Vizomitin - drops with an innovative approach to the treatment of eye diseases

Visimitin refers to a drug with an entirely new approach to the treatment of eye diseases. It is an innovative antioxidant that neutralizes active( bad) oxygen in the mitochondria( cell energy centers).

The uniqueness of the drug lies in the penetration of positively charged molecules directly into the mitochondria.

This targeted delivery requires a small amount of a strong antioxidant to produce the desired effect.

High antioxidant activity of Vizomitin allows to classify the drug as an innovative drug of a new generation.

    • 1. Information from the manual and not only
    • 2. Other useful information about Visomitin
    • 3. People's feedback on the results of the application of Visomitin
    • 4. The result of

It is effective for treating those diseases that medicine today finds intractable oreven incurable.

Information from the manual and not only

Visimitin is an eye drop in the form of a clear, colorless or slightly colored liquid. In another way the drug is called "Drops Skulacheva", "Ionami Skulacheva" - named after academician V. Skulachev, under whose guidance the medicine was developed.

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Form release - in the form of bottles of 5 ml.

Unique properties of eye drops

Active substance Visomitin in low concentrations has a high antioxidant effect. As a result of this, the useful properties of Visomitin are manifested:

  • protection of cells from harmful free radical damage,
  • normalization of the production of the intrinsic tear,
  • increase in the stability of the tear film,
  • improvement in metabolic processes in the eye tissues,
  • cessation of lacrimal gland degeneration,
  • improvement of its functioning,
  • elimination of inflammation of the eyes( redness, foreign body and dryness).

Many patients have tried the action of Vizomitin, which they wrote in their reviews. You can read them at the end of the article.

Read more about other eye drops - instructions for Oftagel. Composition, useful properties and contraindications of the drug + a list of reviews and price.

In the next article( tuts) review of vitamins - Complivit Ophthalmo. Why and how to apply them correctly.

Slowing down the whole organism

Academician V. Skulachev is sure that Visomitin prevents aging of the whole organism. In some diseases, active oxygen( damaging biomolecules) increases, and the cell loses its protection.

As a result, the development of age-related diseases begins:

  • stroke of the brain,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • cardiac arrhythmia,
  • kidney ischemia.

Introduction to the mitochondria of such a powerful antioxidant as Visomitin, can cure age-related diseases and thereby slow down the process of withering the whole organism.

To whom the preparation

is intended. Visomitin drops are shown with:

  • age-related changes in the lacrimal gland,
  • dry eye syndrome,
  • "computer syndrome".

As the preparation continues to improve, in the future it will be prescribed with:

  • cataract,
  • glaucoma,
  • in the complex therapy of any inflammatory eye diseases.

Preliminary data from ongoing clinical trials show the high efficacy of Visomithin in the treatment of cataracts without surgery.

How to use

1-2 drops are injected into the conjunctival sac per day three times. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, which depends on the severity of the signs of the disease.

Other useful information about Visomitin

If it is necessary to simultaneously apply with other eye drops between them, the interval should be at least 5 minutes.

After instillation, blurred vision may sometimes occur for a short time. Until it recovers, you can not drive vehicles or carry out activities requiring increased attention.

Drops should be stored in the absence of light at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C.Their shelf life is one year. The open vial should be used for a month.


There are no analogues of Visomitin with the same active component.


In Russian pharmacies the average price of Visomitin 499 rub. In drugstores of Ukraine, the drug costs an average of 380 UAH.

Testimonials of people about the results of Visomitin application

Lisa .My eyes get tired and dry. By the end of the day completely red. The ophthalmologist appointed Visomitin in confidence that he would remove all problems. Previously, I used the drops of Sitain Ultra. It took only half an hour, then again. Vizomitin I drip for two months. First up to 4 times a day. Now only in the morning before work and in the evening. At work I do not take. The impression is good. My eyes stopped drying.

Elena .Vizomitin drip three months, one drop twice a day. Prior to its use, vision was +2.25.Recently checked - it's +1.75.Yes, I myself am watching the improvement of vision. I started working at my computer without glasses.

All reviews about Lutein Complex! Read the opinions of patients, is the drug worth its worth?

In the news( link) about what causes the hemorrhage in the eye.

Why are my eyes itchy?http: // zud-v-glazakh.html

Ilya .I apply Vizomitin the third month. I started with 4 times a day. I was afraid of getting used to the eyes when the drops did not work. But nothing was worried. Now I drip on the weekend once( almost do not sit at the computer), and on working days twice( in the mornings and evenings).Pain and pain in my eyes completely gone. The result is satisfied.

Roman .If necessary, I have to work at the computer for a long time. Sometimes a day for 10 hours. Eyes are very tired and dry all the time. The oculist was prescribed by Visomitin. I'm dripping the second month. Eyes ceased to be tired. Dryness has passed. Drops really helped.

Natalia .My mom was diagnosed with age-related cataracts. They said that in about two months, an operation would be needed to replace the lens. Mom decided not to hurry up with the operation and bought drops for the eyes of Vizomitin. The fifth month drips. Recently, she showed herself to the doctor, and she was told that the operation was not needed, because the cataract became smaller.

Result of

In all cases of using Visimitin, vision has improved. However, it is useful to know about the contraindications to this drug.

These include:

  • hypersensitivity to drug components,
  • age limit to 18 years,
  • pregnancy.

If during the lactation period there is a need for prescribing, then during the treatment should be abandoned breastfeeding.

Dry eye syndrome is a disease associated with an age-related decrease in the amount of tear produced and a deterioration in its quality. Existing drugs for its treatment are, in fact, options for "artificial tears," requiring a continuous instillation process to reproduce the normal number of tears in the eye.

A fundamentally different approach to the drug "Vizomitin".It is the world's first registered antioxidant for direct action on metochondria. To date, Vizomitin is the only drug that not only relieves symptoms, but also struggles with the causes of the disease.

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