Treating eye diseases with Cycloptic

Diseases of the eye can be manifested in different ways.

However, all these symptoms are united by one - at the first detection they should immediately go to the hospital for help.

Only the professionalism of the doctor, as well as correctly selected treatment will help to preserve the vision of a person for a long period of time.

For the treatment of eye diseases, an ophthalmologist may prescribe a Cycloptic medication. Let us examine what kind of a drug it is.

Contents 1.
    • Instructions 1. Instructions
    • 3. Storage conditions
    • 3. Storage conditions
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Analogs
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Quick Tips
    • 8. Video


The instructions contain information aboutdrug combination, indications, recommended dosage, contraindications, side effects, and also during pregnancy.

This information should be carefully examined so that no unpleasant consequences subsequently arise.


The drug can be prescribed as a diagnostic for refraction, as well as for ophthalmoscopy.

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The medicine is also prescribed for the treatment of such diseases of the anterior part of the eye as keratitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis, and episcleritis( it is used only as part of complex treatment).

In addition, the drug Cycloptic is often used during preoperative preparation for the extraction of cataracts.

Method of reception

Duration of treatment is determined only by a specialist.

For diagnosis: 2 drops of medicine in each conjunctival sac. If required, the procedure is repeated after a few minutes.

To achieve cycloplaying in the study of refraction, use the drug in a dosage of 3 drops 3 times a day.

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases, Cycloptic is prescribed in a dosage of 1 drop 3 times / day. Treatment lasts 5 days, if the doctor considers it necessary, then the therapy is doubled. If the condition is severe, then the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 1 drop every 3 hours.

For children, as well as newborns, Cycloptic 0.5% is prescribed in a dosage of 1 drop in each bag. If this dosage is not enough, then in a few minutes the procedure is repeated.


Medication Cycloptic is available in the form of drops intended for the eyes. The liquid is clear, has a yellowish tinge. The drug has a not very pleasant smell.

The composition includes cyclopentolate hydrochloride, as well as potassium chloride, purified water, benzalkonium chloride, sodium carbonate solution, and hydrochloric acid.

Drug combination

Before starting treatment, you should inform the doctor about taking any other medications.

The active substance of the drug increases the effect of adrenomimetics several times. In addition, it is important to consider that the drug reduces the effectiveness of m-cholinomimetics, as well as cholinesterase inhibitors.

Adverse events

As a result of taking the remedy, the patient may have symptoms such as:

  • Hyperemia, photophobia, decreased vision, puffiness of the eye, acne keratitis, increased pressure inside the eye, blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • Pain sensations in the head, urine retention, nausea, drowsiness, intestinal atony, dry mouth, general weakness, vomiting, dizziness, and tachycardia.

Symptoms of overdose are seizures, ataxia, coma( can lead to death), hallucinations, increased excitement, fatigue, loss of orientation in space.


Medication Cycloptic is not recommended for people who have also been diagnosed with such diseases, as well as conditions like:

  1. Presence of closed glaucoma.
  2. Allergies to individual components that make up the drug.
  3. Age of the child under 3 years.
  4. If there are suspicions of glaucoma( only by a doctor's decision).

In addition, caution may be given to patients who are in advanced age. Cycloptic medicine is also cautiously prescribed when the patient has intestinal obstruction or prostatic hyperplasia.


It is better to refuse pregnancy during the pregnancy. This is due to the ability of the active substance to penetrate the placenta, adversely affecting the fetus.

If there is a need to receive funds, then a softer analogue should be selected.

During the period of breastfeeding the child from taking the medicine, Cyclotype is also better to refuse. The fact is that through breast milk the active substance can penetrate into the baby's body, having a negative effect on it.

If the use of the product can not be denied, and none of the existing analogs is not suitable, then before taking the baby should be transferred to artificial nutrition.

Storage conditions

Storage requirements The medicinal product should be stored in a dry place that is protected from direct sunlight
Acceptable temperature Must be no more than 25 degrees
Shelf life Not more than two years. After the expiration of the implementation period, further use of the product is contraindicated
Precautions It is not recommended to allow children free access to the medicine


To specify the exact cost of the medication you need at the pharmacy.

Price is based on the mark-up of the pharmacy, as well as the cost of transportation. The cost in Ukraine and Russia will be different. For example, consider Kiev and Moscow.


On the territory of Russia, the price of the medicine was set at around 450 rubles.


In Kiev, the price of the drug Cycloptic was established at around 234 hryvnia.

To avoid diseases and preserve the health of the eyes, you can use the following tools:

  • Vitamins for the eyes Blueberry Forte
  • Aloe extract by Fedorov
  • What if the vision falls from the computer?


Only a physician can assign an analogue.

Analogues of the drug Cycloptic are such drugs as Tropicamide, Atropine, Irifrin, Cyclomed, Midratsil, and Bloomax.


People taking this medication note the high effectiveness of the drug. In addition, patients are very fond of the availability of analogues, which allows you to choose a more budgetary drug.

However, on the Internet there are not only positive reviews, but also negative ones. Some of the side effects occurred in severe form, which caused discomfort to patients.

As a result, the mood of people was badly spoiled, and therefore the impression of the drug. In addition, some do not like the high cost of the drug.


Before you start, it's important to read not only the reviews and instructions, but also with some tips that also contain important information.

  • You need to present a prescription from your doctor to purchase the product.
  • The drug affects the person at the time of machine control. That's why on the roads should be extremely concentrated.
  • Before starting treatment, check the intraocular pressure;
  • In case of side effects from taking the remedy should be discarded. Next, you need to go to the hospital for further advice and selection of a substitute.
  • In order to avoid fluid entering the nasopharynx, the lower lacrimal point should be pressed down with a finger.
  • Doctors do not recommend self-medication. This is due to the fact that the patient can cause irreparable harm to his body.


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