophthalmic eye grows very slowly. Let's move on to the instructions for using the drug.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Side effects of
    • 3. Conditions and periods of storage
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Analogues
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Video

Instruction for use

Indicationsto the application of

Ophthalmodec is used for the treatment of such diseases:

  • gonoblennorrhea;
  • defeat of the mucosa of eyes with chlamydia;
  • acute and chronic conjunctivitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis.
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This remedy is also used to prevent the onset of blenorrhea in newborns. Applied Ophthalmodec and before conducting operations on the organs of vision to prevent processes of purulent-inflammatory nature.

This medicine can process contact lenses for their decontamination.

Form release, composition


Drops for eyes, which is a transparent liquid in a plastic bottle with a dispenser cap with a capacity of 5 milliliters.

Put in a cardboard box with instruction

Active ingredient 0,002 milligrams of decamethoxin
Additional ingredients Water, sodium chloride

Method of application

For the treatment of inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, two or three drops of Ophthalmodec should be injected into each conjunctival bag no more than six timesduring the day. The course of treatment usually lasts up to two weeks.

Newborns are immediately injected into the eye with two drops of this drug immediately after birth, and two hours later repeat this procedure.

During the operation, the patient is prescribed two or three drops to the patient six times a day before the forthcoming intervention and for four or five days afterwards.

To prevent the treatment of contact lenses, Ophthalmodec can be used in two ways:

  • apply one or two drops of this medication onto the inside of each lens, and then put them on the eyes;
  • , place the lenses for ten to fifteen minutes in Ophthalmodec's solution, then rinse with sterile isotonic solution.

Interaction with other drugs

To date, there is no data on the interaction of Ophthalmodec with other drugs, but its ability to enhance the action of other antimicrobial agents.

If the patient uses other eye drops at the same time as these drops, then he should adhere between their 15-minute intervals.

Side effects of

In some cases, the application of the above-described drops can provoke the appearance of eye irritation, which is expressed in redness and itching. Such sensations can arise only in those patients who are hypersensitive to the active substance of this drug.


The only contraindication to the use of Ophthalmodec is the patient's hypersensitivity to decamethoxin.

When Pregnant

The drug can be used for therapy in pregnant women only under the strict supervision of physicians.

As mentioned above, the drug can be used to prevent purulent processes before surgery. Details about the reasons for their appearance can be found here:

  • Why can an adult have festering eyes?
  • Causes of pain in the corners of the eyes
  • Description of the disease dacryocystitis

Conditions and shelf life

Store Ophthalmic is necessary in a dark place, securely hidden from children's access. The temperature of the air should not be above 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drops is three years, but after printing the bottle they should be used for two weeks.


Average price in Russia

In pharmacies of Russian cities, Ophthalmodec drops can be bought for about 45 rubles.

Average cost in Ukraine

In Ukrainian pharmacies the approximate cost of the above described drug is 20 UAH.


There are a number of medicines that are similar in their actions to Ophthalmodec. These include:

  • Decamethoxin;
  • Decag;
  • Oftadek;
  • Okodek;
  • Stillwall ;
  • Floxal;
  • Cromoglyn;
  • Therapy.


Most patients report ophthalmic drops positively. The main advantages of this drug they call affordable cost, the ability to use for the treatment of young children, high efficiency and ease of use.


  1. Ophthalmodec is a medical preparation that is available in the form of eye drops.
  2. It has an antibacterial effect that extends to most harmful microorganisms that cause eye diseases.
  3. The only contraindication to the use of these drops is hypersensitivity to their components.
  4. Drops Ophthalmodec can process contact lenses for the purpose of their disinfection.
  5. Ophthalmodec can be used to treat children and pregnant women.
  6. Side effects of this medication are extremely rare.
  7. There are drugs that can replace Ophthalmo.
  8. Drops are affordable and have a good reputation among patients.


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